看板 NBA
作者 cktonthuls (止兀)
標題 [外絮] 當我第一次對位防守Kobe的時候
時間 Wed Feb  3 17:55:19 2016

Kobe Bryant宣布本季結束後將高掛球鞋,許多球隊紛紛為他「最後一次的造訪」舉辦活
,本篇便是由拓荒者替補搖擺人Henderson發表於The Players’ Tribune的文章。

原著(Author):Gerald Henderson
文章名稱:The First Time I Guarded Kobe
The First Time I Guarded Kobe | The Players' Tribune
“There’s something wrong with the rim.” That’s the first thing Kobe ever said to me. And I ...


“There's something wrong with the rim.” That’s the first thing Kobe ever
said to me.

People say Kobe’s a perfectionist. Yeah, maybe a little. Let me tell you
about the first time I ever met him.



It was during pre-game shootaround, back in my rookie year in Charlotte in
2009, and the Lakers were visiting. Kobe was out on the court all by himself,
putting up jumpers.


For a kid from Philly who grew up close to Lower Merion, this was a pretty
big deal for me. Kobe was not only a national legend … he was a hometown
legend. When I was 9 years old or so, my dad brought me to a high school game
where Kobe dropped 50 – and he sat for the fourth quarter. I have visions of
Kobe pulling up from one step inside half court — and draining it — and
then walking back on defense with a strut, as if he knew just how good he
was. He did. Lower Merion was a small gym. Standing room only. Everyone was
there to see him.

對一個從小在費城Lower Merion體育館附近長大的孩子來說,這真是意義重大。Kobe不僅
。他的確是強。Lower Merion不過是個小小的體育館,連個坐著看球的位置都沒有,大家

That’s all to say that — yeah, by 2009, Kobe and I were both NBA players
but he was just a bit better than me. Just a bit. Kobe had been my basketball
idol more than half of my life. I tried to do everything he did. So seeing
him in the flesh was a pretty cool moment for me.


So I’m shooting around and there’s still about 45 minutes until tip. Kobe’
s on the other end, still shooting, and I’m glancing over at him. Remember, I
’m a rookie. I want to see how this guy approaches warm-ups. Maybe I can
learn something from him. Steal a move or two.


But it was weird: he was missing more shots than he was making. Honestly, he
was missing a lot.

All of a sudden, I looked up and Kobe had stopped shooting. He was holding
the ball on his hip with one hand — and motioning to the sideline with the

Then all sorts of commotion started.


A crew of maintenance guys showed up from out of nowhere. It looked like a
hockey line change — maintenance guys rushing on and off the court. Kobe was
saying something to them and gesturing. But from where I was standing, I
couldn’t make out what they were saying.


Suddenly, there was a ladder being set up under the basket. Kobe’s pointing
up at the rim and the maintenance guys are positioning the ladder. A
measuring tape is involved.


What’s going on? Kobe was up to something.

I’m standing at half court watching the scene play out, and Kobe starts
walking over to me.

“Something wrong with the rim.”

“Oh yeah?”

We’re watching a guy climb the ladder and tinker with the rim.

“It’s too low. The rim’s a quarter of an inch too low.”

“Huh?” I mumble. I’d never really heard about maintenance issues with a
rim before a game.

“What do you mean?”

“I was missing shots that I don’t miss. I’m pretty sure it’s low. A
quarter of an inch.”

Then it was over. That was it. Our first conversation. He went back to his
shooting routine.










Two things pop into my head:

1. Man I can’t believe I just had a conversation with that cat…

… and

2. Dude, Kobe, maybe it’s not the rim. Maybe you’re just … missing shots.


Larry Brown was the Bobcats coach at the time. I have all the respect in the
world for Larry, but he was tough on me, as he is on all rookies. When I was
a rookie, it was a struggle to get any minutes. I’d pray to get 5, maybe 10
minutes a game, if that.

Larry Brown當時是山貓隊主帥(譯者註3),我心中對他只有尊敬,但就像對所有菜鳥一樣

But the coaching staff knew I was one of our best defensive players. So
before the game I told one of our assistant coaches Jeff Capel: “Cape, I
want to play tonight man. I want to guard Kobe!”

Cape responded: “You gon’ get your chance.”

教練團也知道我是當時隊上最好的防守球員之一,所以賽前我跟助理教練Jeff Capel說「

I’d like to say that the coaching staff listened. But more likely, the only
reason I played that night was that Larry wanted to test me. He knew Kobe was
my basketball idol and he wanted to see if I was up to the challenge.


After a couple guys picked up early fouls, Larry looked down the bench. I was
way down at the end.

“Gerald, go guard him.”

I jumped up off the bench. I was ready for my “chance.” I remember my hands
were sweaty and my heart was beating too fast for someone who hadn’t been in
the game yet.



I want to dispel a myth about the NBA. You might think, after playing the
sport for our whole lives, from AAU to college to the NBA, that NBA players
don’t get nervous. Forget that. NBA players get nervous, too.

I was a rookie checking into the game, cold, to guard Kobe Bryant.

I was nervous as ever.



Another secret: the way to get rid of nerves is to just launch yourself into
the game. You just have to make a play, any play: get a stop on D, grab a
rebound, dive for a ball. Anything to get into the flow of the game.


The first possession down, Kobe got it on the wing. I was on him. Here we go.


Now, I had watched Kobe growing up. I had watched lots of his game tape. I
honestly felt like I knew his game as well as you can know a guy’s game from
watching it. I thought I had a feel for him. I still do.


He knew I was a rookie, so he went right at me early. On the first play, he
drove right, picked up his dribble, and shot faked at the elbow. I
anticipated that move. It was classic Kobe. I stayed down.

He shot faked again — and, again, I stayed down. I wasn’t falling for that.


A few plays later, Kobe goes at me again. He drives me. He gets some space

and I’m sure he’s going to let this one go … WRONG. He fakes and I go

Dang, he got me.


But instead of jumping into me to draw the foul, Kobe went into his bag of

As I’m in the air, Kobe reverse-pivots and steps under me, into the key, and
throws the ball off the backboard. I’m still in the air, helpless. All I can
do is watch.

You might be able to guess what happened next: he grabs his own lob off the
backboard and rattles a dunk. The crowd went nuts.



I remember thinking to myself: Idiot, you can’t go for the fake.

This move was impressive for many reasons. Kobe had the skill to throw a
prefect pass off the backboard to himself, gather the ball mid-air and thrust
it through the hoop. But also, he did a move he probably did not need to do.
He could have easily let me fall down on top of him and taken the two easy
free throws. But he used his creativity to execute a move that most guys
wouldn’t think about trying. Why? For the fans? For the highlight reel? For
his legend? Who knows. The guy is special.



Kobe finished the game with 30 points. After the game, Coach Brown gave me a
nod and said I’d played well. I think he meant it. Even though Kobe got 30,
I had stuck to my game plan. For great scoring guards, the game plan is
pretty universal: limit your guy to tough, contested two-point shots. If they
’re off-balance jumpers, even better.


Problem is, an off-balance, contested jumper might be Kobe’s strongest
offensive move. You know the one where he drives past his defender, finds his
spot, stops on a dime in front of the help defender, elevates, releases the
ball at the height of his jump over an outstretched hand, leans back to put a
little more arc on it. If you’re a defender, that’s a great shot to have
your opponent take. Any coach would smile at that.

But Kobe makes those shots — consistently. And there’s nothing you can do
about it…

Kobe’s perfected the art of scoring, if that can be done. He has counters to
your counters. He has a toolbox full of scoring moves. Every night, he has
new tools in there, for new scenarios. Good defense rarely slows Kobe down.
In a crazy way, good defense makes Kobe better. It just reveals new moves
that he’s been waiting to try out.





At his best, Kobe didn’t just have a jump shot, he had a well-rounded game.
He was a perennial NBA All-Defense team member. Kobe would check the other
team’s best perimeter player every night and lock him down. His whole
career, he was an underrated passer because of the difficult shots he would
take and make. He was as versatile as they came.


This season, his final of 20, Kobe has not been his regular self. Injuries
have clearly caught up to him and he has not performed like he has in the
past. Many have thrown shade on him, almost as if they’ve forgotten what the
guy has meant to the game. Forgotten what he’s done for the NBA. Forgotten
what he’s done for young kids like me growing up who looked up to him. I don
’t have to break down the reasons why Kobe is one of the greatest to ever
play basketball. Commentators will be doing that all year long on Kobe’s
farewell tour – and for years to come.


In the sport of basketball, and any sport for that matter, you play the game
to win. So with everything that is Kobe Bryant, the most admired and
respected part about him is that he is a CHAMPION. Five times over. No one
will ever forget that.

包含籃球在內,各項運動競賽的核心價值就是要贏球,所以就Kobe Bryant這個整體看來

After the buzzer sounded, I was walking off the court and I saw one of the
maintenance guys — one of the guys who was carrying the ladder onto the
court during warm-ups.

I had to ask.

“Hey man, what was up with the rim before the game?”

“Oh, someone notified us that it was a little lower than regulation.”

He added: “Don’t worry. We adjusted it to 10 feet.”

Then he told me how much it was off by.

I could tell you his answer, but I think you already know what he said.





譯者註1:Gerald Henderson於2009年以第12順位被夏洛特山貓隊選中,2015年被交易至
譯者註3:Larry Brown時任夏洛特山貓隊主帥,山貓隊已於2015年改名黃蜂隊。









※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MiSwGcf (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1454493328.A.9A9.html
hank8176: 老大!1F 02/03 17:56
Yui5: 雖然你翻得很辛苦……可是還是很遺憾的說你OP了…2F 02/03 17:56
Chialala: OP3F 02/03 17:57
web946719: 辛苦惹 可是op4F 02/03 17:58
snowsummersp: 如果是你自己翻譯的話 辛苦了5F 02/03 17:59
Liaocavalier: op6F 02/03 18:00
RBC54321: 之前看過了7F 02/03 18:01
ping50155: 有沒有影片阿 好想看8F 02/03 18:02
sucksboy: Kobe真的是當代最偉大球員9F 02/03 18:02
o0991758566: 推  OP是哪一篇  之前沒看到10F 02/03 18:03
bryant780417: 如果自己翻譯的話 給推囉11F 02/03 18:03
cktonthuls: 哈,之前還刻意查過了說,結果還是OP了啊12F 02/03 18:03
Takasteric: #1MeroICT (NBA) 不好意思嘿嘿 推你的翻譯13F 02/03 18:04
a3358826: 就當不同版本的翻譯吧 也不用刪啦我覺得14F 02/03 18:04
xd987:15F 02/03 18:04
web946719: 看你要不要po到湖板 那邊應該還沒有16F 02/03 18:04
truevill: 推17F 02/03 18:06
allen7257: 為什麼看到這篇會想到大鬍子...18F 02/03 18:07
liusim: 沒看到這篇 給個推@.@ 1/4"這有點扯啊……19F 02/03 18:07
ru04d93: 翻譯給推20F 02/03 18:12
GodEgg: 所以籃框沒矮吧其實21F 02/03 18:14
melomelomelo: 推22F 02/03 18:16
handlesome: 推23F 02/03 18:16
fish24685: 感動 推24F 02/03 18:20
mjk23: 辛苦了 可惜op25F 02/03 18:20
micbrimac: NBA級的科迷XDD26F 02/03 18:24
YamagiN: 推翻譯辛苦了 不過elbow應該是指肘區(罰球線的兩端)27F 02/03 18:26
LacrimosaMus: 老大經年累月的打鐵鏘鏘鏘的把籃框打低了!!!
果然是鐵杵磨成繡花針,練功狂LAODA!!!!!28F 02/03 18:27
karoshi: 翻譯給推30F 02/03 18:28
manson666: 我只想知道籃框到底有沒有歪XDD31F 02/03 18:30
wz02022:  0.64cm..32F 02/03 18:36
supertyphoon: 真的好像上Kobe可惜他只喜歡強X女的33F 02/03 18:36
andrew1357: OP......qwq34F 02/03 18:36
s90523: 其實我也想知道籃框到底有沒有問題XD35F 02/03 18:39
x9060000456: XDDDD 看到中間還以為是篇酸文36F 02/03 18:41
ktfreenight: 之前沒看過  感動給推  老大!!!!!37F 02/03 18:42
Rayshief: OP 但感動不噓38F 02/03 18:43
iAsshole: "...holding
the ball on his hip with one hand — and motioning to the sideline with the
other." - 把球夾在屁股跟一隻手間;另一手向邊線比劃。39F 02/03 18:45
mozo: 溫馨44F 02/03 18:48
a76597659: 推翻譯不過op45F 02/03 18:48
cktonthuls: 感謝樓樓樓上指正,這段看好久沒看懂,原來other46F 02/03 18:50
bruce00595: 推47F 02/03 18:50
cktonthuls: 是指另一隻手啊48F 02/03 18:50
※ 編輯: cktonthuls (, 02/03/2016 18:52:47
jack7775kimo: Opppppppp49F 02/03 18:52
chenluyang: 這篇的kobe只能推了50F 02/03 18:55
o0991758566: 答案應該就真的如KB所言  低了那麼一點51F 02/03 18:57
alwaysstrong: 推52F 02/03 19:09
Jaydavid: 答案就是真的低了1/4吋53F 02/03 19:11
lycium: 就尿不準怪馬桶歪啊!54F 02/03 19:11
alecgood: 辛苦了!!!OP了!!!但更詳細...應該沒差吧!55F 02/03 19:15
wade5888: 有文中拋籃板暴扣G.H的影片嗎56F 02/03 19:18
osee: 好看耶 喜歡這種文章可以順便練英文57F 02/03 19:20
web946719: https://youtu.be/5W759n72JEc#t=1m8s 其實沒灌啦58F 02/03 19:26
asd250: 文中表達的意思應該是真的低了0.64公分,如果他沒虎爛的話,這也太神奇了。59F 02/03 19:39
Dukewang: 推翻譯61F 02/03 19:43
MVPkobe: 1/4吋應該只是Kobe隨口唬爛的 高度確實有差就對了62F 02/03 19:50
angelmax: 蠻有可能的啊 打鐵久了自然會有心得 XD63F 02/03 19:52
doleful: OP了64F 02/03 19:54
grayoasis: 推 老大就是傳奇 一堆人只能趁老大老了找優越65F 02/03 19:55
ddrose: 推翻譯66F 02/03 19:58
cooltyrone: 再看一次 還是哭了嗚嗚 自翻給推67F 02/03 19:59
melodee: 謝謝分享68F 02/03 20:03
thegod13: 推  不過op69F 02/03 20:05
DAVIDWAY: Op70F 02/03 20:13
Strasburg: 低了6.4mm也太豪洨了 被連續打鐵的球砸彎了還有可能71F 02/03 20:17
swimbert: 這不假,就像賣菜賣久了,用手掂掂就能感覺幾克的差異。相信Curry也有這種感覺能力72F 02/03 20:18
bahamutuh: 0.64cm 這是一種射不準怪馬桶歪的feel74F 02/03 20:21
OyAlbert: Laoda不愧是Laoda75F 02/03 20:22
eric990429: OP76F 02/03 20:25
