作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外電] 那個抓Betts手腕的球迷收到一坨屎
時間 Thu Feb  6 11:27:03 2025

來源:The Athletic
How banned Yankees fan Austin Capobianco’s life has changed since his infamous World Series moment - The Athletic
Capobianco grabbed Mookie Betts' glove in front of 16 million viewers in Game 4. Now he wishes it never happened. ...


How banned Yankees fan Austin Capobianco’s life has changed since his
infamous World Series moment
在那個著名時刻後 終身水桶的洋基球迷的人生就此改變

Austin Capobianco has grown accustomed to the blowback. It’s been more than
three months since the 38-year-old Connecticut man grabbed and pried open the
glove of Los Angeles Dodgers right fielder Mookie Betts in Game 4 of the
World Series at Yankee Stadium. He’s received hundreds of texts and
voicemails from strangers telling him to go to hell or worse.
Austin Capobianco已經習慣了被反諷攻擊。自從在世界大賽G4,在洋基球場抓了道奇
右外野手Mookie Betts的手,還要撥開手套,這已經三個多月了。38歲的Austin

He’s been excoriated on social media — just one penance for a sin witnessed
live on television by 16 million people and replayed countlessly online since.

But this winter, not long before Capobianco would receive a letter from Major
League Baseball indefinitely banning him from all MLB stadiums, the arrival
of a different sort of delivery left him stunned.

He answered a phone call from his brother, who told him that a box had

arrived at the doorstep of their parents’ house in a sleepy suburb on the
shoreline of Connecticut.

There was no name on it. It had some weight.

Wary to open it, a Google search of the return address led them to a company
that specializes in sending anonymous packages filled with a particular

“It was poop,” Capobianco said.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: pneumo 2025-02-06 11:27:03
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1df2m9nf (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1738812425.A.C69.html
charlie01: piece of shit1F 02/06 11:28
Nikagnef: 笑死2F 02/06 12:17
kenkenken31: 騷擾到當事人的父母與兄弟,根本不是什麼私刑正義,只是趁風向行惡而已.....3F 02/06 12:38
miname: 他扳別人手的時候也沒想過對方家人會不會沒飯吃5F 02/06 12:44
a2156700: 不錯了 只是精神污染而已6F 02/06 13:36
WanYC: 笑死7F 02/06 13:43
aotom: 要就針對他,騷擾家人的鄉民也是無恥8F 02/06 14:12
wryyyyyyyy: 笑屎9F 02/06 14:49
aiyoway: 這是他應對的,但僅限於本人啦10F 02/06 14:56
tmpss90105: 誰叫他爸媽要養出這種人11F 02/06 15:14
whhw: 都成年了還扯父母12F 02/06 15:45
shark23peng: 從一開始就是私刑,哪來正義?13F 02/06 16:21
f80242: 個人活該 但不涉及家人14F 02/06 17:36
mark0204: 讚!15F 02/06 21:12
brella: XDDDD
真的很棒16F 02/06 22:30
VeronicaMars: 為何不是寄給他本人18F 02/06 23:36
AHEAD099: 查住址查到老家吧19F 02/07 00:14
Phater: 文章後面有寫他查到的地址還在父母家。這篇報導看完只是他想把自己洗白而已20F 02/07 00:21
cha122977: 其實就不該做這些事 我們吃瓜的看看就好不用評論對錯22F 02/07 01:47
cheesesauce: 唉 某些球迷素質太好了23F 02/07 02:21
DanielHudson: 迴力鏢他自己啊 做出這麼壞的行為之前真該想想後果 會不會遇到更壞的人 連老家住址都查得到24F 02/07 05:10
Re12345: 沒必要 但也沒啥好同情的
換個國家可能就直接被射殺了26F 02/07 08:16
cha122977: 已經在一個很容易被射殺的國家了說XD28F 02/07 09:09
cchhuu: 家人被迫跟他一起承擔他才會知道事情多嚴重啦
只弄他本人他是有在在乎哦29F 02/07 13:30

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