看板 NBA作者 spurs2120 (Fundamental)標題 [情報] Popovich明星賽時鼓勵Draymond Green時間 Tue Feb 16 17:47:49 2016
"I was the first one (from the West) announced," Green said, "and I was
standing next to him (Popovich), and coach said, 'Man, did you hear what
Drake just said? He said this is the game with the 24 best players in the
world. You're one of those guys. Embrace it all, because you never would have
thought that when you were at Michigan State, and I never would have thought
that when I was coaching Division II, but we're here.'"
對我說:嘿,你有聽到 Drake剛剛說的嗎?他說這是世界上最好的
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※ 編輯: spurs2120 (, 02/16/2016 17:49:31
推 ando: 招安哦4F 02/16 17:52
推 s1346: 對了 你有聽過安麗嗎6F 02/16 17:54
推 jyekid: 這些話希望他在西區冠軍賽少噴進幾顆三分7F 02/16 17:54
→ LNGOGO: POPO:這是我的微信 你加一下 再聊喔^_<8F 02/16 17:55
推 nashQ: 很感人欸12F 02/16 17:57
推 CW4: TP:不要理他 你理他他會一直煩你16F 02/16 17:57
推 yun0215: POPO這次明星賽做了很多事 看遍各隊戰術 還招降了一22F 02/16 18:05
→ yun0215: 些人...XDDDD (疑)24F 02/16 18:05
推 sssweout: 明星賽是波波招手下的日子?27F 02/16 18:13
推 bojatom: 最後一句話很有感覺28F 02/16 18:16
推 ppo7741: 要來嗎可以休到爽又可以贏球喔31F 02/16 18:18
推 allmygod: POPO:在一起 在一起 追夢綠:我開始相信你了32F 02/16 18:19
推 jorden: POPO使出離間計33F 02/16 18:23
推 allmygod: AGG:上次我說不要打中鋒 結果不知怎麼也被說服了38F 02/16 18:28
推 terop: 暖男43F 02/16 18:47
推 kingroy: Diaw退休之後就要把他抓來嗎XD44F 02/16 18:48
推 Grammy: 給啵啵帶他會變得多恐怖啊?45F 02/16 18:51
推 kingroy: 給波波帶就會發現他吃的胖胖的,在場上刷數據47F 02/16 18:52
推 sdg235: TD要退了,招募候補人選48F 02/16 18:53