看板 NBA作者 xpu (玩味人生)標題 [外絮] Serge Ibaka談肘擊:不是故意的,有人推我時間 Mon May 12 12:21:12 2014
Perkins’force pushed Ibaka back toward Griffin, leading a flailing Ibaka to nail Griffin
with a backhand to the groin area. Griffin went down in obvious pain,
but there was no foul called. Postgame, Ibaka contended that it was accidental.
“No punch thrown, man,” Ibaka said. “Both players, we just like to play physical.
If you see the replay, it wasn’t a punch thrown. It was like in traffic,
and one of my teammates push me from the back, then I try to fall and he was up already.”
Ibaka:我沒有肘擊他,夥計~ 我們只是想打得更激烈點,
你去看影片,我真的沒肘擊他!! 是我的隊友(Perkins)從後面推了我一把。
Griffin said he didn’t know whether the shot was accidental or not:
“I can’t get into his head. I’m not going to try.”
Last season, on this same court, Ibaka nailed Griffin with a low-blow,
which earned him a $25,000 fine. But that one was clearly intentional.
This one didn’t seem to be.
But regardless, NBA officials plan to review this latest play.
“I don’t worry about all that,” Clippers coach Doc Rivers said,
noting that he hadn’t seen the replay. “I love the physical play.
I think they should just keep playing physical, let them play like that.
If a guy throws a punch, the league will take care of it.”
Doc Rivers:我完全不擔心這個,我愛這種激烈的碰撞,
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1399868476.A.8FD.html
→ YamagiN:Doc Rivers:我愛這種激烈的碰撞 BG:er........2F 05/12 12:22
推 cqppd:IBAKA:我只是想抓蛋蛋5F 05/12 12:22
推 bibyy:看來沒事6F 05/12 12:22
→ yoshro:Rivers:BG下次記得打侵略一點討回來 下重手!!8F 05/12 12:22
推 larson:Perk:隔山打牛!9F 05/12 12:23
噓 kobest:黑雷應該請包叔當教練11F 05/12 12:23
推 jemn:合體技好威 !12F 05/12 12:24
推 Carmelo:根本兩人合體技,18卡噴射 X 臭臉砲台 shoot!!13F 05/12 12:24
推 tiros:都是THEY的錯15F 05/12 12:24
推 welovewc:Doc表示喜歡 >////<16F 05/12 12:24
→ s042078:好感度很夠 還能使用合體技18F 05/12 12:25
推 k15464:BG:下次有理由偷桃了 嘿嘿20F 05/12 12:25
→ ksk0516:下一場換DJ推BG到處打蛋23F 05/12 12:26
推 ANOY:雷霆怎麼可能被禁24F 05/12 12:26
噓 qtgeorge:如果沒事那以後不都用合體技打人就好了25F 05/12 12:26
推 retre77:只是摸個蛋錯了嗎ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=326F 05/12 12:28
推 DylanAir:雷霆就是這副德性阿,不意外習慣了28F 05/12 12:29
推 Q12345Q:漫畫中 親(摸)可愛的女孩子 也常常用合體技啊 錯了嗎29F 05/12 12:29
推 ask5566:同意你 這是意外 本來就該教訓一下BG33F 05/12 12:31
推 sj210444:蛋包飯vs.蛋花湯 你選哪一道 dochi34F 05/12 12:31
推 E5:XDDD 合體技 XDDDD 太好笑了 還有這種35F 05/12 12:32
→ E5:給力芬被爆蛋 你我都推了一把 有一股蛋蛋的哀傷38F 05/12 12:34
推 woololo:要上shaqtin' a fool了39F 05/12 12:35
→ Mntoday:希望下次雷霆也用合體技打KD 蛋蛋 看黑雷迷說啥~40F 05/12 12:36
噓 WonderH2O:桑原髒成這樣 人在做天在看 很明顯是上帝動的手腳
黑雷輸 桑原也受到教訓 皆大歡喜42F 05/12 12:42
→ lave70:KP推到我的攻擊開關...50F 05/12 12:58
推 Landius:在給Doc一些時間,給力芬要從演員變成硬漢了嗎? XD51F 05/12 12:59
推 ABA0525:灰雄就被禁賽,差真多52F 05/12 12:59
推 kerry0496x:河流 : 我愛這種激烈的碰撞
會有酸酸說河流貴古賤今~~53F 05/12 13:01
→ ooyy5566:聯盟看完影片後宣佈:因為給力分可恥的硬了 禁賽10場55F 05/12 13:02
→ kerry0496x:阿事實上就是以前的人經歷過更多碰撞啊 就是強56F 05/12 13:02