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作者 dennis99 (dennis99)
標題 [分享] 〈俄羅斯為何將輸掉這場戰?〉-1.俄羅斯部分
時間 Mon Feb 28 13:16:40 2022

Kamil Galeev
Why Russia will lose this war?

Much of the "realist" discourse is about accepting Putin's victory, cuz it's *guaranteed*. But how do we know it is?

I'll argue that analysts 1) overrate Russian army 2) underrate Ukrainian one 3) misunderstand Russian strategy & political goals

作者是美國威爾遜研究中心的研究員Kamil Galeev所發表的推文

(威爾遜研究中心的維基:https://bit.ly/3vt5sSn )













Consider a timely paper on Russian army by Bismarck Analysis. It's good &
informative. It's correct on its land-based and artillery-centric character.
It's also correct that Minister of Defence Serdyukov greatly increased army's
efficiency in 2007-2012. But it's still misleading.

為中心的特徵是正確的。同樣正確的是,國防部長謝爾久科夫在 2007-2012 年大大提高

Kamil Galeev
Consider a timely paper on Russian army by Bismarck Analysis. It's good & informative. It's correct on its land-based and artillery-centric character. It's also correct that Minister of Defence Serdyukov greatly increased army's efficiency in 2007-2012. But it's still misleading

Yes, Minister Serdyukov indeed reformed the army. He increased its
efficiency, fought with corrupt and crony armament producers improving the
army supplies. As a result he became extremely unpopular, made tons of
powerful enemies and was ousted in 2012 losing his power and status.

人,並於 2012 年被趕下台,失去了權力和地位。

His successor Shoygu knew better than that. Now who's Shoygu? Shoygu is the
*only* single Russian minister who uninterruptedly worked in government since
1991, since the very beginning of Russian Federation. He worked for all
presidents, all prime ministers avoided all purges.

他的繼任者Shoygu這更清楚。誰是Shoygu?自 1991 年以來,Shoygu是*唯一的*持續在任

What does it mean? It means he's a cunning political entrepreneur, great in
court politics, publicity, image. You survive every single administration by
maxing your political survival. And to max it you need to minimise animosity.
So you never object to powerful interest groups.


Serdyukov fought with interest groups and was destroyed. Shoygu was smarter
than that. He launched a PR campaign presenting himself as the "saviour" from
the Serdyukov's legacy. Whatever his predecessor did, was  dismantled. Media
cheered, people cheered, interest groups cheered.

謝爾久科夫與利益集團作戰並被摧毀。 Shoygu比那更聰明。他發起了一場公關活動,將

That's a very, very typical problem. Efficiency-maxing requires ruthlessness
in dealing with established elites and interest groups. Meanwhile
court-politics-maxing requires pondering to them and not making enemies.
Serdyukov was maxing efficiency, Shoygu - court politics.

高效率,Shouygu- 宮廷政治。

There was another issue. Shoygu is ethnic Tuvan. In such a country as Russia
minority member can hardly become the supreme leader. People don't perceive
him as ethnic Russian (see his palace) which means he's not dangerous for the
leader and you can safely delegate him the army.

還有另一個問題。 Shoygu是圖瓦人。在俄羅斯這樣的國家,少數族裔很難成為最高領導

Shoygy not only purged Serdyukov's appointees, pondered to old military
establishment, stopped arguing with army suppliers about the equipment cost
and quality. He also pondered to numerous feel-good-lies regarding the
Russian big strategy. Let's consider the army vs navy problem.

Shoygy 不僅清洗了謝爾久科夫的任命人員,還重新考慮了舊的軍事機構,不再與軍隊供應

Army vs navy had been a traditional dilemma of European powers for centuries.
As a rule, you couldn't support both first class army and first class navy,
you had to choose. Some powers ignored this to their demise - like 17-18th cc
France. Others were more rational, like Prussia.

軍和一流的海軍,你必須做出選擇。一些大國無視這一點而走向滅亡——比如 17-18 cc


So. Land-maxing requires minimising the naval ambition. Does Russia minimise
its naval ambition? No. It feels obliged to maintain as much Soviet naval
legacy as possible. Keep old ships afloat, build new ones, maintain and
expand infrastructure for the ocean navy


Here is another dilemma. Regional fleets can be effectively used in land
wars. For example, Russia declared "navy manoeuvres" and then attacked
Ukraine from the sea. That's cheap and effective. But keeping a regional
fleet doesn't sound sexy. It's efficiency-maxing, not PR-maxing。

大化,而不是公關 (PR)最大化。(*這裡PR的意思感謝abc12812版友提供翻譯協助)

And Russia is PR-maxing. Putin declared that the share of new ships should
reach 70% by 2027. Old Soviet ships are becoming obsolete, Russia's building
new ones. BUT. Major Soviet shipyards are located in Ukraine. So now Russia
expands shipyard infrastructure to reach this goal.


Soviet naval legacy is a curse of Russian military. USSR could afford ocean
fleets with carrier strike group. Russia can't. But abandoning Soviet
ambitions would require suppressing their own hubris (impossible). So they
strive to maintain it. Ergo: they can't and won't land-max。



How does it reflect on this war? First, Russian invading force is small. It
has LOTS of artillery ofc. But it's not numerous enough to win. Pro-Russian
analysts compare their advance with Barbarossa. But unlike Wehrmacht in 1941
Russian invaders have only *ONE ECHELON OF TROUPS*。

。親俄分析師將他們的進步與巴巴羅薩進行了比較。但與 1941 年的國防軍不同,俄羅斯

How is a Blitzkrieg organised? By echelons. First echelon is moving forward
as fast as they can. Ofc this means that lots of defenders will be left in
their rear. But then the second echelon comes, then third, etc. They finish
defenders, occupy territory, control the supply lines。


If Russia launched a proper Barbarossa-style Blitzkrieg that would happen now
- first, second, third echelons. But the second echelon didn't come. It never
existed. Why? First, Russia's *not* landmaxing and thus doesn't have so much
resources and infrastructure for the land war.


Secondly, launching several echelons would require long  arduous preparation.
You need to mobilise them, move to the borders, quarter, maintain and supply.
It's not that easy. It's a hard job that should have been done well in
advance to wage a Blitzkrieg. And it hadn't been done.


Why Russia didn't prepare a proper Blitzkrieg? And now we come for the third
and main reason. Blitzkrieg is a war strategy. Blitzkrieg is how you break &
suppress the enemy who's actually fighting. Russia didn't plan it because it
didn't plan a war. It planned a Special Operation.


Ofc partially that's just modern discourse. After WWII  traditional
understanding of sovereignty as of legal right of sovereign rulers to wage
offensive war died. As a result modern states never admit they're waging
wars. They're waging "pacifications", "counterterrorism", etc.


Consider how all the War Departments and Ministries over the world were
renamed into "Defence" in late 1940s. Everyone's defending, nobody's
attacking. Why does the fighting happen then? Well, because of criminals -
"bandits", "terrorists", "jihadees" or as now in Ukraine "Nazis".

想想在 1940 年代後期,世界上所有的戰爭部和部委是如何更名為“國防”的。每個人都

Modern world abolished the distinction between the enemy and the criminal, a
key idea of the Roman Law. Powers do wage wars, but to do so they need to
criminalise and dehumanise their enemies. Hence, all the "terrorist"
discourse. In a sense Putin is going with the flow。


But on a deeper level Putin is absolutely correct. His declaration of
"special operation" in Ukraine is sincere, because he didn't expect the war.
He doesn't know how to do wars. For all of his life he's been organising and
launching the special operations。


First, as a KGB officer. Then, as St Petersburg city councillor for foreign
affairs (= illegally selling Soviet warehouse stuff to the West). In 1990s he
closely worked with the criminal world and he did it successfully. Here you
see him with a thief-in-law, Grandpa Hassan。

的東西)。 1990 年代,他與犯罪界密切合作,並取得了成功。在這裡你看到他和一個小


Btw that's how Putin's pal Grandpa Hassan is celebrating with his close
circle. It gives some idea of Putin's business partners and associates.



Putin worked with violent entrepreneurs used to killing. But. He had always
had the upper hand. Federal and regional governments were very much stronger
than these criminal bosses who were very much replaceable. Everyone of them
had dozens of henchmen who wanted to take his place.


Putin waged special operations when he had much stronger position than these
criminals. And he got used to that. Later Yeltsin chose him as a successor
and in this capacity Putin launched a bunch of special operations to
consolidate power. Again with full support of higher ups.


Yeah, Putin played badass even before becoming a President. But it was easy
to play a badass when he was backed up by then President and the entire
apparatus of Kremlin. Huge power, no risk, no accountability.


Later he initiated conflicts each time his had to boost his popularity and
tough image. Chechnya, Georgia, Syria. But neither of this was a war. Every
conflict was a Special operation waged:

1) for political goals
2) against small force which had no chance to win against Russia


1) 政治目標
2) 對付沒有機會戰勝俄羅斯的小部隊

Putin fought only with small countries. Chechnya - 1 million people, Georgia
 - 4. Syria had more, but he fought with rebels, with no proper training or
armaments. Also "counterterrorist" discourse allowed Russians to simply level
entire cities to the ground with no consequences。

普京只與小國作戰。車臣 - 100 萬人,喬治亞 - 400萬人。敘利亞有更多,但他是與叛軍

Every time Putin needed to confirm his alpha status he would devastate some
little country with a Special Operation. They didn't require proper
preparation because they bore no existential risk to Russia or to him. Like,
the fuck they're gonna do? No risk = no need to bother.


Putin decided to repeat this little trick again. Hence, not that numerous
army of invasion, only one echelon of advance, etc. But Ukraine is much
bigger - it has 44 million people. What was Putin thinking? Apparently he was
expecting zero resistance from the Ukrainian army.

等。但烏克蘭要大得多——它有 4400 萬人。普京在想什麼?顯然他期待烏克蘭軍隊的零

Putin had a good reason to believe so. Indeed, in 2014 Russian regulars ("
их там нет" = "there aren't any of them there") easily destroyed
Ukrainian forces in Debaltsevo and Ilovaysk. He saw that Ukrainian army is
weak and he can easily route them simply sending .

普京有充分的理由相信這一點。事實上,在 2014 年,俄羅斯的「小綠人(民兵」
(“их там нет”=“他們不是任何一個當地的「他們」”)輕鬆摧毀了德巴爾

*這段可能需要版友協助翻譯,in 2014 Russian regulars ("их там нет" =
 "there aren't any of them there") 要怎麼翻比較好?


KleinSchwarz: ихтамнеты 其實是俄文 их там нет
 構成的新詞。根據俄文維基的解釋,這個詞是2014年俄國侵占克里米亞時,普丁在節目上被問到克里米亞到底有沒有俄軍時所用的回答。их там нет的意
思是「那裡沒有他們(俄軍)」,後來就成為俄軍的一種能指,也是十分有趣w02/28 18:19

Strategically speaking Putin fucked up. He defeated Ukraine, inflicted pain
and humiliation. Anyone with an IQ above the room temperature knew the war is
not over and Russians would strike again. But - Putin didn't finish Ukraine
back then. He thought he'd always have a chance.

都知道戰爭還沒有結束,俄羅斯人會再次發動襲擊。但是 - 普京當時並沒有終結烏克蘭

What happened next was quite predictable. Inflicting a painful but not
critical defeat on your enemy is risky. Yeah, they kinda became weaker. But
the balance of power within them changed. Court politics maxing interest
groups lost and efficiency maxing upstarts get a chance.




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human000123: 感謝dennis大分享1F 02/28 13:17
ayaneru: 俄羅斯還沒輸吧2F 02/28 13:17
doasgloria: 還沒輸啊 !!3F 02/28 13:18
Alicuu: 輸?說太早了吧...4F 02/28 13:18
CCNK: 應該說是本以為能快速推進卻深陷泥沼5F 02/28 13:18
AresPeng: 我覺得前半場都還沒結束 現在論輸贏太早6F 02/28 13:18
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 13:20:26
NowQmmmmmmmm: 還以為打完了...會不會太早7F 02/28 13:19
hedgehogs: 不要亂立旗= =,這種文看到會抖8F 02/28 13:19
uv5566: 舒服文9F 02/28 13:20
obCHU724ov: 文中對閃電戰的敘事看起來像是在說大縱深作戰==10F 02/28 13:20
abc12812: PR=公關11F 02/28 13:20
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 13:21:51
jackietom: 飛機在烏克蘭頭上爽爽發說俄輸了?什麼邏輯?12F 02/28 13:20
peter080808: PR是公關的意思13F 02/28 13:20
lunarblue: 誰說俄羅斯輸了?根本還沒結束,烏克蘭要繼續苦戰14F 02/28 13:21
cindycincia: 還是要等到塵埃落定再評價也許比較好15F 02/28 13:21
kauosong: 威爾遜是什麼機構?16F 02/28 13:21
emptie: PR=公關17F 02/28 13:21
kougousei: 說「輸了」好像有點太早18F 02/28 13:21
chunboy0812: 第一 俄羅斯根本還沒說 雖然我們眼中他看 他確實輸了 第二 普丁一直在控制火力好嗎 真要開打直接戰軍火力全開 烏克蘭根本擋不同 不過他真這麼做的話 就準備滅國了19F 02/28 13:21
kauosong: 公關公司喔?喔….笑而不語23F 02/28 13:21
EvilPrada: 他寫這種文章  不會被普丁關起來嗎?24F 02/28 13:21
kauosong: 公關公司。那不就跟很多朋友是同業嗎?XD25F 02/28 13:21
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 13:23:23
KONAMI: 說你輸了就是輸了 和這裡一樣26F 02/28 13:22
jackietom: 老共飛機在台灣上空自在飛行,然後我們說台灣贏了?27F 02/28 13:22
peter080808: 中共這次不知道會不會通盤檢討俄國為何會失敗28F 02/28 13:23
suanruei: 開戰才幾天?現在最好不要亂立flag29F 02/28 13:23
gibbs1286: 太早啦,他只是打很難看還沒真的輸欸30F 02/28 13:23
AruBan: 輸?你先知?31F 02/28 13:23
Robben: 沒輸 不過俄國現在只能拼慘勝32F 02/28 13:24
jimmy5680: 原來普丁以前就是貪官?33F 02/28 13:24
peter080808: 俄國這次打的真的不像是準備半年 策劃好幾年 機降斬首失敗後感覺根本沒有其他計劃
普丁身邊都是寡頭財團啊34F 02/28 13:25
cangming: 確實以老俄的大縱深戰術來說 部隊太少了37F 02/28 13:27
logojuju55: 喔 輸好慘 沒錯 烏贏 中俄輸 趕快開打 拜託我請看到這兩國元首逃竄的樣子38F 02/28 13:27
Congopenguin: 才打四天40F 02/28 13:27
as6633208: 原來已經打完俄羅斯已經輸了,我真的太lag了41F 02/28 13:28
NowQmmmmmmmm: 還以為是打四年俄羅斯輸掉了XD連四週都不到42F 02/28 13:28
cangming: 情報沒錯的話 截至目前為止投入的都算第一梯隊 已經43F 02/28 13:29
NowQmmmmmmmm: 打四天沒打下來算你輸的概念嗎?44F 02/28 13:29
cangming: 佔了全部部署部隊的50% 但這也代表擔任下一階段的梯隊至多只有剩下的一半 更別說輪替用的第三甚至第四梯隊45F 02/28 13:29
logojuju55: 俄壞壞 極權國家 共產惡徒 我們正義北約就是把導彈放到你臉上這是為你好不是針對你 舒服48F 02/28 13:29
Rivendare: 這種騙點閱的垃圾新聞標題= =50F 02/28 13:29
Chhtaiwan: Shoygu那句明顯不能翻成單身吧51F 02/28 13:29

Uber: 會不會太早下結論52F 02/28 13:29
a0986188522: 我還以為普丁準備逃到伊爾庫次克了53F 02/28 13:30
KleinSchwarz: 原文使用will lose,翻譯成「將輸掉」應該較適當54F 02/28 13:30
Superted: 原來才打幾天啊,我還以為打了幾個星期了呢55F 02/28 13:31
NowQmmmmmmmm: 看完還以為是烏克蘭打莫斯科俄羅斯打輸了56F 02/28 13:31
ssivart: 閃電戰的重點在快速通訊與通訊加密才對吧57F 02/28 13:31
RCSTD03: 推特翻譯別期待啦,那句應該是要說唯一從蘇聯解體後都一直在政府體系內的部長(其他可能是體系外加入的)58F 02/28 13:31
logojuju55: 俄現在應該只能逃竄了吧 畢竟士兵都在路上被烏大媽教訓 烏克蘭一直告捷 俄羅斯只能尿褲子60F 02/28 13:32
NowQmmmmmmmm: 歷史上有打四天國對國的戰爭就打贏的例子嗎?波斯灣組35國聯軍打1都打那麼久了62F 02/28 13:32
JingPingKing: land-max 滿足64F 02/28 13:32

RCSTD03: 主要在講他八面玲瓏避免了政權更迭造成的清洗65F 02/28 13:33
Howard61313: 「俄羅斯的常客」是否該翻成「俄羅斯正規軍」呀66F 02/28 13:33
Robben: 俄國要贏就是無差別轟炸這條路67F 02/28 13:33
logojuju55: 拜託 我已經等不及這場結束之後看歐盟到底給不給烏克蘭加入了 畢竟這麼能打 直接痛打世界第二68F 02/28 13:33
xephon: 俄羅斯被看破手腳,又窮又弱70F 02/28 13:33
tony15899: 科威特7天71F 02/28 13:33
ghgn: 公三小 還沒打完就說人家輸了72F 02/28 13:34
Robben: 不過俄國動作越大 歐美反應會更高 輸的機率還是高爆73F 02/28 13:34
NowQmmmmmmmm: 烏克蘭已經贏的話應該是俄羅斯軍隊都撤軍回家了才對怎麼還會在烏克蘭境內到處跑74F 02/28 13:35
IdiotMa19: 西方視角的唬爛文也在轉,帶風向喔76F 02/28 13:35
jyekid: 俄羅斯輸不意味著烏克蘭贏了77F 02/28 13:35
logojuju55: 俄的經濟真是糟透了 雖然2014年後不被制裁的時間比被制裁的時間還短,但是我們正義西方不看這個,我們只看俄羅斯屁股尿流輸一地 好舒服78F 02/28 13:36
ROMEL: 你自己翻譯好了再發,不行嗎?有這麼急?81F 02/28 13:36

JingPingKing: 阿 語義不對 抱歉82F 02/28 13:37
goddarn: 翻一些俄羅斯經濟 2014年制裁之後 連七年GDP負成長83F 02/28 13:37
logojuju55: 拜託趕快制裁 求求美國爸爸了好嗎 極權國家好可怕拜託給中國加稅 幹你娘加爆好嗎 對俄羅斯最好制裁到俄分裂 拜託了美國爸爸84F 02/28 13:37
goddarn: 然後到現在八年後 GDP依然低於2013年  這叫沒用?87F 02/28 13:38
Tung2463: 所以一開始普丁就有長期戰爭的打算?!然後叫白俄羅斯一起參戰也是本來的計畫嗎?88F 02/28 13:38
NowQmmmmmmmm: 真的是一場戰爭看到兩邊都蠻扯的好笑一邊沒有消息一直打一邊拼命美化一直守90F 02/28 13:39
ayaneru: 才打五天是長到那去了92F 02/28 13:39
cerwvk: 俄軍沒必要死戰啊,所以一堆好笑的事情,被騙去打烏克蘭,因為小兵很爽嗎?93F 02/28 13:40
borriss:  推特有專貼俄羅斯優勢消息的啊 拍些丟地上的藍黃旗95F 02/28 13:40
goddarn: 幾十年過去 俄羅斯還是一樣賣油賣麥 武力威脅96F 02/28 13:40
cerwvk: 如果是你被騙去打侵略戰,然後對方人道主義,會不會想辦法脫離戰場?
然後自己國家說要丟核彈,小兵也是會賭爛的。97F 02/28 13:41
lc85301: 成本和質量 -> 成本與品質
ponder 也許用琢磨會比思考更有那個感覺
我覺得最後一段寫得很好,打烏克蘭本身,對歐盟就是一個痛苦但不嚴重的失敗,現在歐洲政治風向已經全變213F 03/01 00:11
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 03/01/2022 07:06:28
KleinSchwarz: 可以的話,把內文中的их там нет貼完整比較
好喔217F 03/01 11:02
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 03/02/2022 02:08:13

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