看板 MLB
作者 Krislad (席藍)
標題 [閒聊] Bonds認為A-Rod不會破他的全壘打紀錄
時間 Wed Apr 13 13:49:04 2016

Barry Bonds says Alex Rodriguez won’t catch home run record - NY Daily News A-Rod--who hit 33 home runs last season at the age of 40-- needs 75 more to pass Bonds. ...


 If Alex Rodriguez sticks to his plan to hang up the cleats after the 2017
season, home run king Barry Bonds says there is no chance A-Rod will catch
and pass him on baseball’s all-time home run list.

“No, not in two years,” Bonds told the Daily News Monday afternoon, prior
to the series opener between the Mets and Marlins at Citi Field.

A-Rod’s current contract runs out after next season, and he would need to
hit 74 home runs before then — assuming he doesn’t sign a new deal — to
catch and tie Bonds, 75 to become baseball’s new home run king. A-Rod hit 33
home runs last season but prior to that hadn’t reached the 30-home run mark
since 2010. He’d have to average 37 homers for what’s left of this season
and next to catch Bonds.


就在馬林魚隊作客大都會時,打擊教練Barry Bonds接受紐約媒體採訪時表示他認為




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boss1220: 為什麼這個吃藥的人感覺發言都很嗆1F 04/13 13:54
KKyosuke: 這哪裡嗆了?  A-Rod兩年打75支難度是很高啊2F 04/13 13:56
ache0128: 本來就有難得,只是陳述事實3F 04/13 14:00
notmuchmoney: A-Rod上一個HR37+球季已經是9年前 現在要他打出兩季打出平均37發成績 這難道不知該怎麼形容4F 04/13 14:06
mygoing: 主要應該是我到退休都有* 他現在沒有*了 要破的確有難度6F 04/13 14:07
Kobelephants: ARod今年的狀況,有20隻就要偷笑了7F 04/13 14:15
z2114422: 硬要說BB有*的也不知道要說什麼了8F 04/13 14:15
postpone: 時代的眼淚
法院不是都認證過9F 04/13 14:18
Hfy0920: 今年20就偷笑? 是忘了他去年打幾隻11F 04/13 14:43
siliver: 再多打個兩年還有可能.....12F 04/13 14:43
BrandonMai: 老爹>>>>>>>>ARo13F 04/13 14:44
kazumi66: 還不簡單  再XX兩年就OK拉(咦?14F 04/13 14:51
hoos891405: BB是真英雄!因為黑人而被歧視謝謝15F 04/13 14:52
niravaabhas: 酸*的真的很好笑XD16F 04/13 15:29
ttyl5566: 扯到腫足騎士是怎樣......17F 04/13 15:31
Mitch: 紀錄*18F 04/13 15:44
yaki1982: 兩季不夠不會打三季嗎19F 04/13 16:09
notmuchmoney: 推文出現老爹 是想提醒什麼嗎20F 04/13 16:14
TaiwanNeko: 少了2013~2014的1.5季差很多
話說現在還能扛NYY中心棒次,真的有需要這麼快退嗎@@?21F 04/13 16:17
ysfang623: Bonds不是連檢察官都放棄上訴了嗎  認證甚麼?23F 04/13 16:18
decorum: Arod破紀錄 也不會是在NYY24F 04/13 16:26
BrandonMai: 提醒同樣是生涯末期,主宰力大勝ARod25F 04/13 16:45
YummyBosh: Pippen覺得Curry無法破72勝26F 04/13 16:50
notmuchmoney: 不是***阿 原來如此27F 04/13 17:08
hbk20491: 去年還有30發 合約還有今年跟明天 打完再簽一年剛好破28F 04/13 17:44
mouz: 未看先猜生涯最後一場四轟平五轟破紀錄29F 04/13 17:58
qlz: 坦白說如果只有兩年, 要追上Hank都不見得容易30F 04/13 18:05

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