看板 Military作者 washwall (追颱風)標題 [新聞] 川普撤銷允許跨性別人士服役的命令時間 Wed Jan 22 14:52:45 2025
Millitary Times, Jan 22 2025
美國總統唐納· 川普於週一上任後不久,廢除了前總統喬· 拜登所頒布的一項規定,該規定
現役跨性別軍人目前不會受到該行動的立即影響,現代軍事協會(Modern Military Associ
ation of America)通訊總監阿黛爾· 謝伯(Adele Scheiber)表示。該協會為LGBTQ軍人?
Trump revokes order allowing transgender troops to serve in military
Soon after taking office Monday, President Donald Trump repealed a rule establis
hed by former President Joe Biden that allows transgender people to openly serve
in the U.S. military.
The rule, implemented through an executive order in 2021, required the Pentagon
and Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the Coast Guard, to remove g
ender identity as a bar to service. At the time, Biden’s order reversed a ban o
n transgender service members that Trump ordered in 2017 during his first term.
“It shall be the policy of the United States to ensure that all transgender ind
ividuals who wish to serve in the United States military and can meet the approp
riate standards shall be able to do so openly and free from discrimination,” Bi
den’s executive order reads.
That order was one of dozens rescinded by Trump in the early hours of his presid
The action does not have an immediate effect for transgender troops currently se
rving, said Adele Scheiber, communications director for the Modern Military Asso
ciation of America, which advocates for LGBTQ service members. Trump has not ins
tituted a new ban, but the repeal of Biden’s policy clears the way for one, Sch
eiber said in a video statement Tuesday.
“This paves the way for a new ban on military service, but as of today nothing
has changed,” she said.
During a speech at the Turning Point Action Conference in December, Trump said h
e intended to sign an executive order to “get transgender out of the military.
There are an estimated 9,000 to 14,000 transgender individuals serving in the ar
med forces, The Associated Press reported.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: washwall 2025-01-22 14:52:45
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1da9M_yb (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1737528767.A.F25.html
推 utn875: 最尾段,估計九千至一萬四千人服役中,還真多啊1F 01/22 15:03
已添加 謝謝
推 ARCHER2234: 這其實有點超過了,不用給它們特權,但是也不該剝奪它們的權利2F 01/22 15:05
推 sas1942: 對啊,禁止給跨性別人士特權就好呢,但是阻止他或她們服役,會不會有點矯枉過正啊4F 01/22 15:15
推 money501st: 確實 人家體能什麼的能夠符合要求也不用把人趕走6F 01/22 15:15
※ 編輯: washwall ( 臺灣), 01/22/2025 15:16:41
→ washwall: 美國極右派就是想剝奪他們的權利。 就算只是平等的權利也要拿走。7F 01/22 15:19
推 chyx741021: 如果男兵女兵在體能上有差異都能同時服役,為什麼跨性別者(假設體能介於生理男女之間)不行?9F 01/22 15:28
→ yinaser: 這大概會要求改登記性別要不就滾蛋11F 01/22 15:29
→ washwall: chyx 大 ,你就去問 2025計畫的推行者啊。12F 01/22 15:30
→ chyx741021: 特權和補貼可以取消,但剝奪服役資格是?如果生理性別並不會影響服役表現,那為什麼性別認同就會?13F 01/22 15:31
→ washwall: chyx 大 美國極右派就是想要迫害Lgbt 啊。 雖然我是異性戀,但我也同情lgbt者
你看 reddit r/trans 都是人在哀嚎求救15F 01/22 15:32
推 chyx741021: 這種風潮再燒下去搞不好連同性戀都會被取消服役資格18F 01/22 15:34
推 jobli: 川普之前禁令是:跨性別人士僅能以出生時性別登記服役
現在改了嗎?20F 01/22 15:34
推 calase: 會不會單純只是行政上要求他們男性女性選邊登記而已…
實際上你搞出一堆性別就是增加政府行政成本24F 01/22 16:15
推 bce: 看來是,川普推翻了拜登之前的命令.之前命令要求軍事27F 01/22 16:17
→ jobli: 韓國
動變性手術遭強制除役 韓23歲軍人傳自殺身亡28F 01/22 16:18
→ bce: 單位(如海岸防衛隊)不得在招募人才上設置性別限制理念是要讓各種性向的人都能盡其所能,不因性向受限川普則撤銷了這項命令,軍事單位可以憑其需求,設置招募人才時的性向限制
雖然此項舉動目前並沒有對跨性別者服役做出直接限制仍有人憂心,可能會對跨性別者的進一步限制打開大門30F 01/22 16:18
推 toulio81: 總是在兩個極端之間選擇,是不會有什麼好結果的37F 01/22 16:37
推 CGT: 想到性別欄位,要從兩個選項改成一百多個、再改回來就覺得世界上哪有這種蠢事? 真的發生一點也不好笑38F 01/22 16:39
推 zivking: 跨性別不是單純性向問題40F 01/22 16:41
推 bladesinger: 如果LGBT進入軍隊需要的資源比他們提供的戰力更高,那禁止也沒啥好說的,軍隊又不是社會福利機構
時任秘勤局長矢言大力推廣DEI,拼命看顏色與性向招募人才,結果大家也看見組織的效率爛成什麼樣子42F 01/22 17:08
→ washwall: buff 大, 這樣不對吧51F 01/22 17:40
→ banbee100: 不懂,跨性別者服役會造成什麼問題嗎?52F 01/22 18:26
→ meblessme: 身份政治的特色,不就是會繁衍嗎
當然 一開始也不會繁衍的那麼快
但是當掌握主要權力後 就會開始
更正 引入
我不是針對跨性別,我是說身份政治53F 01/22 18:39
→ nkfcc: 左派喜歡「矯枉必須過正」那套,廻力鏢來了吧?64F 01/22 18:51