看板 NBA作者 v91603wup (隨意)標題 [外絮] Lin & 老大 兩個不同Style的衝突時間 Mon Nov 24 08:07:11 2014
On paper, everything about Jeremy Lin becoming a Laker seemed to make sense.
Lin was returning to his home state to play for the world’s most popular
basketball team. He was joining a team that desperately needed his services
as a play-making point guard. He would be lacing up next to the greatest
player in Lakers history, one who was ready to mentor his successors.
Little about this season, though, has been perfect for Kobe Bryant and Jeremy
At their bests, both Lin and Bryant succeed at playing with the ball in their
hands. Naturally, this has created issues with the duo on the court. Bryant
and his dominant personality has dwarfed Lin and his passiveness. Despite
Bryant’s urging both on and off the court, Lin has been unable to find a
constant groove with the roster this season.
兩個人在場上都是需要持球的球員 這也造成了湖人雙核心的一些問題
Maybe part of it is due to a lack of time together. During training camp, it
was Nash practicing with the first team offense and Lin coming off the bench.
Late in the preseason is when Lin was thrust into the starting role, leaving
him little time to get familiar with his fellow starters.
原本排定是Nash先發 林替補
但在接近開季的時候 林卻成了先發
對於與先發球員的磨合 這樣的時間是不夠的
Lin has not done himself any favors with his inconsistent play this year. He
has five games under 10 points and four games over 15 points, a sign of his
inconsistency. For advanced stats folks, according to basketball-reference,
he has nearly as many games with a game score above 10.0 (seven) as he does
games with a game score below 10.0 (six).
林今年的表現是不一致的 他有五場 得分<10 以及4場 得分>15的比賽
更進階的數據 以 Game Score這個數據看來
他是有7場>10 六場<10 10分在game score中是平均表現的代表分數
※GmSc (這邊就不翻了 應該很好懂)
PTS + 0.4 * FG - 0.7 * FGA - 0.4*(FTA - FT) + 0.7 * ORB + 0.3 * DRB + STL + 0.7 * AST + 0.7 * BLK - 0.4 * PF - TOV. Game Score
was created by John Hollinger to give a rough measure of a player's
productivity for a single game. The scale is similar to that of points
scored, (40 is an outstanding performance, 10 is an average performance,
Still, Bryant hasn’t helped the issue as much as he might say. Seven times
this year, he’s attempted 25 or more shots, a number far too high if he’s
looking to get his teammates involved. In fact, in Lin’s six worst games,
Bryant averages 28.2 field goal attempts a game.
而老大 更是有
如果想讓隊友加入進攻的話 25次確實太多
林六場Game Score數據低於10分的糟糕比賽中 老大平均投籃次數超過28次
Lin has a lot of promise. He’s just 26 years old and has many years in the
league in front of him. However, if he and Bryant can’t find a way to mesh
instead of clash, his time in LA will be numbered.
林有大好前途 如果他和老大無法找到共存方式
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1416787633.A.C64.html
推 ILLwill: 問題是,與老大共存的後衛記得不需要真的很突出1F 11/24 08:12
推 xampp: 真慘 不管去哪隊都遇到這問題3F 11/24 08:13
→ chenlansue: 看看 fisher 小黑 林還不知道自己要幹嘛?4F 11/24 08:14
→ spy9527: 問題是老大已經不是當年那個不需要控衛的老大了5F 11/24 08:14
推 thxuqq: Lin讓球給老大射 輸球領繩6F 11/24 08:15
→ v91603wup: 應該說 老大口嫌體正直 心裡想傳 但身體卻傳不出去!7F 11/24 08:16
→ FairyBomb: 跟我之前分析的差不多,林要有表現老大應該減少出手問題是以現在的湖人,老大應該會選擇自幹..8F 11/24 08:17
→ a126053: 跟老大的共存方式不就是變成老魚嗎10F 11/24 08:18
推 ILLwill: 老大可能頭腦懂,無奈身體沒辦法改,年紀都大了11F 11/24 08:18
→ ahsoo: 說不夠時間磨合太牽強了吧 難道練球時分開練?12F 11/24 08:19
意思接近分隊練 先發替補各一隊 可能是林跟先發這一隊練的太少
→ sagarain: 你再讓他投300分就會分享了啦 其他無解13F 11/24 08:19
推 kd1523: Kobe覺得被包夾的時候傳球就是示弱,這改不了的14F 11/24 08:20
推 GH335: 老大應該休息幾場 看看湖人會怎麼樣15F 11/24 08:21
※ 編輯: v91603wup (, 11/24/2014 08:25:13
推 thxuqq: 老大休息 湖人林來瘋再起 該怎麼辦? 不要讓kobe不開心好嗎?16F 11/24 08:24
推 lpca: 以這季老大令人高潮的表現 什麼後衛都差不多吧XD18F 11/24 08:26
推 phix: 林也不需持球 空手跑也不錯 不過很少人會傳給他19F 11/24 08:27
推 ILLwill: 林來瘋再起可能也沒大用,湖人禁區太弱,Kobe的火力還是很重要,問題在出手選擇與團隊配合20F 11/24 08:27
推 airawesu: 你們知道LIN到11/4才跟先發合練嗎? 10月根本沒配過22F 11/24 08:28
推 xman262: 林來瘋再起勒 有夢最美23F 11/24 08:29
推 openeyes222: 目前看來,有kobe在的球隊就是搶狀元,配合不配合無所謂。24F 11/24 08:29
噓 scatology: 本來就是老大的球隊 自己要去適應老大26F 11/24 08:29
推 GTC888: 林今天會先發嗎?27F 11/24 08:30
推 willes: KOBE一拿到球就忘了自己曾經說過什麼惹...28F 11/24 08:30
推 ILLwill: 目前聯盟夠膽跟Kobe霸球的,起碼要西河軟豆等級29F 11/24 08:30
推 GoalBased: 哦~現在是說磨合不夠啊~那就等下半季看看囉30F 11/24 08:33
→ oxOOxo: 湖人還是要先解決紙糊防守 不先解決 不管有沒有老大都只是爛與更爛的差別而已 Cuban:希望他們永遠爛31F 11/24 08:38
推 kanouhiko: 先別說林連nash這種等級的控衛都是打不好 我不相信kobe掌握大部分球權會沒有影響34F 11/24 08:51
推 Wolfken: Nash跟Kobe配都變成跑龍套了,何況其他控衛?36F 11/24 08:52
推 gidapops: 老大一場上35+ 怎麼錯開39F 11/24 08:57
推 kerro: 無敵歐肥都被搶球了,其他人洗洗睡吧42F 11/24 09:06
推 jojo87: 老大持球時還是沒有改變 太多不合理的投籃
不過也常常投進就是了43F 11/24 09:06
→ WASP01: Nash變龍套?用寫輪眼看的嗎?46F 11/24 09:09
推 kgfight: 看看NASH來湖人後的成績就可以知道了 人家可是MVP~~47F 11/24 09:10
推 BJme: 馬龍來擋人老大都叫他滾了 他會理我Lin?48F 11/24 09:11
推 wailman: 我湖要坦的態勢越來越明確,也是讓老大任意的原因。50F 11/24 09:15
→ skybin: NASH數據下降雖然跟KOBE有關,但主因是受傷吧51F 11/24 09:16
推 lesnaree2: 這季感覺可以和0506做比較 林就是黃色的smush parker52F 11/24 09:18
推 killer75115: sk大 你想這些要酸的 有幾個有在看湖人打球的XD54F 11/24 09:22
推 kukuso: 當年kobe可以取代控衛功能 現在真的不行了56F 11/24 09:35
推 pohan0921: 前年有F4打那種成績,現在這陣容剛好而已
配的還是年輕兩歲沒斷過腿的老大58F 11/24 09:41