看板 NBA
作者 huntai (婚帶)
標題 [外絮] 各名宿心目中的GOAT
時間 Sat Jan 14 12:47:35 2017

原始文章出處 : http://tinyurl.com/zsgn8ga


我們在網上搜到的GOAT 大多數都是球迷票選, 球評票選或新聞網自己選的.

內文太長我就不全翻了, 以下就名單列出來跟補一下(括弧)我所知道的更新或錯誤.

1.) Michael Jordan – Himself (Jordan)


    (作者扭曲了意思, MJ影片一開始就說GOAT是個愚蠢話題,
    影片裡頭他比較的是最偉大的冠軍, 而非GOAT.

2.) Bird – Probably Jordan

    1985年: Bird 比喻MJ為有史以來最強的新秀

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...

    1998年: 他是有史以來最厲害的兩個球員之一

NBA: 10 questions with Larry Bird | Sports | GMA News Online
After avoiding questions since his arrival in Manila, Monday, Celtics legend and Indiana Pacers president of basketball operations Larry Bird finally  ...

    最近: 很明顯的, 所有人都認為MJ是GOAT

3.) Magic Johnson – Jordan

Is Michael Jordan The Greatest Ever? Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Danny Ainge, Kenny Smith... - YouTube A Jordan analysis by a couple of NBA greats and Kenny Smith. Is Jordan the greatest of all time? As someone who saw him play, not even at his prime, because ...


4.) Bill Russell – Jordan

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...


5.) Oscar Robertson - 沒選

Oscar Robertson: Jordan is not greatest ever | NBA | Sporting News
Sure, Michael Jordan was a great player, but the greatest ever? Not so, says Oscar Robertson.  ...

    He thinks several players are in the conversation.
    Does not think Jordan was the greatest.

6.) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - 沒選

Kareem says Oscar Robertson better than Jordan or LeBron | ProBasketballTalk
While most current NBA fans give Michael Jordan the nod in the hypothetical “best player ever” competition, but a lot of that is simply due to timing  ...


    大O > MJ 和 LBJ
    張伯倫 = 歷史最佳得分手

7.) Isiah Thomas – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...


    MJ主宰了90年代, 但是80才是黃金時代, Jabbar同時主宰了70跟80.

8.) Karl Malone – Wilt Chamberlain.

MJ not Malone's pick for all-time best - Chicago Bulls Blog- ESPN
Karl Malone didn't pick Michael Jordan as his greatest all-time player. ...


9.) John Stockton - 沒選

ESPN First Take | John Stockton COMPARES LeBron James to Michael Jordan - YouTube Stephen A. Smith, Skip Bayless and John Stockton discuss the current state of the NBA aswell as express their opinions on Derrick Rose and Michael Jordan vs ...


10.) Charles Barkley – Jordan

Is Michael Jordan The Greatest Ever? Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Danny Ainge, Kenny Smith... - YouTube A Jordan analysis by a couple of NBA greats and Kenny Smith. Is Jordan the greatest of all time? As someone who saw him play, not even at his prime, because ...


11.) Elgin Baylor – Jordan

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...

     場內的影響力 + 場外的影響力 + 查字典Greatness的定義 = MJ

12.) Bob Cousy – Jordan

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...

     打每個位置都沒難度. 沒致命弱點.
     我跳起來最高只到藍下, 他跳起來最高點已經飛在籃板上了.

13.) Shaquille O’Neal – Jordan

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...

     有史以來最厲害的得分機器, 也許也是有史以來最棒的防守者.

     (最近幾年改口認為GOAT是Dr. J
      http://tinyurl.com/hzp9gu4 )


14.) Julius Erving,  Dr. J –  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar



15.) Jerry West – Jordan

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...

     維持多年的最佳得分跟最佳防守. 應該把他跟其他球員區隔開來評價.
     他是現代的Babe Ruth.

16.) Scottie Pippen – Jordan



17.) Bill Walton – Kareem Abdul Jabbar

     Jabbar > Magic, Bird , Jordan.
     他是我前進的動力, 但無論我作出多少努力, 他都會在我面前得50分.

18.) Hakeem Olajuwon – Probably Jordan.

     LBJ是最偉大之一, 但是 MJ > LBJ.

19.) Bob Pettit – Bill Russell

The Q&A: At 80, Pettit Reflects On Wilt, Russell, Cousy And Life Outside The NBA « NBA.com | Hang Time Blog Bob Pettit wasn't sure what to call this date: Dec. 12, 2012. Take the short version – 12/12/12 – and it looks like a triple-double. Or a triple-dozen ...

     他有最強的得勝慾望, 他的防守太可怕了.
     那不如就改稱他為GOAT吧. 因為打球就是要勝利.

20.) George Gervin – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
     沒來源, 但是作者看過影片

21.) Ricky Barry – Maybe Wilt Chamberlain.

CNN/SI - Michael Jordan Retires - Praise from his peers - Monday February 01, 1999 03:52 PM Most of the 50 greatest players in NBA history agree that MJ stands alone, the best to ever step on the court ...

     About Jordan:
       大家都說他是GOAT. 但是不同位置無法比較, 他是我見過的最佳雙能衛.

Barry: PED’s Wouldn’t Be That Helpful In Basketball « CBS Pittsburgh
Basketball Hall of Famer Rick Barry talked about PED use in pro sports with Starkey, Miller and Mueller. ...

     About Wilt:
       他是有史以來最棒的大個子球員. 有了大個子, 你就能奪得勝利.

22.) Walt Frazier – Wilt Chamberlain

Walt Frazier says Wilt Chamberlain is GOAT | ProBasketballTalk
Jordan is not on the top of his list. ...

     張伯倫 > Russell > Jabbar

23.) Wilt Chamberlain – Meadowlark Lemon (哈林籃球隊傳奇)

     Meadowlark Lemon > Dr. J 和 MJ

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1484369264.A.9FE.html
Xavier412958: 那些不選喬丹的人其實仔細看看都有充分的理由1F 01/14 12:49
NanaoNaru: 大帥的答案真特別2F 01/14 12:49
JayFans0610: Jordan第一,Jabbar第二基本上是板上釘釘的事了3F 01/14 12:50
Xavier412958: 像跟大帥同時代一起競爭的貝瑞就不太會選喬丹,畢竟有無親自交手是挺關鍵的,可以反映數字上看不到的實力
所以天鉤的第二其實也沒那麼穩,但最差也是第三,多輸給羅素這樣子。4F 01/14 12:50
freemail: 看到himself 笑了 XDDDDDDDD  霸氣12F 01/14 12:59
SteveKerr: 大帥其實這樣不意外 他本身在哈林打過不短的時間
 甚至有時候休賽期也會去打哈林13F 01/14 13:04
hohoman: MJ,天勾,羅素,張大帥,名宿的歷史前4。15F 01/14 13:04
lmf770410: 老喬跟賈霸蠻多的16F 01/14 13:05
ts012108: 樓上這四大  完全不能反駁 要反駁的來戰17F 01/14 13:05
f22313467: Green、Rodman、Worldpeace、Barkley 不服來戰18F 01/14 13:08
pc2990: 沒Kobe19F 01/14 13:12
kevin0733: 很明顯  Jordna前輩不選他的比較多一點20F 01/14 13:15
ntusimmon: MJ猛 其他三個都中鋒21F 01/14 13:16
kevin0733: 不過能讓 Bird 服氣也不容易22F 01/14 13:16
kaede0711: 答案幾乎都是張伯倫 賈霸 MJ23F 01/14 13:16
allenblack: 竟然沒有KOBE24F 01/14 13:18
charlie01: 這名單很明顯和各人活躍年代以及對位過對手的不同有非常高度的相關 這是絕大多數人的思考模式 倒不是說選A不選B就一定非常認真比較過覺得A比B強之類的25F 01/14 13:19
Xavier412958: 大帥怎麼會有前四?應該是魔術才對吧?
年代強度先不管,獎項數量魔術勝出欸28F 01/14 13:22
theray: Karl Malone應該要選MJ才對啊,MJ的強他最親身體驗30F 01/14 13:23
Xavier412958: 馬龍不可能選喬丹啦,對他恨之入骨欸31F 01/14 13:24
tom82124: 怎麼可能會有老大 弱弱的反串32F 01/14 13:26
sct015: 很明顯有些人的選擇不是很客觀33F 01/14 13:30
aduijjr: 完全看出交情的榜XD34F 01/14 13:31
simon5566: Dr.J 活好久35F 01/14 13:34
icou: 歷史前二就MJ賈霸了36F 01/14 13:36
JerrySloan: 馬龍應該覺得裁判給Jordan金身太多 但他選的也夠強37F 01/14 13:43
bravo: 怎沒人選LBJ?38F 01/14 13:43
Xavier412958: 喇叭現在只有歷史5-7的位子而已
第四冠才坐穩前五39F 01/14 13:44
newtypeL9: 爵士二老都不想提MJ,人之常情41F 01/14 13:50
IHD: 沒人說那些老將 當代亂選嗎? 貴古賤今(90以後)?
難怪NBA現在感受到困擾 打到2016 還不請出MJ相救嗎?42F 01/14 13:50
simon5566: ㄧ些老人連Jordan 都不選了怎可能輪的到LBJ跟Kobe44F 01/14 13:55
lonelysam: 有些明顯很不客觀45F 01/14 13:57
jungKK: 再過個十年 應該一堆人選LBJ了46F 01/14 13:58
cdpicker: 這本來就是主觀的選擇47F 01/14 13:58
neo5124075: 爵士二老選MJ那也太M了 不選正常48F 01/14 14:02
TaipeiBigGG: 腿迷當道 幻想的人也自然很多49F 01/14 14:06
yellowboy: 怎沒kobe50F 01/14 14:20

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