看板 NBA
作者 kaiyue (↖★★52魂☆☆↘)
標題 [外絮] Cousins<->Ingram + Clarkson?
時間 Tue Nov 22 20:08:39 2016

NBA trade rumors and Sacramento Kings center DeMarcus Cousins have been
inseparable in recent weeks. During that time period, Cousins has seemingly
been linked to half the teams in the NBA as a possible trade target. Sports
Illustrated cites Cousins as one of a group of NBA stars who need to be “saved
” from hopeless situations with their current teams by way of trade. The
Sporting News reports that the farther we get into the NBA season, the more
likely it is that DeMarcus Cousins will be dealt by the Kings.



The Los Angeles Lakers were supposed to be in a rebuilding phase this season,
but the team is off to a very good start as detailed by FanRag Sports. Several
players are beginning the year in breakthrough fashion, including point guard D
’Angelo Russell, shooting guard Nick Young, and shooting guard Lou Williams.
The Lakers’ fast start is causing a change in perception, and now the team is
being seen as a possible playoff contender as early as this season. With that
being the case, NBA trade rumors are swirling that Los Angeles could become a
player in the DeMarcus Cousins Sweepstakes.

據報導湖人隊本季原本被預測為重建期 但開季卻有不錯的開始

幾位球員如 D'Angelo Russell , Nick Young及Lou Williams都有不錯的表現


A current scenario that is making the rounds in the rumor mill has the Lakers
making a move to bring DeMarcus Cousins to Inglewood. According to this rumored
trade proposal, Los Angeles would send small forward Brandon Ingram and combo
guard Jordan Clarkson to Sacramento for the rights to their six-foot-eleven,
270-pound NBA All-Star

目前的謠言:DeMarcus Cousins<-> Brandon Ingram + Jordan Clarkson

Jordan Clarkson is currently not trade-eligible due to signing a new contract
this summer, but that’s not a problem here, as the talk is that the Lakers and
Kings would make this potential deal after December 15 (when Clarkson can be
included in the offer). Once the timing is no longer a problem, the salaries do
match up, so we know by way of the ESPN NBA Trade Machine that this would be a
legitimate trade per the NBA’s Collective Bargaining Agreement.

克勞嬸今夏簽了一份新合約 裡面包含不可交易條款

可是這不是問題  在12/15兩隊會簽一份潛在合約(?? 我也不清楚)


這段翻錯了 感謝指正
  IBIZA       : 翻譯錯了啦...Clarkson是因為暑假換約, 所以凍結到
  IBIZA       : 12/15, 不是他的合約有不可交易條款                 11/22 20:17
  IBIZA       : 他的年資還不夠格簽NTC                             11/22 20:18
  IBIZA       : 而因為預期就算有交易, 也會是在12/15之後, 所以沒   11/22 20:19
  IBIZA       : 差                                                11/22 20:19

One issue for the Lakers in acquiring DeMarcus Cousins would be that the team
just gave Timofey Mozgov a $64 million contract to become their starting
center. Mozgov is playing well so far this season (per SB Nation), but adding
Cousins to the roster would mean Los Angeles would then have a very expensive
backup center, so the Lakers may eventually have to consider trading Mozgov or
waiving him if it came to that.

有一個問題  當把表弟簽下來之後  6400萬鎂的馬子狗將被壓縮 成為非常貴的板凳球員


Neither Brandon Ingram nor Jordan Clarkson are currently starting for Los
Angeles, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. Ingram was the second pick in
the 2016 NBA Draft, and he is thought to have superstar potential in the mold
of Warriors small forward Kevin Durant. Clarkson is coming off a very good
season and just signed a big contract to remain with the Lakers; he is only
coming off the bench because head coach Luke Walton thinks that creates a
better balance between his first and second units — Clarkson is clearly a
good, starting-quality player.

Despite its drawbacks, this would be a very tempting trade for the Los Angeles
Lakers to make. The Kings are truly in need of a reboot, and adding a supreme
talent like Brandon Ingram would fit into a plan focused on building for the
future, although other moves would probably have to be made so that Ingram and
Clarkson would be a better fit in the Sacramento lineup (those Rudy Gay trade
rumors would have to become a reality, for one thing).

儘管這個交易有缺點  但還是對湖人隊非常有吸引力

國王隊需要重建 交易Brandon Ingram這位很有才能的新秀是不錯的計畫



NBA Trade Rumors: DeMarcus Cousins To Lakers, Brandon Ingram And Jordan Clarkson To Kings
NBA trade rumors and Sacramento Kings center DeMarcus Cousins have been inseparable in recent weeks. During that time period, Cousins has seemingly be ...


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IfIknew: 某摳零啦1F 11/22 20:09
sengoddard: 湖人作夢2F 11/22 20:09
h321123aa: 湖人不要自毀前程阿,現在很有樣子了3F 11/22 20:10
NIOHA: 非常貴的板凳球員? 拓荒者表示:4F 11/22 20:10
EX37: 胖子 <-> Brandon Ingram + 紅茶還可以5F 11/22 20:10
frozenmoon: 我湖小虧6F 11/22 20:11
ToToRoTW: 紅茶+ingram+一輪<->表弟7F 11/22 20:11
LABOYS: 湖人要衝擊什麼季後賽? 進去還不是被宰8F 11/22 20:12
seemoon2000: 說真的這包很好啊 表弟也要換約了 而且國王沒什起色9F 11/22 20:12
bangch: 當初JC Randle Dlo那包被嫌的跟大便一樣 這篇也是幻想文吧lol10F 11/22 20:12
PantheraLeo: 表弟乳摸變多了12F 11/22 20:12
Amilous: 去年原本是Russell+Clarkson 今年換Ingram了XD13F 11/22 20:12
yangstar1023: 當我湖棒槌啊14F 11/22 20:12
chinhan1216: 不要亂來阿 湖人已經步上軌道了15F 11/22 20:13
www90173: 比上包好太多了16F 11/22 20:13
bangch: 可以換下一隊了 找個衝冠的出來傳乳摸吧17F 11/22 20:13
liusim: 湖人不要傻啊 我疼壓得住表弟?18F 11/22 20:14
amike18: 幻想嗎19F 11/22 20:14
imret: 能衝冠的應該都沒薪資空間惹20F 11/22 20:14
seemoon2000: 我也覺得湖人沒人能壓表弟21F 11/22 20:14
IBIZA: 交易只管有沒有價值, 空間是可用人肉換的..22F 11/22 20:15
efbnm753: 湖迷真有趣 這樣的內容還說自己虧23F 11/22 20:15
WSzc: 湖人這樣蠻猛的 DMC+Randle+Deng+Young+Dlo24F 11/22 20:15
a6565a1: 還有哪隊缺鋒線的全部一起來好嗎25F 11/22 20:15
b54102: 不是雙贏嗎 湖人怎會覺得對方虧?26F 11/22 20:15
IBIZA: 尤其現在 接近或超過稅線的球隊不多..27F 11/22 20:16
acrrtpc: 國王幻想28F 11/22 20:16
GarrettLin: 國王又不急,交易截止還有時間,等最好的包29F 11/22 20:17
IBIZA: 翻譯錯了啦...Clarkson是因為暑假換約, 所以凍結到30F 11/22 20:17
hank13241: 真是吃飽閒著,謠言越來越多,有一半怎不全列出來?31F 11/22 20:17
bangch: 我覺得啦 交易草莓的債都還沒還完 依湖人目前完成度來說 這隻更難保證他續留32F 11/22 20:17
IBIZA: 12/15, 不是他的合約有不可交易條款
他的年資還不夠格簽NTC34F 11/22 20:17
poopoopipi: Den+clarkson/lou+young還差不多36F 11/22 20:18
www90173: 上一包都是綠葉 雜魚37F 11/22 20:18
bangch: 交易下去就是再看表弟跑掉進入更長的重建期38F 11/22 20:18
uini: 克嬸那個不是"不可交易條款",是因為簽新約期限內不能被交易。不可交易條款沒那麼容易給新人39F 11/22 20:18
IBIZA: 而因為預期就算有交易, 也會是在12/15之後, 所以沒41F 11/22 20:19
jamison33: 就差我龜了43F 11/22 20:19
seemoon2000: 我是覺得湖人坦很久了 不太可能現在交易掉Ingram
更何況換表弟過來 湖人不一定會變強44F 11/22 20:19
LABOYS: 說真的,國王要Lou+Young幹嘛46F 11/22 20:20
uini: 樓上真相了,哪來的錯覺以為有表弟就有季後賽?47F 11/22 20:20
spadenet: 湖人這樣打團隊氣氛蠻好的啊 確定換表弟來...?48F 11/22 20:20
uini: 果真如此,國王早進季後賽惹49F 11/22 20:20
richard1003: 不可能啦,Ingram就當核心養了,拿去換一年後跑掉的表弟?50F 11/22 20:21
ms521520: 不要交易我JC啊52F 11/22 20:21
billy830922: 鼻要鬧了好爆 我湖大虧53F 11/22 20:22
hank13241: 是是是,表弟不值,所以請各位嘴下留情,放過表弟吧54F 11/22 20:23
LABOYS: 沒有不值啊,只是我湖不想換而已55F 11/22 20:23
aduijjr: 又有糊人~拿來抬價用的56F 11/22 20:24
Farid: kobe和BS辛苦那麼久的資產...57F 11/22 20:24
hank13241: 樓上看某幾樓的回覆吧,各個都是湖人虧阿XDD58F 11/22 20:24
seemoon2000: 要交易表弟來 應該要先看隊上有沒有%數很夠的59F 11/22 20:24
kendiablo: 季後賽球隊應該沒人想拿半支球隊去換60F 11/22 20:24
bangch: hank這篇誰在跟你說不值 是就算換了湖人留不住好嗎61F 11/22 20:24
kendiablo: 根本不知道合不合62F 11/22 20:24
richard1003: 不是不值,是他合約剩一年,不想DH事件重演63F 11/22 20:24
seemoon2000: 湖人根本就沒有人壓得住表弟 連教練%數都很不夠64F 11/22 20:25
yoyonigo: 開季前我會說不錯 但現在就ㄅ不必了65F 11/22 20:25
hu2304: 長期來看真的是湖人虧阿達66F 11/22 20:26
hank13241: b大何不看我前個噓的樓上,不就擺著個啥我湖大虧嗎?67F 11/22 20:26
ctx705f: 不可能啦 你湖虧死 這兩隻年輕好用又可練68F 11/22 20:26
※ 編輯: kaiyue (, 11/22/2016 20:27:40
squall410339: 絕對不可能69F 11/22 20:27
shangyen: 換了我湖起飛70F 11/22 20:27
bangch: 那個在反串吧...71F 11/22 20:27
LKN555: 湖人現在氣氛這麼好,換一個脾氣大的幹嘛XD72F 11/22 20:27
PurPkNighT: 湖人做夢? 湖人還不想要咧73F 11/22 20:27
jyekid: 湖人沒有兩年立即要登頂的壓力74F 11/22 20:27
hank13241: 那當我認真了,只是表弟交易文這些年來來去去,也別75F 11/22 20:27
aduijjr: 國王還嫌便宜吧76F 11/22 20:28
hank13241: 太當真,不然傷身體77F 11/22 20:28
aduijjr: 交易文看多了~打打嘴砲就好~不必認真78F 11/22 20:29
seemoon2000: 湖人現階段不是強隊 沒有交易表弟需要 還貼樂透新人79F 11/22 20:29
zx7860601: 一個注定留不下來的換兩個潛力新秀...80F 11/22 20:30
o0991758566: 當湖人白癡?81F 11/22 20:30
Verlander35: 湖人沒衝擊季後賽壓力與實力,表弟也不會續約,所以湖人一定等表弟FA而不是交易82F 11/22 20:31
yuanonly: 湖人現在重建得蠻成功的 不需要冒這個風險84F 11/22 20:31
chuchu000: Cousins老了,Ingram滿滿的天份又年輕,又不需要即戰力85F 11/22 20:31
doclin: 這交易 我真心覺得湖人虧87F 11/22 20:31
Heimdallwind: 閱  下ㄧ隊~88F 11/22 20:32
chuchu000: 換了當8789F 11/22 20:32
IBIZA: 表弟這等級就算注定留不住  換兩個潛力新秀很正常啊90F 11/22 20:32
efbnm753: cousins才26歲 說老了的是在共三小91F 11/22 20:32
IBIZA: 而且那是有IG才換兩個...
Love都換到Wiggins跟一輪籤了92F 11/22 20:32
seemoon2000: 其實就像當初騎士交易Love一樣 姆斯回去之後就預約94F 11/22 20:33
zx7860601: 相較於Ingram來說95F 11/22 20:33
Verlander35: 說表弟老了也太幽默XD96F 11/22 20:33
holyhelm: 表弟:你才老!你全家都老!97F 11/22 20:33
seemoon2000: 東冠了 當然可以賭一把貼樂透球員 湖人就二線球隊98F 11/22 20:34
bangch: 所以才一直說要乳摸也拿衝冠球隊來講啊XD99F 11/22 20:34
Lakers24: 反串隨便說虧也有人相信XDD299F 11/22 22:13
lonelysam: 推給反串最容易了呢~
推 poopoopipi  : Den+clarkson/lou+young還差不多300F 11/22 22:14
lourdes: 可以不要再幻想了嗎?302F 11/22 22:16
jenchieh5: 我湖小虧XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD303F 11/22 22:19

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