看板 NBA作者 bigDwinsch ()標題 [情報] 義大利主力後衛:I wanted to be Kobe!時間 Fri Nov 21 18:03:24 2014
Chiellini: 'I wanted to be Kobe!'
By Football Italia staff
Giorgio Chiellini reveals he wanted to play basketball as a child, but then
tried to emulate “idol” Paolo Maldini.
The Juventus and Italy defender spoke to Vivo Azzurro ahead of tonight’s
Euro 2016 qualifier with Croatia.
“As a kid I wanted to play basketball and often did with my school friends,
but then I was too short to continue. Fortunately I started playing football
“Kobe Bryant is my hero in basketball, while in football I grew up watching
my idol Paolo Maldini.”
Chiello looked back over his career, starting from Livorno on to Fiorentina
and Juventus in 2005.
“Livorno is my hometown, so of course I had the biggest emotional moments
there. I was really just a youngster at the time.
“Fiorentina represented an important year in my growth process, as for the
first time I left home and got to know so many friends.
“Turin has become my city now after 10 years. I adore everything, from the
club to the fans. Playing for the Nazionale is the dream of every child who
starts playing football, so I know I’m very lucky.”
The 30-year-old defender also explained he would’ve taken a very different
“If I had not made my mark as a player, I think I would’ve studied medicine.
翻跟籃球有關的 Chiellini是義大利主力中後衛 在之前的歐洲杯預選賽訪問表達對老大
''在籃球裡Kobe是我的英雄,在足球則是米蘭傳奇後衛Paolo Maldini。''
Giorgio Chiellini:186cm
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1416564213.A.F43.html
推 h9602b: 這邊的kobe是當動詞用嗎??1F 11/21 18:05
→ freemail: kobe is the kober!4F 11/21 18:05
→ spurs2120: Maldini就是偉大的義大利的左後衛馬爾蒂尼 XD5F 11/21 18:06
推 aq1: 想被kobe,...義甲冠軍7F 11/21 18:07
→ jyekid: 我想被KOBE 口味怪怪的8F 11/21 18:08
推 kit279: kobe is the kober whom kobed kobeself9F 11/21 18:08
推 aq1: 這傢伙186打控衛很ok阿,在歐洲打到SG也行吧10F 11/21 18:10
推 Leo4891: I want to be kobed.11F 11/21 18:10
推 icou: i want to be kobed12F 11/21 18:13
推 bee12: 我想要被Kobe13F 11/21 18:20
推 p63243: Kobing14F 11/21 18:20
→ LoveMoon: 義大利人連這種簡單的文法都不會16F 11/21 18:22
推 breadf: Kobe is the kobest kober!17F 11/21 18:23
推 cdpicker: 還好不是I wanted to be Kobed!18F 11/21 18:26
推 gm2867: kobe kobe kobe三態都一樣 be動詞+pp 你懂的21F 11/21 18:32
推 swimbert: 害我又重溫了偉大的義大利的左後衛視頻XDD25F 11/21 18:39
推 conneyzz: 當然想當kobe, 0傳球各種自己射26F 11/21 18:40
推 jkl852: 繼承了義大利光榮的傳統28F 11/21 18:42
推 slimak: 屁眼記得擦潤滑油31F 11/21 18:52
推 ninaman: 格羅索立功啦!!!!!33F 11/21 19:13
推 a109250405: Kobe is kobely kobing kober who kobed kobism kobie34F 11/21 19:15
推 Jaco05: 我也想kobe36F 11/21 19:17
→ uhawae: 還 蠻 屌 的 屌 爆39F 11/21 19:28
推 AEer: KOBE是動詞就像「幹」一樣 動詞名詞形容詞皆可
you are so kobe (你太kobe了)
I will kobe you(我將會kobe你)
kobe is the best (kobe好棒棒)40F 11/21 19:31
推 treerivers: 那麼想被Kobe 屁股翹高高就好了嘛 真是的45F 11/21 19:46
推 purplebfly: I wanted to be Kobe ,聽起來OK啊,I wanted to beLBJ,聽起來就有點要抱人大腿的感覺46F 11/21 20:36
→ g7a7n7: I wanted to be kobed kobely by the kobest kober48F 11/21 20:46
推 tupacshkur: I wanted to be kobed kobely by the kobest kober!50F 11/21 20:57
推 Norther: Kobe kobed by the kobest kober is kobing kobely.51F 11/21 21:24
推 white75724: Kobe is the kobest kober, he kobed kobee kobely.54F 11/21 22:39
推 thxuqq: Kobe is kobe55F 11/21 23:16
噓 Sadan: jailed for rape?58F 11/21 23:39