看板 NBA作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)標題 [情報] 鵜鶘隊向老鷹隊探詢交易 Dwight Howard時間 Wed Jan 18 23:58:20 2017
Pelicans, Hawks Held Exploratory Dwight Howard Trade Talks
The New Orleans Pelicans have found success playing Anthony Davis at center,
but there are concerns about the physical toll it would take. Davis has
frequently been hampered by minor injuries throughout his career that would
likely get accentuated by playing against bigger and stronger opponents.
The Pelicans and Atlanta Hawks recently held exploratory talks about possible
Dwight Howard trades. Atlanta ultimately decided to pull everyone off the
The level of interest from New Orleans is unclear and there was not unanimous
support within the organization in trading for Howard.
Howard signed a three-year, $70 million deal in the offseason with the Hawks.
根據ESPN記者Zach Lowe的消息來源
鵜鶘隊最近已經向老鷹隊討論交易Dwight Howard的可能性
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OVv2WJH (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1484755104.A.4D1.html
※ 編輯: thnlkj0665 (, 01/19/2017 00:06:37
→ puro: 我以為我2k才湊得到這種交易哈哈哈4F 01/19 00:01
推 johnwu: 真的簽到水鳥就起飛惹6F 01/19 00:02
推 xeroma: 阿西早該晾到旁邊了7F 01/19 00:02
推 love1500274: 紐奧良火箭隊!? DMo Jones Howard13F 01/19 00:05
推 frank47147: 一醒來隊友都不見了.........啊 是我不見了18F 01/19 00:08
推 Koch: 老鷹看起來沒要擺爛,應該換不到
反正手上不缺籤了19F 01/19 00:08
推 leophior: 老鷹的做法很怪.沒要擺爛又把KK交易出去23F 01/19 00:17
推 KOFIORI: 收集當年火箭內線?Lin也一起來吧24F 01/19 00:17
推 leo755269: 曹梅剛回老鷹時感動到哭哭 真被交易不知道會怎樣25F 01/19 00:19
推 bada: 看了kk這幾場 只能說老鷹賺大了28F 01/19 00:29
推 shangyen: DH認份點 跟AD配還是有希望的好嗎 一攻一守覺得不錯 只是不要痛痛29F 01/19 00:50
推 thelofd: 阿西到底怎麼了,以前有均雙十阿33F 01/19 01:13
推 owhfr69c: DH好不容易回老家打球,交易.他應該會不爽34F 01/19 01:17
→ sscck5: Kk表現有回穩啊35F 01/19 01:17
推 liafree: Dmo也一起去好了36F 01/19 01:47
推 Wall62: 這換成的話就太扯了38F 01/19 02:08
推 TVXFQ: 早該找中鋒了 啊西超爛....40F 01/19 04:10
推 jorden: 阿西再拿去交易DH XDDDDD41F 01/19 06:38
推 aaagang: Asik:怎麼DH又來了43F 01/19 07:53
推 cth0204: 阿西真的太奶油 又沒有好的控衛給他球 真的就GG了44F 01/19 07:58
→ CW4: Asik就是防守沒那麼具有影響力 但是進攻finish比較差 然後超出籃下5呎同樣可以放防和駭罰球的Bogut46F 01/19 08:25
推 peace1way: 阿西現在的程度,你不丟在旁邊還一直派上場嗎…48F 01/19 08:40
推 coox: 水鳥真的想奪冠喔!也是啦,有AD在確實是基礎就有了49F 01/19 08:43
→ pounil: 老鷹先賣Millsap才可能賣DH吧 一個到期約 一個剛簽50F 01/19 08:53
推 skygray2: 簽到可能有機會起飛,重點是AD跟假日不能動53F 01/19 09:18
→ davidWG5566: 老鷹:我是自願的時候才當盤阿 不是你想摃就可以摃的54F 01/19 09:20
推 vgil: 換到水鳥就起飛了 可是要用什麼換????57F 01/19 10:09