看板 MLB
作者 ChrisDavis (工業電風扇)
標題 [情報] 巨人準備跟Bumgarner討論新合約了
時間 Fri Oct 14 20:38:58 2016

The San Francisco Giants have informed Madison Bumgarner and his
representatives that they are ready to begin discussions on a new contract.

Bumgarner previously signed a six-year, $35.56 million deal through 2017 that
includes $12 million club options for the 2018 and 2019 seasons.

"We want to make sure Madison is here for the long haul," Bobby Evans said.
"We'll certainly be available when they're ready to talk. We continue to
exchange volleys. We're ready when they're ready. I've even talked to
Madison. We're very clear."

Bumgarner先前簽下一紙6M 35.56M的合約 包括2018跟2019的兩年各12M的Club Options

GM Bobby Evans希望可以把MadBum留在舊金山,而且已經準備好諾

                            Postseason ERA
1.David Price     7y/217M       5.54
2.Clayton Kershaw 7y/215M       4.79
3.C.C. Sabathia   7y/161M       4.53
4.Jon Lester      6y/155M       2.63
5.Cole Hamels     6y/144M       3.48

MadBum現役ERA第二數據略輸科蕭,但是季後賽鬼神還有三冠+WS MVP以及季後賽2.11ERA

應該會比兩位現役高薪但是季後賽軟手心理素質不好 3>0 的美普國科還高吧


Giants Ready To Discuss New Contract With Madison Bumgarner - RealGM Wiretap Check out the latest news, rumors and information on the Baseball at RealGM.com. ...



             Yes I know Syndergaard is throwing 90 mph change ups.
                            Don't @ me please.
                                                   by ithrow88

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※ 編輯: ChrisDavis (, 10/14/2016 20:39:17
jet113102: 感覺這篇會釣兩隻魚以上?1F 10/14 20:40
Illusionyo: 我覺得引戰痕跡太明顯 失敗2F 10/14 20:41
amyer: 應該會大於3年87M,我的觀察啦3F 10/14 20:42
sonnyissonny: 有機會再生出一位年薪3000萬鎂?4F 10/14 20:45
mightymouse: 數據「略輸」柯蕭,這個略的蠻大的5F 10/14 20:46
JohnLackey: 當然要30M阿 加季後賽威能多+10M 一年40M不過份6F 10/14 20:48
ctbdog: 87M不能再多了7F 10/14 20:49
zyx12320: (〞︶〝*)8F 10/14 20:53
sai9288: 大概跟你差不多高而已吧9F 10/14 20:53
c871111116: 還有個季後軟手的Price沒提到  差評10F 10/14 20:58
※ 編輯: ChrisDavis (, 10/14/2016 21:04:39
TokyoHard: 3M加上季後賽激勵獎金每勝6M,每次救援4M,打到上限50M!11F 10/14 21:05
SStrasburg: 略輸XDDD12F 10/14 21:08
matonw: 會有打擊獎金嗎13F 10/14 21:09
rssh0106: 柯蕭的成就算近代棒球史的障礙。還是有點難比
但我估頂多小輸個3-5M/Y14F 10/14 21:09
chon34: 簽個長約 然後偶數年薪水比奇數年高 反正奇數年連季後賽都進不去薪水給少一點  偶數年需要借助靈氣新水給多一點XD16F 10/14 21:15
phoenix286: 軟手呵呵18F 10/14 21:21
Romeo5566: 真Ace 另一個是Lester 現代薪資應該考慮季後賽加成19F 10/14 21:22
Kapersky: 還要會後援 = =20F 10/14 21:23
Romeo5566: 高薪的公式  只參考季賽 根本沒道理21F 10/14 21:23
Kapersky: 自動請纓 關最後一道門   錢有比較多22F 10/14 21:23
ChrisDavis: 我個人覺得會打擊先+5M 季後賽+10M 偶數年+10M
加一加大概45M per year23F 10/14 21:24
Sebastian: 原來Price合約比Kershaw好25F 10/14 21:35
a2156700: 簽個業務合約吧 底薪15M 頂新45M26F 10/14 21:37
jaybaby: 大衛價錢那個合約 (〞︶〝*)27F 10/14 21:42
paso: 給薪是值得再高拉 但是那個牛棚 那個救援 拜託弄一下28F 10/14 21:49
msekili: 真王牌29F 10/14 22:02
dragon50119: 抗癌季候賽真的好猛30F 10/14 22:20
Okamoto003: 季後賽也不是只靠一位投手強就能進的啊...31F 10/14 22:43
needshe520: 一定要留阿,只是不知道會不會多花錢32F 10/14 22:53
noahlin: ERA+第二分明是Sale...瘋邦季賽ERA+第九
考量到薪資通膨 2020開始簽個6y/180M延長應該蠻划算33F 10/14 22:54
※ 編輯: ChrisDavis (, 10/14/2016 23:00:52
rex9999: Price的確是over price35F 10/14 23:14

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