看板 MLB
作者 smartanko (誰能比我寬)
標題 [情報] Braves Release Dan Uggla
時間 Sat Jul 19 07:03:58 2014

2:05pm: The Braves announced that they have officially released Uggla.

The 34-year-old Uggla’s tenure with the Braves came to a rocky end, to say
the least, as the former All-Star slugger’s bat has eroded over the past few
seasons. Dating back to Opening Day 2013, Uggla is hitting just
.175/.295/.332 with a 31 percent strikeout rate. However, Uggla still has
about $5.2MM remaining on this year’s $13MM salary before earning $13MM next
year, which likely made the Braves reluctant to cut ties, as they hoped to
salvage some value from those years. The Uggla saga has been an ongoing
source of frustration for many Braves fans, even after Uggla lost the vast
majority of his playing time to young second baseman Tommy La Stella.

Originally acquired from the Marlins in exchange for Mike Dunn and Omar
Infante, Uggla quickly signed a five-year, $62MM extension with the Braves.
While he cracked 36 homers in his first year in Atlanta and batted
233/.311/.453, things went south quickly from that point forth. Uggla’s
power faded in the second half of an otherwise fairly typical season in 2012,
leaving him with a .220/.348/.384 triple-slash.

Overall, Uggla will spend only three and a half seasons of his five-year deal
with the Braves, and his time in Atlanta will conclude with a .209/.317/.391
line. Baseball-Reference pegs his time with the Braves at 2.5 WAR, while
Fangraphs is more fond of his first two years with the club and values him at
5.3 WAR. Either way, the contract certainly didn’t pan out the way that
Braves GM Frank Wren had hoped it would.

As for next steps for Uggla, he’ll first have to clear release waivers —
 which should be no problem given his remaining salary — before he is free
to sign with a new club. Any team could then roll the dice on Uggla for the
pro-rated portion of the league minimum. Teams with a need at second base


包括Brandon Phillips受傷的紅人、以及巨人隊、藍鳥隊和運動家隊最有可能

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1405724642.A.91B.html
jack18262:也退化的太快惹1F 07/19 07:05
OceanAdin:開心的洞一洞  阿格拉2F 07/19 07:20
nickyang:不用錢多,不然怎麼會有綠帽XD3F 07/19 07:29
OoyaoO:不用錢多 這些錢世ATL要付的4F 07/19 07:36
Ivers:阿克5F 07/19 08:31
itaiitai:終於..6F 07/19 08:37
Kobelephants:還有隻B.J7F 07/19 08:48
chsh410862:BJ有點起色,阿瓜真的太慘8F 07/19 08:53
k994win:掰掰阿瓜9F 07/19 09:09
eon4:終於放棄治療了10F 07/19 09:10
evilAllen:不能巴頭了QQ11F 07/19 09:15
willyt:開心的洞一洞12F 07/19 09:17
Brothre23:是指撿走他的球隊到合約走完為止不用付半毛錢?13F 07/19 09:23
vg175:直接釋出不經過DFA的話就可以直接跟Uggla的經紀人談新合約吧擺在讓渡名單的時候被撿走的話好像有規定至少要付多少錢忘了14F 07/19 09:51
OoyaoO:記得是要付基本薪 剩下部分由釋出球隊負擔 不知道有無記錯16F 07/19 09:51
vg175:他今年雖然悽慘但至少有打過一發GS幫球隊逆轉贏一場球17F 07/19 09:52
qozxcv:綠帽會撿嗎?18F 07/19 09:59
EEERRIICC:BJ不是連幾場安打XD19F 07/19 10:07
lowl99:早就該滾了,都已經變成毒瓜,看老東家馬林魚要不要他了~20F 07/19 10:14
JessicaA1ba:他怎麼了?怎麼會退化得跟瀑布一樣21F 07/19 10:43
burnitzlin:之前在馬林魚不是也是這樣,後來在勇士又修好,結果....22F 07/19 10:50

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