看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 普丁授予兩個海軍步兵旅「近衛」頭銜
時間 Wed Mar 30 15:14:56 2022

The title of Guards was conferred to the 155th Marine Brigade (Pacific Fleet) and the 126th Coastal Defense Brigade (the Black Sea Fleet) by Russian President Vladimir Putin
#Russia #VladimirPutin | @SumanaNandyhttps://www.indiatoday.in/world/russ...-fatherland-1930555-2022-03-28 …

The title of Guards was conferred to the 155th Marine Brigade (Pacific Fleet)
and the 126th Coastal Defense Brigade (the Black Sea Fleet) by Russian
President Vladimir Putin



Henry Schlottman
155th is in Kyiv oblast, possibly around Obukhovychi. 126th is in Kherson oblast, possibly around Novooleksandrivka. Somewhat interesting choices, Ukrainian sources claimed 155th lost 600 KIA. Haven't heard much from 126th, basically a motorized rifle brigade with Black Sea Fleethttps://twitter.com/IndiaToday/status/1508424916693094406 …
The title of Guards was conferred to the 155th Marine Brigade (Pacific Fleet) and the 126th Coastal Defense Brigade (the Black Sea Fleet) by Russian President Vladimir Putin
#Russia #VladimirPutin | @SumanaNandy

https://www.indiatoday.in/world/russ...-fatherland-1930555-2022-03-28 …




Aytekin 🇦🇿 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼 🇺🇦Niketya
Ukraine Armed Forces destroyed 155th Separate Marine Brigade units:
~600 died, ~600 injured.
During Russian military OPERATION in Syria, this brigade provided support&cover for Aerospace Forces aviation group as part of Permanent Task Force of Russian Navyhttps://twitter.com/poppoppopkt/status/1503037472502161417?t=TFred1VMYRavSMc5yNJU2Q&s=19 …
ВСУ практически уничтожили подразделения 155-й отдельной бригады морской пехоты

В общей сложности погибли около 600 россиян и столько же ранены, — сообщил журналист Цимбалюк






We will fight till the end at sea. In the air. We will continue fighting for
our land whatever the cost. We will fight in the forests, in the fields, on
the shores, in the streets.

 ~  Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 3/8/2022, Remarks to UK Parliament

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YH0E3B4 (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1648624515.A.2C4.html
dasuperray: 要送人去死~頭銜弄得比較好聽1F 03/30 15:17
barbarian72: 死戰到底的意思吧2F 03/30 15:17
skywalker102: 印象中近衛部隊不是內務部隊改編來的嗎3F 03/30 15:17

※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 03/30/2022 15:19:13
flamax: 預計被圍前先升官4F 03/30 15:18
c22748872: 國民擲彈兵vs近衛炮灰旅5F 03/30 15:18
streit: 砲灰的意思6F 03/30 15:21
jabari: 近衛331 瞭解一下7F 03/30 15:21
fosura: 跟希特勒一樣 原地升官 命令不准後退?8F 03/30 15:22
lukehong: 二戰德軍的擲彈旅 ......9F 03/30 15:22
warchiefdodo: 炮灰的話遠不只他們,應該是有特殊表現10F 03/30 15:22
cross980115: 寫作近衛唸作送死11F 03/30 15:23
margtch: 小兵知道這個會不會開車撞指揮官12F 03/30 15:23
cross980115: 看看VDV 331那個慘況13F 03/30 15:23
s81048112: 不許退的意思嗎?....14F 03/30 15:23
cross980115: 可能是為了拉抬士氣,或者先給榮譽之後派去炮灰15F 03/30 15:24
eupa1973: 叫羽林軍更讚16F 03/30 15:26
tcancer: 朕封你為...護駕!!17F 03/30 15:28
jyekid: 跟瘋狂麥斯裡面的灰臉人噴了口腔噴霧覺得自己吃無敵星星一樣18F 03/30 15:28
pponywong: 沒裝備 就只能上buff20F 03/30 15:30
borriss:  會像外島加給那樣加薪嗎(X21F 03/30 15:33
treeson: 近衛稱號跟蘇聯的勳章一樣濫發,要看裝備跟待遇區
例如近衛第四 近衛331等等22F 03/30 15:35
j19871001: 單位升官了,你別抗命跟撤退25F 03/30 15:38
Pegasus170: 就是戰到死為止的意思吧!26F 03/30 15:38
shi0520: 變近衛就可以去死了27F 03/30 15:40
keyneslan: 領頭銜彰顯價值欣慰28F 03/30 15:45

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