看板 NBA
作者 colin4235tw (杰哥)
標題 [情報] 灰狼正與Kevin Martin進行買斷協商
時間 Fri Feb 26 21:07:09 2016


The Minnesota Timberwolves may have a promising future but they're a ways
away from contending for a berth in the postseason this year which has led to
the franchise buying out some of their veterans in order to give them a
chance to latch on with a playoff team.

After reaching an agreement on a buyout with reserve point guard Andre Miller
earlier in the day, Marc Stein of ESPN.com is reporting that the franchise is
in advanced negotiations on a buyout with Kevin Martin as well.
除了稍早與Andre Miller達成買斷協議外,據報導灰狼與Kevin Martin也開始進行買斷協

Should Martin and the Timberwolves come to an agreement, which looks likely
considering how Stein described the talks between his agent and the franchise
at the moment, the former first round pick could ultimately draw plenty of
interest on the open market thanks to his ability to stretch the floor.

Martin has made 39 appearances for Minnesota this season, 12 of which have
featured him as a member of the starting lineup, and is averaging 10.6
points, while shooting 36.9% from beyond the arc, to go along with 2.1
rebounds and 1.2 assists in 21.4 minutes per game.


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1456492032.A.525.html
pujos: 準備要坦好坦滿了1F 02/26 21:07
camelot0603: 騙人丁 ~~~~2F 02/26 21:07
linceass: 灰狼到底有甚麼問題? 不是整隊都滿滿的天賦?3F 02/26 21:08
DaneiLJ: 想進季後賽還不換教練團,生氣4F 02/26 21:08
PKming: 沒問題呀 故意輸而已 別擔心5F 02/26 21:09
pujos: 替補很爛,沒有Rubio整隊不會打球6F 02/26 21:10
WSzc: 第一段翻錯了 是說讓這些老將去季後賽球隊 而不是說拋棄這些老將換來進入季後賽的機會7F 02/26 21:11
kira3917: 馬刺應該可以考慮這隻來補強一下三分的火力!9F 02/26 21:11
joeblack5566: 小牛快搶啊!!10F 02/26 21:12
yang1026: 馬刺團滿了吧11F 02/26 21:12
richard1003: 雷霆要不要撿回去看看,反正缺射手12F 02/26 21:13
yang1026: 勇士團滿了嗎13F 02/26 21:13
hydeless: 馬刺Roster全滿14F 02/26 21:13
yang1026: 騎士團也歡迎喔15F 02/26 21:13
redsparron: 雷霆不缺射手 板凳上還有Morrow都不受重用 缺3D16F 02/26 21:15
softwords: Miller這麼好用居然不要 瘋了17F 02/26 21:15
steven610381: 勇士名單滿了嗎18F 02/26 21:15
WSzc: Miller是自己要求買斷的 他想去季後賽球隊19F 02/26 21:16
pujos: Miller很難用.他真的老了20F 02/26 21:16
epw: 寫作季後賽唸做搶狀元 大家不要太緊張21F 02/26 21:16
ringtweety: 小牛缺一個第六人 是蠻有可能去搶的22F 02/26 21:17
b9307108: A.Miller真的老了嗎?掌控節奏很在行23F 02/26 21:17
colin4235tw: 下一個不會換買斷KG吧....24F 02/26 21:18
※ 編輯: colin4235tw (, 02/26/2016 21:19:57
PeterHenson: 馬刺不是名單滿了嗎?
買斷KG可能灰狼主場會暴動吧25F 02/26 21:19
qwerty789: 火箭一哥!!!!!!!27F 02/26 21:20
hyperfrog: 來我勇,ian clark就掰惹28F 02/26 21:22
scatology: 騎士收29F 02/26 21:23
BadGame: 小牛還有位置嗎 不是裁人搶大衛李了30F 02/26 21:23
DioEraclea: 小牛要收的話接下來應該會裁Evans31F 02/26 21:25
DCFreeze: 快艇好像需要?32F 02/26 21:26
WSzc: 小牛會收 之前已經放話灰狼如果買斷k-mart 就會簽下33F 02/26 21:27
windowdoor: 騙人丁有這麼搶手嗎 @.@?35F 02/26 21:31
LKN555: 滿滿的天賦,不懂贏球有屁用XD36F 02/26 21:34
gap6060: 爛教練快滾37F 02/26 21:38
aq1: 灰熊搶一下吧38F 02/26 21:40
a222317168: 還想到一堆說賣Rubio拉LaVine當先發控衛真的很扯39F 02/26 21:41
sonicsken: 我狼加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!40F 02/26 21:43
slimak: 喂 我姆斯啦42F 02/26 21:46
Wavecloud: 灰狼的防守差太多了43F 02/26 21:46
teller526: 曾經的國王新希望QQ44F 02/26 21:47
donkeys: 小牛是興趣王喔45F 02/26 21:59
Larry0806: 我總覺得灰狼管理層腦袋有問題   換教練不就好了46F 02/26 22:01
xo1100: 就教練突然走了阿..47F 02/26 22:02
Larry0806: 知道突然走了阿   都過了大半既不考慮找新的嗎48F 02/26 22:03
lwei781: 好多SG 和雙能衛啊49F 02/26 22:11
ra19850304: 來公牛50F 02/26 22:12
locdan: 要犯先趨者51F 02/26 22:30
mmchen: 想進入總冠軍就加入騎士52F 02/26 22:37

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