看板 MLB
作者 Zamned (扎姆德)
標題 [外電] 小熊老闆:別吵喏!我跟你買!好唄!
時間 Fri Oct 24 09:45:00 2014

Cubs: Ricketts may be close to deal for some Wrigley rooftops | CSN Chicago
CSN's David Kaplan has learned the Ricketts family and some Wrigley rooftop buildings are moving closer to a deal which would see some rooftops surrounding Wrigley Field sold to the Ricketts. ...





With the long delayed Wrigley Field renovation project finally underway and
the demolition of the bleachers the first step in a $575 million overhaul of
the stadium and surrounding area, the big question is what will happen with
the rooftops that have long opposed the stadium renovation plan.

That icy relationship which has long been contentious and had both sides
threatening litigation over the past several years may be thawing and could
see a number of the rooftop buildings sold to the Ricketts family. Multiple
sources have confirmed to me over the past few days that negotiations are
going on between the Cubs and several owners of rooftop buildings on both
Waveland and Sheffield that border the bleachers in both left and right
field. The negotiations, which had been superficial since the Ricketts family
purchased the Cubs in October of 2009, heated up recently after the
renovation plan received final approval from the City of Chicago.

According a source close to the rooftops, the negotiations have taken on a
much friendlier spirit with both sides trying to find a common ground that
helps the Ricketts family address their renovation and signage needs,
eliminates the threat of litigation for potentially blocking some rooftop
views into the ballpark and provides a financial deal that the rooftop owners
can find acceptable. “Despite years of acrimonious negotiations and public
sniping that has pitted the two sides against one another, things have gotten
much better. The Ricketts family has been amazingly fair, and Tom has been a
man of his word throughout these latest discussions. He and his brothers and
sister want the rooftop owners to get a fair deal, and Tom has been clear in
his instructions to the rest of his team that he wants things handled that
way. Now what they think is fair and what the rooftop owners think is fair
could still end up being two entirely different things but I believe that a
deal will get done before Opening Day,” a source with extensive knowledge of
the talks told me tonight.

Another source who has worked closely with the rooftops for the past several
years confirmed to me tonight that a handful of rooftops are not dealing from
the strongest financial position and are looking to get out from under heavy
financial pressure that came about from a number of factors. Loans taken to
upgrade their buildings, the last place finishes by the Cubs over the past
five years and a negative public perception of the rooftop businesses that
was generated during the stalled renovation negotiations have all contributed
to a willingness to sell their buildings if the Ricketts family offers fair
market value. “I believe that a deal will get done with some of the owners
of the buildings and it could be done before Opening Day but it will happen
if and only if what they are hearing from Tom and Crane Kenney comes to
fruition. It appears that there is a middle ground but until contracts are
signed nothing is guaranteed to happen,” a rooftop source told me.

It is believed that George Loukas, who is one of the most successful
businessmen in Wrigleyville has been negotiating with the Cubs to finalize a
sale of at least one of his rooftop buildings. Loukas would not comment when
I reached him by phone but multiple sources confirmed to me that he has been
in discussions and those talks are closing in on a deal. A handful of other
building owners have also reportedly had discussions with the Cubs and those
talks are also believed to have moved well beyond the exploratory stage.

地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1414115103.A.B6D.html
※ 編輯: Zamned (, 10/24/2014 09:45:48
Zamned:轉錄至看板 Cubs                                          10/24 09:46
corlos: 小熊  總冠軍!1F 10/24 09:48
TKW5566: 為2015打算2F 10/24 09:52
seeyou1002: 要拿冠軍一定要先拆附近建築的啊3F 10/24 10:03
bkm1: 為2015奪冠後全場拋彩帶準備4F 10/24 10:07
johnny132: 先拆座墊5F 10/24 10:08
mrkey: 可惜啊, rooftop seats 要成絕響了6F 10/24 10:08
shawshien: 希望可以保留一些rooftop seats
不然以後就站在紅線地鐵站上看比賽好囉7F 10/24 10:45
ElDuque: 小熊老闆:不要起爭議啦!先拆大樓!公道價啦!9F 10/24 11:01
newest: 收購價八萬一10F 10/24 11:01
hydeless: 在CTA上看不是更好 (誤)11F 10/24 11:01
jinn66: 回到未來2預言 2015小熊冠軍!快實現了~12F 10/24 11:02
acidrain: 小熊2015拿冠軍!13F 10/24 11:14
lazyming: hoborboard都有試作版出現了 小熊拿冠軍也只是意料之中14F 10/24 11:30
kevinloo: hoberboard? hoverboard? hoboboard? hodor....15F 10/24 11:38
GX90160SS: 小熊2015拿冠軍16F 10/24 12:18
yankees733: 小熊2015有老大在穩妥當的啦!17F 10/24 12:26
Seiran: 拿冠軍要先拆外場18F 10/24 12:44
Basket0205: 先拆坐墊19F 10/24 13:37
Acer: 2015年無條件支持小熊20F 10/24 13:47
Roshiel: 讓一些居民免費看不好嗎?還是怕真的奪冠那些觀眾會跳樓?21F 10/24 14:34
corlos: 明年世界大賽的門票最低3000美金起跳22F 10/24 14:37
Atropos0723: 真免費就算了,問題是那些屋主還搞包廂出租賺錢23F 10/24 15:28
akila08539: 2015拿冠軍~!24F 10/24 15:43
Zamned: 那個外野看台是要付費的 而且還不便宜
前老闆和看台主有訂合約 看台主要付錢給小熊
只是現在的老闆要修主場 而且嫌權利金太低
變成主場要新增什麼玩意 都容易擋到外面的觀眾視線25F 10/24 17:05
vergilmir: 2015唯一選擇 請支持小熊拿冠軍!!!30F 10/24 18:28
proletariat: 2015小熊拿冠軍!!!!31F 10/24 19:18
digimaster: http://youtu.be/edkQdkZeeFg 先來預習一下 :D32F 10/24 20:28
Cubs Win MLB 12 The Show Full Length Commercial - YouTube
MLB 12 The Show for PS3 and PS Vita has arrived and with it, the ability to experience the majors like you never have before. The Show is so jaw-droppingly r...

mrkey: 如果左外野要搞videoboard, Waveland 的就真的沒搞頭了
不過Sheffield那一側有要搞什麼嗎?33F 10/24 20:47

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