看板 NBA作者 makihara (Frozen In Time)標題 [外絮] Shane Battier 回覆網友Q&A時間 Thu Feb 4 22:26:22 2016
all time starting 5? (史上最佳五人)
MJ, Magic, LBJ, Duncan, Shaq. (Only players I saw in person)
where would you rank Dwyane all-time? (Wade 的歷史排名?)
4th best SG all time. (MJ,KB, West)
歷史第四佳SG (前三是 Jordan, Kobe, Jerry West)
what former teammate is most likely to become an NBA head coach
is Justise Winslow your heir apparent?
(Justise Winslow 可能成為你的接班人嗎?)
He ll be better than me. If he continues to work.
只要他繼續努力, 他會比我更好.
in your opinion, Who is the best Argentinean player in the NBA?
Manu and Scola. Love both of them.
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推 Ibeatyou: 阿根廷球員好像也就那幾個而已.....1F 02/04 22:29
噓 kyoiron: wade歷史第四?這人懂不懂籃球啊?7F 02/04 22:39
推 iandol: Wade吃虧在巔峰期太短 不然成就也不錯9F 02/04 22:42
推 Ieri: 至少有兩冠,打死一票球員。13F 02/04 22:48
推 wsldemon: 說他不懂籃球 你當球他還不想打15F 02/04 22:52
推 lala8520: Wade跟喬神老大比是沒得比 輸West倒也還好17F 02/04 23:06
推 unasone: 那個噓的就反串 請勿計較19F 02/04 23:10
推 mm225560: 覺得Wade跟west沒差很多20F 02/04 23:10
推 weizon: 我豪想必是第五吧!!21F 02/04 23:16
推 darkdixen: 八爺應該是知道典韋不計較排名 所以把他放第四 夠高但不會過度吹捧22F 02/04 23:19
推 iecdalu: 這年頭反串真好當,隨便都有人理~25F 02/04 23:24
推 bolide77: 大家要多體諒肩獼 樹大必有枯枝 人多必有____26F 02/04 23:24
噓 dickyman: 笑慘 06 Final Wade史上最偉大演出 早超越佐敦30F 02/04 23:44