看板 NBA
作者 djviva (時鼠無奈)
標題 [情報] Jeremy Lin "probable"for Monday
時間 Mon Dec 12 12:02:07 2016

Jeremy Lin “probable” for Monday vs. Houston  http://tinyurl.com/gq5ncg5

After more than five weeks, Jeremy Lin is likely to return to action Monday
when the Nets take the court vs. the Houston Rockets at the Toyota Center.
傷後五週多, 林書豪明天可能可以歸隊去客場對戰火箭

The Nets broke the news by Twitter...
Injury Report at HOU: J. Lin- PROBABLE (strained left hamstring), J.
Hamilton- QUESTIONABLE (migraine), C. McCullough- OUT (D-League)
籃網在推特上發布這消息: 林書豪可能上場, JH還不知道, CM去發展聯盟

“No, my health is most important,” Lin said at the morning shootaround
before the Spurs game. “It doesn’t matter who we’re playing, I’m going to
make sure I make a good decision.”
林說:"我的健康狀況最重要, 而不是我們對戰的是哪隊"

Atkinson agreed.

“I’m going to completely follow the advice of the performance team and
Jeremy and figure that out,” he said when pressed for a return date.

“He wants to play 40 minutes the first game, he’s already told me. But I don
’t think that’s happening. We’ll just do the most intelligent thing and in
terms of what the best thing is coming back from an injury like that.”
總教練阿金表示同意:"我會完全聽取團隊跟林書豪的建言, 再來看何時讓他上場, 林書豪
跟我說他想要第一場就打40分鐘, 但我不會讓他這樣做, 我們只做聰明並且最好的決定"

大家可以準備動起來了!! for lovers & haters~

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OJY54cH (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1481515332.A.991.html
jamesyu545:  求火箭輕虐我網1F 12/12 12:03
waiting0801: 推推2F 12/12 12:03
manuginobii: 跪求豪豪輕虐火箭3F 12/12 12:04
birdman5656: 希望吧,健康的出賽!!4F 12/12 12:04
johnwu: 林酸說好的整季報銷呢?5F 12/12 12:04
philip1111: 緯來籃網大平台!6F 12/12 12:04
ChrisPaul03: 防守Harden五分鐘五犯  所以打不了40分鐘7F 12/12 12:06
jorden: 跪求火箭輕虐8F 12/12 12:06
OPPAISuki: 書豪龍體至上9F 12/12 12:06
tp943308: 跪求豪豪饒過火箭 求輕虐10F 12/12 12:08
ghostxx: 沉寂許久的反串們也迫不及待想上場 水桶獲量大豐收11F 12/12 12:09
henrylinsj: 跪求火箭輕虐12F 12/12 12:09
Spinner3: 我豪牛刀小試 小勝火箭30分13F 12/12 12:09
ppo7741: 坐等林上場後的下一次水桶名單XD期待14F 12/12 12:10
hua0122: 在大雜魚隊 復出也是連敗15F 12/12 12:10
fongmcn: 鬍子挫咧等16F 12/12 12:11
bill1478963: >別被天空貝擊墜阿17F 12/12 12:11
e49523: 豪☆神☆再☆臨18F 12/12 12:13
king181239: 雜魚王差不多而已啦19F 12/12 12:14
kuloda: 迷迷、酸酸、串串抓穩囉20F 12/12 12:14
blake1003: 喔喔喔喔喔喔豪神21F 12/12 12:14
tupacshkur: 人氣王要回來了!! 大家抓緊! 準備起飛~22F 12/12 12:15
a87569650: 書豪回歸 籃網痛電對手30+23F 12/12 12:15
kyo28: gg24F 12/12 12:16
narutotha: 其餘29隊洗好脖子吧,恐怖籃網要來啦25F 12/12 12:16

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