作者 polanco (polanco)標題 Fw: [情報] 小V葛向藍鳥開價15年合約 總價少於6億時間 Fri Mar 7 12:49:53 2025
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1dodeQlZ ]
作者 polanco (polanco)標題 [情報] 小V葛向藍鳥開價15年合約 總價少於6億時間 Fri Mar 7 12:46:16 2025
Toronto first baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr. told @Enrique_Rojas1 and @EJerezESPN
that he proposed a contract to the Blue Jays for 15 years and less than $600 mi
llion. More from Vlad Jr., free and unlocked at ESPN:
因為有乳摸講他想要Juan Soto那張合約,他在受訪時澄清說不是這樣
In an interview with ESPN's Enrique Rojas and Ernesto Jerez, Guerrero clarified
the details of the negotiation process and refuted claims that his salary expect
ations were comparable to the 15-year, $765 million contract the Mets awarded So
to during the offseason.
"It's much less than Soto. We're talking about many fewer millions than Soto, mo
re than a hundred million less. ... It was the same number of years [as Soto's c
ontract], but it didn't reach [$600 million]. The last number we gave them as a
counteroffer didn't reach 600," Guerrero said.
"I know the business. I lowered the salary demands a bit, but I also lowered the
number of years ... I'm looking for 14 [years]. I would like 14, 15, even 20 if
they give them to me, but doing it the right way."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dodeQlZ (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1741322778.A.BE3.html
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/07/2025 12:49:17
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/07/2025 12:49:53
推 Mattcobb: 他成績沒有到Soto 的等級
我記得雙方金額落差不小3F 03/07 13:35
推 azlbf: 12年4億 超過就算了6F 03/07 13:36
推 fan0226: 15年壓低平均很可能
但只有藍鳥出的起吧10F 03/07 14:31
推 Adam6613: 他說他了解市場,稍微降低了他的報價,也降低了合約的長度 笑死18F 03/07 16:24
推 saiulbb: 既然敢開這麼高 藍鳥就放他走 吃人夠夠欸20F 03/07 16:25
推 Tyrone: 麻煩別再來找我基抬價就好21F 03/07 16:43
推 jaky11: 難道他所謂的了解是認為盤子很多?22F 03/07 16:51
→ laking: 我是覺得如果是他,每個球隊都有個價碼,不會像Soto那樣瘋狂抬價
然後大都會應該會是最後的贏家23F 03/07 17:08
推 zehow: 他如果能長期三壘還有可能給這個價 但他的體態看就
知道不可能 一壘手沒那麼值錢26F 03/07 17:17
→ tyrone0923: 他搞不好想說休賽季藍鳥想當盤子都沒人要來,那我開個盤子約測試看看球團28F 03/07 18:17
噓 Brusolo: 當別人盤子吧,連自己老爸都沒超越的無自律小胖子
……,基因差不多,你老爸都沒像你這麼肥30F 03/07 18:55
→ devilsky: 想拿那個年限,先減重再說吧,那體型風險太高了。32F 03/07 18:57
推 Brusolo: 對原po抱歉推回來,看到這人就忍不住想噓…33F 03/07 19:02
推 yjo70353: 12年就很多了
Soto 自律、受傷的風險很低才能簽15年34F 03/07 19:12
→ brella: 14年?笑死38F 03/07 20:50
推 folker: 北極熊表示:.........39F 03/07 21:32
推 lightmei: 他哪來的自信跟Soto比?40F 03/07 21:42
推 Beakidd: 認真說就算12年,藍鳥都要想一下,14想太多42F 03/07 22:21
→ polanco: 他也沒有要跟Soto比的意思啊43F 03/07 22:28