看板 NBA
作者 TimDuncan21 (Big Fundamental)
標題 [外絮] 在另一個層級的馬刺板凳
時間 Fri Jan  8 18:05:48 2016


By Brian Martin

The San Antonio Spurs have won each of their past two games by the same score
- 123-98 - defeating the Milwaukee Bucks on Monday and the Utah Jazz on

While the total points scored was a season-high each night - the players that
contributed those points varied between the two games.

Against the Bucks, the Spurs had a fairly standard scoring output - the
starters combined for 67 points, while the bench accounted for 56. While the
56 bench points is higher than the squad's 40.6 average, the reserve unit got
a bit more time on the court due to the large margin of victory. The bench
accounted for 45.5% of the Spurs' points, up by 6.3% of their season average.

On Wednesday, the Spurs bench turned it up even further, scoring 70 of San
Antonio's 123 points, accounting for 56.9% of the team's offensive output.



What makes the bench production on Wednesday so impressive is that they did
it with two players that normally come off the bench - David West and Patty
Mills - starting the game in place of LaMarcus Aldridge and Tony Parker.
Parker has missed the past two games with hip soreness, while Aldridge was
given Wednesday night off for rest.

So, San Antonio's already depleted bench - West and Mills combine to average
14.5 points per game - racked up 70 points and had five players score in
double figures, led by Manu Ginobili's 14 points. The trio of Jonathon
Simmons, Boban Marjanovic, Kyle Anderson scored 13 apiece while Ray McCallum
added 10 points.

"We've been really lucky and the front office has done a great job of
bringing talent, good guys that want to win a championship," Ginobili said
after the game. "We can have the luxury of sitting Tony and LaMarcus and
still win a good game."

LaMarcus Aldridge和Tony Parker先發。Parker因為臀部痠痛缺席了前兩場比賽,而

剩下的板凳球員攻下70分並且有五位得分上雙,Manu Ginobili攻下14分,板凳三人組
Jonathon Simmons、Boban Marjanovic、Kyle Anderson各攻下13分,Ray McCallum也

The Spurs bench shot 61.7% from the field (29-47) and had half of San
Antonio's 34 assists. While this level of offensive production is a bit of an
anomaly, the overall dominance of the Spurs bench has been very consistent
all season long.

The San Antonio bench averages 40.6 points per game, the third-highest mark
in the league behind New Orleans and Minnesota. But what separates the Spurs
bench from the competition is its defense. The Spurs reserves outscore their
opponents by 6.3 points per game - the highest mark in the league by nearly
five points (Golden State is second at +1.4).

The Spurs as a team own the top defensive rating in the league at 93.4 points
allowed per 100 possessions - that is 4.5 points better than the
second-ranked Celtics. That top-ranked defense is even better with its bench
players on the floor, allowing just 92.5 points per 100 possessions - four
points fewer than the second-ranked Heat.

The Spurs bench owns a 15.6 net rating, meaning they outscore their opponents
by 15.6 points per 100 possessions while on the court. The Warriors have the
second-best mark at 6.2 - more than nine points lower than San Antonio.

San Antonio's starters are great - they own the league's fifth-ranked
offense, top-ranked defense and rank second behind Golden State in point
differential per 100 possessions.

But San Antonio's bench is simply unmatched in its production - claiming the
top offense, top defense and top net rating of any reserve unit.




Spurs Bench on Another Level
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※ TimDuncan21:轉錄至看板 Spurs 01/08 18:08
twsoriano: 不囉嗦 我刺今年球迷跟冠軍都要定了1F 01/08 18:08
MasterYY: 莫忘去年同樣吹滿天   結果季後賽一輪遊~2F 01/08 18:09
歪歪大師說的對! (1/5)
o07608: 樓下刺黑五虎
靠腰,結果是樓上3F 01/08 18:10
guana: 馬刺現在的贏球方式,前兩節先發把分數咬住5F 01/08 18:10
hstf: 優質舒服文6F 01/08 18:10
guana: 第三節板凳一波流(去年馬刺第三節很慘,今年相反)7F 01/08 18:11
Takasteric: 馬刺先發都不見得打得贏自己板凳8F 01/08 18:11
guana: 然後第四節BOBAN上來接受歡呼
目前馬刺先發的默契確實比不上板凳9F 01/08 18:11
RoundKick: 先祈禱一輪的對手軟一點吧11F 01/08 18:12
guana: 板凳中最重要的人是MANU,他串起了板凳群的進攻
現在馬刺季後賽的最大隱憂還是先發的磨合12F 01/08 18:13
ericf129: 我刺就是強~14F 01/08 18:14
guana: 畢竟打季後賽,每一隊主力上場時間都是30up
總不能說一場比賽打六節(誤)15F 01/08 18:15
word324: 我也覺得馬刺先發打板凳不一定能贏...除了KL這一點18F 01/08 18:16
nba00077: 真的不知道該說什麼  拿贏2場爛隊的數據在那吹捧
綠葉吹成超級巨星就算了現在連雜魚也要吹成頂級綠葉19F 01/08 18:18
文章最後有拿出整季的數據喔,你有看好看滿嗎? (2/5)
verydisco: 簽到人數(1/5)21F 01/08 18:20
love1500274: TP小綠可愛AGGTD V.S 澳王Manu KA/西 屌爺West 誰贏22F 01/08 18:20
wayne77925: 刺黑的先發五虎站出來!23F 01/08 18:22
charles0202: 亞軍迷又再秀下限哦24F 01/08 18:23
ppo7741: 簽到人數(2/5)25F 01/08 18:24
BOV5566: 刺黑四大天王有五個也是很正常的26F 01/08 18:24
knok: 四天王有五個也是很正常的事27F 01/08 18:30
sxing6326: 現在我刺改成預約偶數年總冠軍28F 01/08 18:32
free120: 想看總冠軍勇士vs馬刺 可惜…29F 01/08 18:34
semicoma: 標題比較是"來到另一個層級的馬刺板凳"的含意30F 01/08 18:35
blueair1207: 看到nba00077先噓
刺黑邏輯 真是了不起哈哈哈31F 01/08 18:43
客官別認真了XD 生活總是要有點樂趣
※ 編輯: TimDuncan21 (, 01/08/2016 18:53:33
keroromoa: 他箭他艇他鷹被nba00077貼上爛隊標籤了QQ35F 01/08 18:49
keanjaz: Popo應該再拿一次COY36F 01/08 18:52
killerking05: 馬刺板凳的確戰力超群,整合的很好37F 01/08 18:53
suntai: 馬刺板凳就是強 去其他隊也能先發38F 01/08 19:01
green4726: 刺黑五虎將還有三位沒簽到 別偷懶啊喂39F 01/08 19:05
lebronlon: 去年也是捧上天 結果一輪遊 也是醉了40F 01/08 19:05
別急,這不是來了嗎 (3/5)
andrew1357: 樓下支援精美簽到簿41F 01/08 19:06
killerking05: 怎不談前年大敗熱火三巨頭?當真是醉糊塗了42F 01/08 19:07
LVE: 紅塵是艇迷耶,0077這樣好嗎43F 01/08 19:09
good2013: 全聯盟板凳最好的進攻和防守被叫雜魚,那其它隊是?44F 01/08 19:09
diding: 四天王姍姍來遲45F 01/08 19:11
charles0202: 前幾年熱火也是捧的跟什麼ㄧ樣結果被電到脫褲46F 01/08 19:12
fishlinghu: 熱火三巨頭捧上天 結果前年被馬刺替補射歪 有人忘了47F 01/08 19:13
charles0202: 三連霸比肩喬丹哈哈哈哈哈48F 01/08 19:13
meipialoha: 舒服文加一49F 01/08 19:15
fishlinghu: 幫複習https://youtu.be/g0v57JKPRDE50F 01/08 19:15
Patty Mills Full Highlights vs Heat 2014 Finals G5 - 17 Pts - YouTube Download EVERY NBA game in HD!  Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe for more! :) --- FOR MORE FOLLOW ME: - Twitter

peterhsuan: homechen1990    MasterYY☑ nba00077☑ fangbr51F 01/08 19:16
Khan0826: 我看leberonlon也蠻活躍的 給他上位5虎將好了
刺黑軍團也需要 新血的加入 說不定有好的化學反應帶來更多樂趣XD52F 01/08 19:20
fishlinghu: 刺黑五唬55F 01/08 19:23
Khan0826: 教練跟先發5虎都找到了 就差第6人跟板凳56F 01/08 19:23
BOV5566: MasterYY☑  nba00077☑  fangbr □ homechen199057F 01/08 19:25
jxxxxliu: 原本年薪千的West都去當板凳了 哪家板凳有我刺猛?58F 01/08 19:33
o07608: 第六人是嚴白虎,可是之前被桶了59F 01/08 19:34
Khan0826: 樓上他是教練吼XD60F 01/08 19:36
bluemei: 嚴白虎的梗出自哪啊XD61F 01/08 19:40
Anderson13: 刺刺好猛~62F 01/08 19:44
jimmy5680: 嚴白虎那篇好像被砍了63F 01/08 19:44
homechen1990: 真的要強烈譴責這種過度吹捧一支一輪遊球隊的文章 要騙一些新球迷讓他們以為馬刺是支強隊 真的很過64F 01/08 19:46
紅塵1990,姍姍來遲 (4/5)
killerking05: 老是一輪遊一輪遊,怎不說說五冠呢?1990老球迷?67F 01/08 19:49
leo755269: 去年打得跌跌撞撞叫捧上天?68F 01/08 19:51
jason1050606: 刺黑真的很無聊 來點心意好嗎???69F 01/08 19:51
Khan0826: homechen1990 FOR 3333333333333333333370F 01/08 19:52
nba00077: 也不能說騙,畢竟拿過五冠,但是就是隔年拿到的說不上強,只能說運氣真的不錯71F 01/08 19:53
peterhsuan: homechen1990☑ MasterYY☑ nba00077☑ fangbr☠73F 01/08 19:54
leo755269: 挖 不知道有stockton&malone的爵士算不算強呢74F 01/08 19:55
spurs2120: fangbr要有Kawhi的內容才會出來啦 XD75F 01/08 19:55
leo755269: 沒沒 fangbr本來只是愛嘴可愛 如今已正式轉職刺黑76F 01/08 19:57
a50525004: 運氣好就能拿冠?我也醉了77F 01/08 19:57
vincent31: 想看馬刺板凳對上76人先發78F 01/08 19:57
alsk1566:  認真回,大家是否太過把攻擊別人當樂趣了?79F 01/08 19:58
killerking05: NBA一堆被馬刺這種不強的打敗,還有連霸球隊呢...80F 01/08 19:59
ak472222: 今年應該是史上最強馬刺81F 01/08 20:02
nba00077: stockton&malone的爵士當然強 運氣差一直遇到神 懂?82F 01/08 20:03
chi12345678: peterhsuan的簽到表笑死我XDDDDD83F 01/08 20:05
leo755269: 超強爵士是因為遇到神運氣不好 五冠馬刺就是運氣好不是強 真的是好棒棒84F 01/08 20:06
Khan0826: fangbr最近還對公牛JB有意見 可能要轉職地圖砲了XD86F 01/08 20:06
nba00077: 不然來討論看看為何馬刺都只能奇數年奪冠阿?
夠強為何無法二連霸甚至三連霸87F 01/08 20:08
killerking05: 爵士強,1999年MVP馬龍,請問1999年冠軍哪隊?89F 01/08 20:10
leo755269: 怎麼不討論連16年50勝以上+季候賽 還有5年3冠zzz90F 01/08 20:10
dryadg27724: 超喜歡馬刺91F 01/08 20:11
x731003: 馬刺板凳四大將:Patty,Manu,Diaw,West,這四個配在92F 01/08 20:12
wayne77925: 精美簽到簿真是看一次笑一次XD93F 01/08 20:12
x731003: 一起默契超好,也是馬刺板凳很強的主因94F 01/08 20:12
nba00077: 別跳針阿 我在說為何不能二連霸或三連霸ZZZ95F 01/08 20:13
bkm1: 其實遇到勇士的結果 才是馬刺今年真的在意的....96F 01/08 20:13
SilentBob: 喇棒朗原本是最早期的刺黑先鋒 沒想到一個不注意鋒頭徹底被後起之秀搶走97F 01/08 20:14
killerking05: 二連霸熱火輸誰,三連霸湖人又輸誰?拜託說一下..99F 01/08 20:15
StupidDog: zzZ 不喜歡馬刺就要被黑迷霸凌? 黑刺好棒棒
不得不說某隊版版主愛開分身帶風向 結果帶的真好
不愧是PTT POPO203F 01/09 08:09
kc52316: 樓上是新馬刺迷嗎 哈哈206F 01/09 09:28
knifour: 推刺黑五虎到齊,辛苦惹207F 01/09 10:36
ca09082001: zzZ,不喜歡馬刺又愛進馬刺文嘴,刺黑好棒棒208F 01/09 11:05

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