看板 NBA
作者 buichcmu (佚肥不了)
標題 [外絮] 濃眉哥: 他正在摧毀這個世界
時間 Sat Dec  6 15:24:49 2014

At some point, whether you liked him or not in 2012, you have sit back and
acknowledge what Anthony Davis is doing.  Then, you have to do more than just
acknowledge it.  You have to embrace it, because we may never see it again.

在某些時候 不管你在2012年喜不喜歡他
然後你什麼都不用做 除了瞭解他 接受他 因為你可能不會再看到一次了

There hasn’t been a more polarizing 21-year-old in this league since LeBron
James.  Before the summer even finished, everyone knew it was coming.
 Everyone was well aware of the monster that would come to life, destroy
cities, make opponents weep, and take over NBA stardom.

在姆斯之後 聯盟裡就沒再出現過比AD更極端的21歲球員了
甚至在這個夏天結束之前 每個人都知道這要來了
每個人都清楚這個怪獸要復活 摧毀城市 橫掃對手 然後制霸聯盟

During their run to the 2014 FIBA Gold Medal, Davis led the frontcourt with
his deranged attack in both the halfcourt and the fastbreak style of play.
 His defensive attitudes raised a great deal of eyebrows (there’s a pun)
around the league, because he was playing with so much poise on that end.

在2014年的世界盃籃球賽裡 AD用他瘋狂的攻擊和快速的球風帶領著前場
他的防守態度掀起了一股眉毛旋風 因為他的打的非常傑出

Although Davis had led the league in blocks during his sophomore season,
nobody really focused on the details of his defensive efforts.  Of course,
that was because New Orleans suffered a massive amount of injuries, and only
finished with 34 wins — 15 short of what they needed to reach the postseason.

當然 因為鵜鶘受到嚴重的傷兵影響 只拿到34勝 離季後賽差了15勝

This season, Davis hasn’t been on planet Earth.  Mutants from The Hills Have
Eyes must have abducted Davis from the streets of Mardi Gras and transformed
him into a different creature.  The guy wearing No. 23 for an unlucky lottery
team has been the greatest talent in the NBA for the last month, and it hasn’
t even been close.  If you think back to the most prolific changes in terms
of improving from season to season, there haven’t been a lot of
discrepancies larger than what we’ve seen from 2013 Davis to 2014 Davis.

本季AD一直都維持高檔 他變成了一個不一樣的生物
他從上個月開始就是頂尖球員 而且從來沒這麼接近過
如果你考慮在兩季之間進步最大的 並沒有許多例子大於2013~14之間的DAVIS

Even for a sophomore, his PER (on a losing team) was 26.5, which was still
fourth overall in the league.  It sort of went unnoticed, because there wasn’
t a ton of hype building him up before the 2013-14 season.

甚至作為一個二年級生 他的PER是26.5 甚至是聯盟第四
這並沒被注意到 因為在2013/14球季之前都沒人幫他炒作

Flash forward one year later, and we’re already in awe of all parts of his

arsenal just 17 games into the season.  Perhaps that’s because he’s still
the only player in the league with a PER over 30.  With the way advanced
statistics work in today’s game, usually unbelievable numbers will regress
as the season continues.

快轉到一年之後 才過了17場比賽 我們已經在讚嘆他的所有武器
用現代進階的數據統計來說 隨著球季進行 這個數字通常會下降

Davis doesn’t fit the “usual.”

For the first time in his career, he’s not categorized with anyone else.
 His PER is still standing at 33.75, which is head and shoulders above
Stephen Curry’s 28.22.

他在生涯中第一次與眾不同 他的PER維持在33.75 遠遠超過咖哩的28.22

To understand how special of a year we may be in store for, realize that no
other player in NBA history has ever recorded a season-long PER of 33+ during
their third year (minimum 20 games).  In fact, there’s only been one player
in history to have a PER over 31 for a whole season (in his third year). His
name was Wilt Chamberlain, who finished the 1961-62 year with a PER of 31.7.

事實上 史上只有一個人整季打完PER還在31以上 這個人的名字叫做張伯倫

As you should always mention when you bring up historical figures from the
1960’s, it’s essential that the level of competition is factored in.  If
Davis finishes this season with a PER over 31.0 — which I fully believe he’
s going to — it’s markedly better than Chamberlain’s season.  Davis is
playing in the 2014-15 Western Conference, which is by far the toughest
conference the NBA has ever seen.  He’s also 6’10”, shorter than
Chamberlain and MUCH closer to the average height for his position than
Chamberlain was.

當再提起歷史資料的時候 我們必須了解競爭的強度的不同
而且他比張伯倫要矮 比較接近他的位置的平均身高

Also, if you want to compare the levels of talent, go right ahead.
 Chamberlain didn’t play against LeBron James, Kevin Durant, or the
generation of today’s athletes.  That’s not to disrespect the era that came
before ours and the guys that set the standard for what the NBA should be,
but the disparity in aggression and athleticism of today’s players is huge.

還有 如果你想要比較天賦 就去吧
張伯倫並沒有對抗姆斯 雷帝 或任何當代的球員

His complete game hasn’t just been off the charts this season offensively
and defensively … it’s been unprecedented.

他的防守或進攻水準不只是破表了 更是史無前例

Of all players in NBA history, how many have averaged at least 25 points,
11.5 rebounds, and 3.0 blocks per game in their third season?

None.  Zero.

在NBA史上 有哪個球員在他們生涯第三季能夠拿到平均25分 11.5籃板還有3鍋?


There could be an exception this year, as that’s exactly what Davis is
looking at in the record books.  Nobody has ever been such a force just one
year after their sophomore season.


Nonetheless, the most impressive and breathtaking storyline behind Davis’
 performance is not the fact of him being in his third year.  It’s his
mind-blowing age that throws you off your chair.

但是 最讓人驚艷和嘆為觀止的不是這是他的第三年
是他驚人的年齡 會讓人嚇尿

Davis doesn’t even turn 22 years old until March 2015, making him 21 for
nearly all of this season.  Nothing is scarier on Earth than realizing you’
re the exact same age as a godzilla running around the NBA killing everything
in his way.  Personally, I’ll be 21 around the same time, which just leaves
some people speechless.


If you’re around the age group of 21-23 at this juncture, just stop for a
second to imagine if you could be out there making NBA players look like
middle schoolers.  It’s what Davis is doing at just 21 years old, which is
the lost thought during this MVP destruction.

如果你在21-23歲之間 停下來想像一下如果你正在打NBA 讓NBA球員打得像中學生
這正是DAVIS正在做的 讓人無法想像

If you consider the top 10 players in current PER rankings, the average age
just leaves you out of breath from laughing.  Only taking into account the
players that get around 20 minutes per game, the average age of the top 9 in
PER is 27.6 years old.  The person that’s No. 1 (Davis), is six years
younger than the average.  It’s headlined by guys such as Curry (26),
DeMarcus Cousins (24), Chris Paul (29), Dwyane Wade (32), and LeBron James

除非算進那些一場只打20分鐘左右的 他們前九名平均年齡才是27.6歲

With less experience, being someone that had an up-and-down rookie year,
Davis doesn’t care if he’s “not supposed” to be this good already.  He
is, and this entire league has to live in the sorrow.

沒什麼經驗 正處於起伏的年齡

At age 21, no other player in history has averaged 25+ points, secured a PER
of 33+, and only had a Usage Rating of 24.  Davis is certainly doing it now,
and that’s another amazing part of his season.  To only have a Usage Rating
of 24.9 is ungodly with how much production he’s putting in on the offensive
side.  It ranks him just 34th overall in Usage Rating this season, behind
notables such as Dirk Nowitzki (25.0), LaMarcus Aldridge (26.3), and Blake
Griffin (28.8).

在21歲 史上沒有一個球員能拿超過25分 PER超過33 而且UR只有24
能拿到24.9 顯示DAVIS在進攻端多麼有貢獻

To put it into perspective, Kobe Bryant leads the league in Usage Rating at
34.6, meaning he “uses” 34.6 possessions per 40 minutes.  It really is a
helpful metric used to determine how much a player is relied on during
offensive trips up the floor.

LAODA領先群雄的34.6 代表著他平均在40分鐘裡用了34.6次球權

There are just entirely too many “firsts” Davis is going to achieve this
year.  Above all the rest, there are two that stand out appreciably.  If
Davis is destined to win the NBA’s Most Valuable Player Award, he would
easily be the youngest MVP in league history.

如果他今年拿到MVP 他會是NBA史上最年輕的

He would surpass Derrick Rose, who won the award at age 22.5.  Rose’s
birthday is in October, meaning he was mid-way through 22 when he was named
MVP.  Davis, on the other hand, wouldn’t even be 22.1 years old.  We could
be looking at the most successful 21-year-old to ever live in the sport.

他也會超越賣鞋哥 他在22.5歲時拿到的
賣鞋哥的生日是在10月 所以代表他過了22歲的一半才拿到MVP

However, for him to achieve the season MVP, it may take another “first.”
It will likely depend on New Orleans making their first playoff berth since
the 2010-11 season, when they had Chris Paul and David West running the show.
 For that to happen, Davis needs much more than just himself to contend in
the West.

為了要讓它發生 DAVIS必須要做更多才能在西區競爭

At the end of the day, Davis is storming through the league like a wrecking

ball.  Instead of Miley Cyrus swinging on the chain, it’s the uni-brow.  He
wants a seat at the MVP table.  More importantly, he wants to eat.

在今天的最後 DAVIS橫行整個聯盟
除了MILEY CYRUS在鎖鏈上搖擺 就是這個單眉哥
他想要競逐MVP 更重要的是 他想要拿到手

Anthony Davis: He's Destroying This World
There has been no greater 21-year-old talent in NBA history than Anthony Davis. This is becoming a fact. ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1417850691.A.CCC.html
ntusimmon: 最後一段怎麼回事?                                12/06 15:26
Carmelo     : AD目標就是超越TD吧                                12/06 15:27
ALegmontnick: 其實是比喻,被翻成這樣XD                           12/06 15:27
piercepaul  : Brow就是個史詩級球員,the end                     12/06 15:27
monstermimic: 史上最年輕mvp!有人的廣告要改了嗎?                 12/06 15:27
Dinki       : MVP要有戰績加持 目前AD完全不可能                  12/06 15:29
gipie159    : 姆斯 XD                                           12/06 15:30
sxing6326   : AD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LBJ  12/06 15:31
sampsonlu919: Miley Cyrus的梗是因為她有一首歌叫Wrecking Ball    12/06 15:32
sampsonlu919: http://youtu.be/My2FRPA3Gf8 這應該是形容AD的破壞  12/06 15:33
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball - YouTube
Download the album "Bangerz" on iTunes:  Music video by Miley Cyrus performing Wrecking Ball. (C) 2013 RCA Records, a divis...

nin64       : 他想要吃甚麼?冰炫風?                              12/06 15:33
sampsonlu919: 力 也是暗示就算他今年拿不到MVP 拿這個獎也是遲早   12/06 15:33
jan58912    : 感謝翻譯 但有一個雖"藍"是 台灣國語的意思嗎XDD     12/06 15:34
sampsonlu919: 的事情 不過他當時的身分會不會是鵜鵠球星就未必了   12/06 15:34
lovecmgirls : AD現在就是缺更好的隊友,沒有夠格二哥              12/06 15:34
Kulan       : 他可怕的地方是 目前還不是他的完全體               12/06 15:34
Coolest     : 我們正在看著一個怪物的成長茁壯...                 12/06 15:35
Kulan       : 好手感加上變態體能 還有一號打到五號的優勢         12/06 15:35
※ 編輯: buichcmu (, 12/06/2014 15:38:03
Kulan       : 不強也難                                          12/06 15:35
Kulan: 不過我比較愛表弟 完全不同型 xd2F 12/06 15:36
cs80488: TD還沒退化 AD快速進化 !! LBJ:不是說好是我的時代!3F 12/06 15:41
benben994: 最後一段在幹麼XDD4F 12/06 15:42
JessicaA1ba: 兩津催毀日本都不知道多少次惹5F 12/06 15:42
PunkGrass: 看好AD!!!!6F 12/06 15:45
Xenogamer: 怕他痛痛人化 別忘了他第一年就遇傷病問題
不然我也滿欣賞他的7F 12/06 15:46
yehpi: S級明星9F 12/06 15:47
yeo12: 姆斯是誰..10F 12/06 15:48
egghard29: AD要趕快把他的數據換成勝利 不然很難跟前輩比11F 12/06 15:48
coolboy16: 好想看表弟和AD在同一隊....12F 12/06 15:48
allencc: 姆斯嘶嘶嘶13F 12/06 15:53
hsiung9: 數據換成勝利最好的方法,就是約滿跳到東區,刷爽爽14F 12/06 15:53
coldbreeze: 如果他最後PER是33是史上最高吧? 之前最高只到31.815F 12/06 15:55
gibe: AD:聯盟以後是我的,LBJ! LBJ:靠TD不是這樣講的啊16F 12/06 15:56
PunkGrass: 覺得鵜鶘待他不薄欸 如果合約到就跳似乎說不太過去17F 12/06 15:56
hsiung9: 東區製造的數據含金量過低,先打個8折
騎士熱火也待某人不錯,還不是為了歷史地位說跳就跳18F 12/06 15:57
YO8BO10: 詹酸永遠只能拿其他人要來打LBJ,某迷永遠無法拿自己球星數據來比真好笑20F 12/06 15:58
Betances: LBJ真的完全被高估了 一個沒有自己的時代
還沒帶領自己的球隊奪冠的 如何能被稱作天下第一人?22F 12/06 16:00
Stojakovic: 快來國王跟隨學長阿24F 12/06 16:00
grayoasis: 聰明的就要學我們詹皇窩在東區爽爽養身進季後 懂?25F 12/06 16:01
sampsonlu919: AD要跳東區不一定要離開鵜鵠 只要球隊申請更換分區也不是沒有機會26F 12/06 16:01
PunkGrass: LBJ先是在騎士待了幾年 而且現在又回來了不是嗎28F 12/06 16:01
fanasi: 姆斯是個好二哥!29F 12/06 16:04
YO8BO10: 都四座MVP還需証明三毀,倒是有人只有ㄧ座比較可憐30F 12/06 16:07
ctx705f: 馬刺:想要冠軍嗎?來我這吧!!31F 12/06 16:08
grayoasis: 每次來NBA最愛的就是看科迷跟詹迷狗咬狗32F 12/06 16:09
happy1234557: 推木有跟賣鞋哥 翻譯超好笑的33F 12/06 16:09
icelocker: 不愧是地球最強人類兩津勘吉34F 12/06 16:10
User0: 推道人35F 12/06 16:11
Hasegawa176: 科迷酸詹都不敢拿Laoda出來 呵呵36F 12/06 16:12
Olajuwon: 母絲XXD37F 12/06 16:13
nostar: 已嚇尿38F 12/06 16:20
lousen0068: 雖藍39F 12/06 16:22
j71648: 聽起來哥吉拉0.040F 12/06 16:23
KOXman: 期待兩津未來的表現!!41F 12/06 16:24
gary360: 把隊友數據吸光光拿到的MVP也能說嘴...42F 12/06 16:26
dreamwing11: per在31以上 LBJ跟MJ也有過啊 還不只一季43F 12/06 16:26
YO8BO10: 詹酸悶了好幾年數據沒人贏LBJ,開季十幾場就開始high44F 12/06 16:27
watwmark: 我覺得他去馬刺接TD的班就真的要毀滅NBA了45F 12/06 16:27
opwin: 科迷:把隊友數據吸光光拿到的MVP也能說嘴(跺腳)46F 12/06 16:29
HaluY: 數據很噁心可惜沒反應到球隊戰績47F 12/06 16:30
opwin: 看看LBJ拿mvp時球隊戰績 再看某人一球在手球隊連敗48F 12/06 16:30
kl015013: 開打前就說了 一堆白痴不信 還說要等十場再來看ZZ..zz..49F 12/06 16:31
shena30335: 拉姆斯 JG 是你?51F 12/06 16:31
qwe12345100: 別讓姆斯不開心xd52F 12/06 16:32
vvvv0o0vvvv: 表弟合體AD 稱霸天下!53F 12/06 16:36
ckchen123: 拜託回芝加哥吧~~~再造公牛王朝54F 12/06 16:38
jjyyy: 終於有人能跟寶傑對抗了55F 12/06 16:39
zxzxzxzxzxzx: 腿迷真的很無聊 連這篇都能拿來吹捧腿皇順便酸kobe56F 12/06 16:41
lovepeace83: PER是相對數值,現在聯盟水準太差勁了,所以25+11就能有33的PER,簡直荒唐!57F 12/06 16:42
zxzxzxzxzxzx: 整篇文都在講AD硬要扯喇叭數據多強4mvp 很無聊..
不單是因為25+1159F 12/06 16:42
watch123: 寄生迷一直扯LBJ還有臉說哦,臉皮真厚62F 12/06 16:45
superbatman: 姆斯是誰?63F 12/06 16:47
CYmphony: AD完全不用討論,我湖已經預定了。64F 12/06 16:50
eipduolc: AD這樣把LBJ整個八掉65F 12/06 16:53
coldbreeze: AD這樣已經是八掉史上所有人 只是還要帶領球隊贏球66F 12/06 16:58
Fiona102: AD真的是明日之星沒錯 但拿MVP? 想太多..看看鵜鶘的戰績 很辛苦啊
當初賣鞋哥就是靠戰績偷到MVP的 由此可知球隊多重要67F 12/06 17:11
sana113821: 慢慢八阿 然後進不了季後賽 呵呵70F 12/06 17:15
king181239: 噗  AD才是在刷數據吧  能力不容置疑 但有反應在戰績嗎?71F 12/06 17:15
kerry0496x: 某些人想一想90's的MVP好嗎73F 12/06 17:16
EMPERORHEN: 原文最後一段太靠北了XDDDD74F 12/06 17:16
kerry0496x: 不一定要戰績好到不行才能拿喔
事實上就是有表現超好  但球隊戰力有限的球員
只是這些球星還是會禮貌性的說   對他而言  比起MVP他會更想要球隊勝利  之類的客氣話
看強者會自然的不爽   真的是某些輸家的特質啊75F 12/06 17:16
XAMAS: MVP最大希望看來是curry81F 12/06 17:18
oiu368: 哪一位90年球星表現超好球隊戰力有限拿MVP的?82F 12/06 17:19
kerry0496x:                       給他拿  至少比鬍子好83F 12/06 17:19
BanJarvan4: 從90年代開始 我就沒看過球隊戰力有限 拿MVP的
某些林迷菜逼巴也就罷了 還要胡說八道一通84F 12/06 17:20
asdbiy: 90年代哪座MVP給戰績爛的?印象派?86F 12/06 17:24
oiu368: 在那邊屁完就走了,還甚麼客套話的..87F 12/06 17:31
focoket12: 請先進一下寄後賽啦!沒進去過碰風都是假的88F 12/06 17:33
noahlin: 過去30年所有MVP都是分區前三的球隊出來的 AD很難89F 12/06 17:45
KobeYaMeTe: 看好這隻90F 12/06 17:47
PengPengLin: 沒有人有是因為張大帥年輕的時候還沒記火鍋吧91F 12/06 17:56
skyoo00: 刷數據而已 實質上根本沒有什麼影響力
照這情況 鵜鶘應該會被金塊雷霆超車 跟去年差不多92F 12/06 18:13
Athchen: 去跟姆斯一隊就會發現他不行94F 12/06 18:26
charisma007: 乾只比我老一個月95F 12/06 18:39
lovepeace83: 眉毛的單打得分能力還不夠檔次96F 12/06 20:01
on32: 才17場 等到明星賽再來討論還比較準確97F 12/06 20:03
kl015013: 甚麼比較準確?數字嗎? 那都大便 已經證明屠殺聯盟才是重點98F 12/06 20:14
teddy0819: (-:3(-:3(-:3100F 12/06 22:49
semicoma: Yo, Brow~101F 12/06 23:12
kj810: 到底是要吃三洨朋友102F 12/06 23:20
yang0623: He wants a seat at the MVP table:競逐MVP
More importantly, he wants to eat:更要拿到手103F 12/07 00:02
rahim: AD是25+11,然後再附帶火鍋王跟抄截王...105F 12/07 00:26
※ 編輯: buichcmu (, 12/07/2014 01:13:14
GOTOASKAPPLE: 來我刺接TD班嘛>_<106F 12/07 02:35
kerry0496x: 對不起   我錯了107F 12/07 10:38


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