作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 綠帽要再補強三壘手
時間 Mon Dec 16 22:04:02 2024


A's GM David Forst said there are still open conversations for starting pitchers
 following the Jeffrey Springs trade: "We'll have to weigh those with the opport
unities we have for other spots. I wouldn't rule (adding another SP) out."

A's also looking to add a third baseman.




That risk of a grievance is due to the fact that A’s will collect 100% of their
 revenue-sharing dollars in 2025 for the first time under the current collective
 bargaining agreement.



While the team received just 25% of their allotment in 2022, that figured increa
sed to 50% in 2023 and 75% in 2024 before finally reaching 100% in 2025.


2022 25%
2023 50%
2024 75%
2025 100%

The issue for the A’s stems from the fact that the CBA requires revenue sharing
 recipients to spend more than 150% of their revenue sharing money on MLB payrol


Drellich and Rosenthal go on to report that A’s could receive $70MM or more in
revenue sharing after drawing the worst attendance figures in baseball last year
, which would mean the club needs to reach a player payroll of $105MM or more fo
r luxury tax purposes in 2025 in order to avoid risking a grievance




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-12-16 22:04:02
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dO3DKYw (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1734357844.A.8BA.html
ACUNAJR: 阮棟換Miller1F 12/16 22:50
TomHansen: 簽Donaldson2F 12/16 23:00
saiulbb: 不然這樣好了 之前Miller被打槍那包從新調整一下3F 12/16 23:03
ashilol: 買蹦哥送走路人 參考一下4F 12/16 23:08
saiulbb: Miller<-> Bohm+Casty吃半薪+Walker吃全薪+Painter 如何?5F 12/16 23:12
slyheart: Bangman簽下去6F 12/16 23:26
n61208: 亞瑞納多就是你了7F 12/16 23:52
taxlaw1991: Bangman買下去8F 12/17 00:07
SlamKai: 費城人來電9F 12/17 00:33
TomHansen: 丟Painter 哪裡來的想法10F 12/17 00:33
fjzd1267: 動Painter不行啦11F 12/17 00:35
jino01: 幫其他隊吃垃圾合約,順便補農場正好12F 12/17 01:28
f0857785: 納豆有NTC,不然蠻適合的13F 12/17 01:42
jonsir: 天使貼點東西把阮棟包出去好了 反正綠帽想填薪資14F 12/17 02:18
Adam6613: 費城人的#覺得不差包 跟天使的Rendon潮值組合大禮包 二選一 這畫面太美15F 12/17 06:47
saidon: 綠帽都搬離奧克蘭了 所以軟動去綠帽也不用擔心遇到之前跟他差點幹架的球迷xd17F 12/17 07:05
wenhh88: 綠帽發大財了嗎?19F 12/17 07:37
Catalyst: Miller換我費Bohm哥+走路人  全明星三壘手 我費小虧20F 12/17 08:38
lkkgotyy: 費城人哪裡虧= =21F 12/17 09:17
choobii: 3樓大才小用專家又來亂了喔?還Painter勒22F 12/17 09:21
ashilol: Painter非賣品23F 12/17 09:24

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