看板 NBA作者 ericpeter (艾瑞克彼得)標題 [外絮] Price取代林書豪先發? Scott警告將換先發時間 Tue Dec 2 11:08:56 2014
Ronnie Price To Replace Jeremy Lin in Lakers Starting Lineup? Byron Scott
Warns Lineup Changes Will Happen Soon
Price將可能取代林書豪當先發? Scott教練警告說將會換掉先發
Los Angeles Lakers head coach Byron Scott is reportedly expected to make
lineup changes in the coming days, with the possibility of adding a new
player at the end of their three-game Eastern Conference road swing.
According to Lakers reporter Bill Oram of Orange County Register, Scott said
he's now 'getting close to making lineup changes after suffering four
straight setbacks.
根據湖人的記者Bill Oram報導 湖人教練Scott說因為四連敗的關係 讓他想換掉先發
Although the Lakers snapped their losing skid after edging the Eastern
Conference powerhouse Toronto Raptors 129-122 at Staples Center on Sunday,
changes could still take place as Scott tries to find the perfect lineup that
will help them win more games.
Coney Hansford of Lakers Nation believed Scott might be looking to insert Ed
Davis into the starting lineup, with Carlos Boozer now coming off the bench.
Coney Hansford說Scott有可能把Davis換上先發 Boozer去板凳
There's also the possibility that Nick Young or shooter Wayne Ellington
replaces Wesley Johnson to add the starting five more offensive firepower.
"The most obvious one and the one fans have been calling for is to insert Ed
Davis into the starting lineup in place of Carlos Boozer. Davis is the team's
best defender and has earned himself the chance to play more minutes,
provided he can stay out of foul trouble," Hansford stated.
也有可能把Wesley Johnson換成Nick Young或Ellington好增加先發的進攻火力
當然最有可能的是把Davis換成Boozer 他的防守比Boozer好
Jeremy Lin, who has been the Lakers' starting point guard since the opening
day, could be taken out of his role by Ronnie Price. Lin might be performing
better as of late, but placing him into the second unit would certainly give
the Lakers another option off the bench.
林書豪也可能變換掉 由Price取代先發
但他去替補能增加板凳的火力 幫助第二陣容
"A Ronnie Price-Jeremy Lin swap could also be considered as Lin's offense
could help the bench unit, and maybe Scott will look to get the rookie Jordan
Clarkson some more minutes."
Price換林書豪互換 是因為林書豪的進攻能力能增加板凳的火力
On the other hand, Scott also addressed the media that the team is also close
to adding players via free-agency signing. The Lakers have been granted a
couple of disabled player exceptions, and sources close to situation reported
that they are going to use one of those privileges for forward Earl Clark.
Scott也拼命找尋可以幫忙湖人的自由球員 湖人還有兩個名額去簽人
根據報導 其中一個人是Earl Clark
"All signs point to that player being Earl Clark and he would be a very good
signing, capable of playing both forward positions and adding solid defense
to a team that lacks good defenders," according to Lakers Nation.
所有的跡象都顯示會簽下Earl Clark 他可以打大小前鋒也能增加球隊的防守
With the overtime win against the Raptors, the Lakers improved their record
to 4-13 but they are nevertheless facing tough oppositions in the coming days
as they take on the Detroit Pistons, Washington Wizards and the Boston Celtics
打贏暴龍後 湖人戰績來到4-13 他們還有嚴峻的考驗
接下來他們要對上活塞 巫師 賽爾提克
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1417489739.A.806.html
推 aaagang: Lin不穩定,還是老大穩定2F 12/02 11:10
推 dendon: 腦袋也換一換3F 12/02 11:10
推 ryrp: 按照頻率來看lin應該下一場會爆發5F 12/02 11:11
推 volkov: 換換人就能掩飾教練防守體系的爛,也是高招6F 12/02 11:11
推 liusean: 老大超穩的啊 投到進為止8F 12/02 11:12
→ icelocker: XXX可望先發 XXX可望轉替補 怎麼跟中職某隊好像11F 12/02 11:12
推 benrun: 希望林書豪在替補製造林來瘋12F 12/02 11:12
推 jyekid: 所以問題在哪14F 12/02 11:13
→ Rivera: 冰箱:建議你不要這麼做 想黑掉嗎 ~"~17F 12/02 11:13
→ icelocker: 如果再來篇下週開會討論就真的一個樣了20F 12/02 11:14
→ ciafbi007: 教練早想換老普先發了 只是之前卡在老大22F 12/02 11:14
推 cgavin: 換板凳也好,說不定板凳比先發還更有球權23F 12/02 11:14
→ angelmax: 看上場時間就知道Lin很穩啊 老普就只是個替補的料放老普上來只會讓Laoda更容易被包夾而已25F 12/02 11:15
推 levittea: lin 的功能本來就是偽先發,讓他在老大在的時候調整手感,不在的時候帶領替補...28F 12/02 11:15
→ angelmax: Lin就算手上沒球也能幫忙拉開空間31F 12/02 11:15
推 erotica: 老圃可能適合先發 配先發時籃子可能會比較準32F 12/02 11:16
推 pita30: LIN打老大的替補就好了 數據可能比較好刷33F 12/02 11:16
推 k870357: 別在說啥有球權了,現在的Lin你給他球他也是會先組34F 12/02 11:16
→ BadGame: 反正戰績差 我倒覺得就試吧 分成 讓kobe控 讓林跑打36F 12/02 11:16
→ k870357: 織傳球,他打的是PG不是SG37F 12/02 11:16
推 BJme: Lin跟老大錯開比較好38F 12/02 11:17
噓 hermionex: 林書豪就完全沒實力 應該也沒下張約了zz39F 12/02 11:17
→ BadGame: 不過一旦出現問題 湖人留不住林的機率就很大40F 12/02 11:18
推 bkm1: 快換吧 趁吃東區軟柿子掩飾一下教練多爛 等又回到西區就變換教練了41F 12/02 11:18
推 Landius: 換老圃的話老大依舊按照目前的工時...??43F 12/02 11:19
→ willes: LIN不要跟老大同時在場上就好44F 12/02 11:19
噓 sinben: 換就換 有在怕的嗎45F 12/02 11:19
推 newtypeL9: KOBE每場上場時間35+,錯得開嗎?46F 12/02 11:20
噓 girtas: 把先發教練換下場吧 天冰教練47F 12/02 11:20
→ willes: 但是教練腦袋先換一換比較好48F 12/02 11:20
→ DEATHKAZE: 沒先發實力 但是打第六人會很適合 希望能有表現50F 12/02 11:20
→ newtypeL9: 我是覺得換先發也沒差,多試試幾個陣容,搞不好能試出比較合的51F 12/02 11:21
推 peggie: "增加板凳的火力 幫助第二陣容" 換個新理由吧(呵欠)53F 12/02 11:22
→ Landius: 變陣要試是教練權力,只不過他要承擔老柯高工時下的隱藏問題就是了.54F 12/02 11:22
→ Landius: Lin還沒被輿論承認是個"湖人",說真的老拜要變就要考慮更多東西,但和Lin無關.57F 12/02 11:23
→ BadGame: 還有湖人高層跟教練組 對nash的情況 也是不明
開季一宣佈不打 然後 就沒有然後了 XD60F 12/02 11:24
推 qaz596: 要也是換ellington上來,至少有三分62F 12/02 11:25
→ C00L: 林迷不用激動吧? Price先發如果打得爛又不是不能換回Lin先發 NBA是戰場也是職場 換人試試看而已63F 12/02 11:25
→ Landius: 與其說Lin迷激動,不如說:"X的,又來了.(白眼)"這種心情比較多吧?65F 12/02 11:26
→ Bihrava: 林迷還沒激動 很多人都先幫他們激動了67F 12/02 11:27
→ SenYang: 百萬TDG迷>>>>>>>>>貝迷>>>>>>>>>>>>>Price迷!?68F 12/02 11:28
→ Landius: 老衲神隱我只覺得這到底叫善待老將還是放生狀態?69F 12/02 11:28
推 yoshro: 推文看來酸酸各種蠕動70F 12/02 11:28
推 Artist: 我相信他寧可替補 也不想做運過半場給球員吧71F 12/02 11:28
推 DiAbLoE: 開始囉 老普又要被惡意攻擊72F 12/02 11:29
→ BJme: 換去替補帶雜魚才比較能發揮Lin的價值吧74F 12/02 11:30
→ BadGame: 林也沒有上半場開賽就交球啦 只是第三第四節太固定76F 12/02 11:30
→ BJme: 過半場球給老大這種誰都能做的工作就給老普就好77F 12/02 11:30
推 Landius: Price迷(?)應該算七轉職業吧.78F 12/02 11:30
推 kattte: Lin打第六人似乎不錯,反正他也壓不下loada79F 12/02 11:31
推 vulurn: Lin下替補也不會是第六人,已經有Young了80F 12/02 11:32
噓 jzasd22: 你要拉替補補火力 又要拉先發補替補火力81F 12/02 11:32
推 Gilbertsky: 無所謂啦 反正不管怎麼換都是要輸球 刷數據比較重要82F 12/02 11:32
噓 kem0606: 林書豪不換,湖人不會好83F 12/02 11:32
推 ppo7741: 不是說林很強,但老普真的比林更不行啊!!84F 12/02 11:33
推 Landius: 湖人第六人是老尖吧?85F 12/02 11:33
推 RodrigueZ810: 這幾場的調度不像哦 Lin上幾乎老大一定在
鬧鐘目前設定是Lin比老大早下 同時回來86F 12/02 11:33
→ ppo7741: 要換快換別嘴了教練88F 12/02 11:34
→ BadGame: 林只要沒繼續打先發 下一季一定不會在湖人啊90F 12/02 11:34
推 yoboss: 我豪真雖 去哪隊都有霸球哥91F 12/02 11:34
推 neos042: 開始打爛隊了,Lin先發這時被換下...真的太悲情了!92F 12/02 11:34
→ Landius: 以Lin的上工時間,逆過來的話是Q1剩4分鐘+Q2前9分鐘+94F 12/02 11:35
→ BadGame: kobe不服老 教練壓不住休息時間 越打越累而已95F 12/02 11:35
→ Landius: Q3末5分鐘+Q4前6分鐘,合計24分鐘?96F 12/02 11:35
噓 ryvius0723: 結論就是Lin當PG沒搞頭 不如專心當SG97F 12/02 11:36
→ BadGame: price只剩下貼身 守西區後衛 可能犯規比林還快99F 12/02 11:36
推 toNpppa: 看成Pierce210F 12/02 17:07
噓 yea107: 教練洗洗睡好嗎212F 12/02 17:33