看板 NBA
作者 YuChEnChAnG (kii)
標題 [新聞] 林回到團練,但對馬刺仍不上場
時間 Sat Dec 10 07:30:33 2016


Five weeks after he went down with a strained hamstring, Jeremy Lin
finally returned to practice Friday. Kenny Atkinson did not provide a
timetable but said he would not play Saturday night in San Antonio vs.
the Spurs.

Atkinson said of Lin, "He looked good out there. He moved well. I was a
little nervous playing him because it has been so long.

"No timetable, I think we're just...after practicing today, we'll see
how he looks tomorrow and get feedback form our medical team and our
performance team. I think he's thrilled just to be out there jut to mix
it up a little bit."

It's not just about on-court performance, Atkinson added.

"His presence is huge for us. It's huge for us in the locker room --
he's been great, helping, very supportive of the guys, it's just
different when you're out there sweating with the guys, getting the
guys huddled together. You see that difference, not only playing but
the leadership ability. It's going to help us."

Lin went down November 2, when the Nets were 2-3. They played well
initially but then collapsed as both his back-ups — Greivis Vasquez
and Isaiah Whitehead joined him on the trainers table, Vasquez with
recurring ankle problems and Whitehead with a concussion. Vasquez was
later bought out when it was determined he needed ankle surgery.

The Nets are 4-12 since Lin went down.

Brooklyn has four games next week, vs. the Rockets on Monday away; the
Lakers Wednesday at home; followed by the Magic on Friday and the 76ers
on Sunday both away. Lin of course played for both the Rockets and

Meanwhile, Lin’s new backup, Spencer Dinwiddie, a 6’6" combo guard
called up from the D-League, practiced today as well.

"It's gives us another chance to look at a guy who's been good in the D
League. It was a smart move by Sean," said Atkinson of Sean Marks, the
Nets GM.

Barring any setbacks or new injuries, the Nets should be fully healthy
for the first time this season when Lin steps on the court.

Atkinson also praised Caris LeVert, who made his NBA debut on
Wednesday, grabbing four rebounds and garnering three steals in less
than 10 minute. He hadn’t played since last December when he broke his
left foot in a game at Michigan.

"For a kid who hasn't played in a long time to come out and look like
an NBA player, I look at that as a real positive," said the coach.

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asd780710: 終於1F 12/10 07:32
bowann: 馬刺專武竟然不上...2F 12/10 07:35
kauw: 已1/4球季過了?薪水大倫3F 12/10 07:37
LAKobeBryant: 有差嗎?4F 12/10 07:40
turnpoint: 台媒會說因為Lin沒上,籃網才輸馬刺的5F 12/10 07:40
chi12345678: 非林不可6F 12/10 07:42
STRO: 上季Lin對上馬刺大逆轉,記憶猶新啊,確定不上?7F 12/10 07:45
leo755269: 也太久..........8F 12/10 07:46
leaf28: 團練不夠上強度太高的場容易受傷吧9F 12/10 07:47
applekiwi: 豪哥再不趕快上 可以直接休息一年了10F 12/10 07:47
SS159: 被拖尼趴客逃過一劫11F 12/10 07:48
v0b5566: 馬刺殺手不出戰 又讓馬刺撿到一勝12F 12/10 07:49
k870357: Tp也受傷了阿13F 12/10 07:49
happyben1025: 倫14F 12/10 07:55
a26313102: 對他越來越沒耐心了 誰管你是不是華裔15F 12/10 07:57
ddfg: 沒差的話 就不會跑來這推文16F 12/10 07:57
boyd1014: 哈哈我知道你不離不棄。17F 12/10 08:00
lepidoptera: 球季1/4過了18F 12/10 08:16
edward0811: 現在出來必定是重替補出發,不小心就一直替補了19F 12/10 08:24
ttfan: 林:我要給板凳充分出頭機會,記得林來瘋如何崛起嗎?20F 12/10 08:27
archi: 本林就是打算搭著聖誕節復出 這樣才有話題炒 懂?21F 12/10 08:29
Crissangel: 要不要改名叫書倫 還是偷書賊22F 12/10 08:33
johnwu: 書豪小倫23F 12/10 08:41
aids893001: 傷到底是多嚴重24F 12/10 08:43
peterlin057: 馬刺鬆一口氣 避免被我豪射38分 射到不要不要的25F 12/10 08:44
e920528: 標題用外絮然後翻譯一下吧 不然會被刪26F 12/10 08:48
aa01081008tw: 沒林看不會看別隊嗎..一直關注又說自己沒耐性了27F 12/10 08:48
MrRedHair: 薪水小偷28F 12/10 08:49
JerrySloan: 給某樓  我看林偷走了你們的心  讓你們的人生繞著他29F 12/10 08:50
Iversonchi: 笑死 酸酸們才是真林迷吧 關注他成這個樣子30F 12/10 08:51
linceass: 球團根本想練將吧 看的出來是刻意不讓豪上的31F 12/10 08:55
iamchyun: 林迷不急倒是急死林酸 超好笑 連耐性都沒有當什麼32F 12/10 08:56
tom810115: 馬刺鬆了一口氣 林是打馬悍將34F 12/10 08:56
ttfan: 林:我打得好,打得壞,現在不打,就是有人會崩潰35F 12/10 08:57
undeadcatd: 還對他沒耐心咧……XD36F 12/10 09:03
Leaflock: 馬刺逃過一劫!37F 12/10 09:05
ZachBritton: 就說冰到季末了吧 黃種人悲哀38F 12/10 09:12
Top5566: 馬刺又賺到一場了!39F 12/10 09:16
ghostxx: 不虧是超級林迷 急成這樣40F 12/10 09:17
ppo7741: 林除了在湖人那季,打馬刺都打得蠻不錯的@@41F 12/10 09:19
leocheng: 球隊不急 急死超林迷42F 12/10 09:20
BanJarvan4: 沒想到簽1000多萬也有OVERPAID的危機43F 12/10 09:22
miha80425: 籃網在商品展示+練兵 也許談完也許破局 無論如何Lin要上了44F 12/10 09:23
hua0122: 不會是想交易吧 不過離開雜魚隊也不錯46F 12/10 09:27
jason0829: 教練,我豪想打球47F 12/10 09:31
Marytin: 人家錢賺滿滿休養,酸酸哭慘48F 12/10 09:31
iamaq18c: 給馬刺逃過一劫了 LIN可以是打馬刺專武49F 12/10 09:33
plzsmile: 看不出來哪裡overpaid耶 現在是季末嗎?50F 12/10 09:33
GOLDCOW4721: 每天看不到都是煎熬51F 12/10 09:35
nostalgia: 養傷個幾周好過一些廢整季的52F 12/10 09:37
randy225: =============強隊不敢上 小倫一個================53F 12/10 09:40
eileen86: 不是才開季ㄧ個多月? 酸酸耐不住寂寞嗎XDD54F 12/10 09:41
jackie5678: 皇上不急急死太監(酸酸)55F 12/10 09:41
okichan: 會怕就好56F 12/10 09:42
ppo7741: 樓樓上不要侮辱太監,酸酸智商更低57F 12/10 09:45
vincent31: 一定是腫足騎士58F 12/10 09:49
vanson37: 沒關係,季後賽再上59F 12/10 10:04

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