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作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)
標題 [外絮] Ben Simmons 可能會在明星賽過後歸隊
時間 Thu Jan 19 10:19:54 2017

原文網址: ESPN  http://tinyurl.com/jfb4soz
Ben Simmons could debut for Philadelphia 76ers after All-Star break
Barring a recovery setback, No. 1 overall pick Ben Simmons could be on course to make his much-anticipated NBA debut for the Philadelphia 76ers near M ...


Ben Simmons could debut for 76ers after All-Star break, sources say

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Philadelphia 76ers rookie forward Ben Simmons could make
his much-anticipated NBA debut shortly after the All-Star break, league
sources told ESPN.

76人隊菜鳥前鋒Ben Simmons可能會等到二月份全明星週之後,迎來眾所期待的NBA處女秀

Barring a recovery setback, sources say the No. 1 overall pick in the 2016
NBA draft has a chance to take the hardwood near March. There still remains
the possibility Simmons sits the entire season, sources said, but his
situation will continue to be thoroughly evaluated throughout his comeback




During training camp, Simmons, 20, fractured the fifth metatarsal bone of his
right foot and was ruled out indefinitely following surgery. His foot has
completely healed, sources say.




His current rehab will be centered on gradually increasing his conditioning
and on-court workload. Last week he participated in 5-on-5 drills for the
first time. The Sixers organization is going about the process of bringing
back their franchise player in a cautionary, delicate fashion.




The pairing of Simmons and standout center Joel Embiid is expected to give
the league nightmares for years down the road.

Simmons與優秀中鋒Joel Embiid的組合,在未來幾年將會成為聯盟其他球隊的夢魘

Simmons played one collegiate season at LSU and averaged 19.2 points, 11.8
rebounds and 4.8 assists.

Ben Simmons 去年在LSU的大一賽季,場均繳出 19.2分 11.8籃板 4.8助攻

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OW29D3E (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1484792397.A.0CE.html
ANava: 反觀籃網1F 01/19 10:21
airbase: 76人要起飛了2F 01/19 10:21
yist: 他誰?3F 01/19 10:21
max1gau: 樓上加油哦4F 01/19 10:22
※ 編輯: thnlkj0665 (, 01/19/2017 10:26:18
gn025: 自從76人讓恩比休那麼長時間成果 大家也就放心了?5F 01/19 10:24
jesusnotme: 驗貨囉~~~~~蠻期待的哈哈6F 01/19 10:24
jones17188: 76人季後賽!老八!7F 01/19 10:25
James102211: 希望長出跳投~8F 01/19 10:26
ecolife: 起飛~抓穩囉9F 01/19 10:27
bravo: 阿比:晉級季後賽啦!10F 01/19 10:27
super009: 這籃板能力打控衛 跟龜龜有拼11F 01/19 10:27
eric74658: 代表拿不到ROY了12F 01/19 10:28
PeterHenson: 沒roy先幫QQ13F 01/19 10:29
a3460981: ROY被隊友拿走拉14F 01/19 10:30
WasJohnWall: 直接等一年啊 不然沒ROY15F 01/19 10:31
gcar: 應該到時候會依照當時的戰績選擇全力拼季後賽或是擺爛拿前三名選秀資格,個人覺得後者可能性大,因為76人之前做過這種事16F 01/19 10:32
hsin8535: 蠻期待simmons的,希望他能展現他那優秀的傳球能力19F 01/19 10:32
sasha8317: 說不定回來一起拿ROY20F 01/19 10:33
cow7585519: 期待他回來,跳投多練習就好,但他的傳球視野不是一般人能練出來的R21F 01/19 10:42
chandrian: 這兩人那麼年輕,不痛痛的話,可能會是史上少見的可怕組合23F 01/19 10:42
purplebfly: 76人或成最大贏家25F 01/19 10:43
love913109: 終於要起飛了26F 01/19 10:46
kuaiphoto: 76人起飛啦!27F 01/19 10:46
SEXYFUCK: 希望能共存阿 好期待阿28F 01/19 10:51
Leaflock: 季後賽 季後賽29F 01/19 10:56
monmo: 恐怖76人要來了.......30F 01/19 10:58
bbbruce: 西門加油31F 01/19 10:58
iamaq18c: 恐怖76人要來囉~~~~~~~~~~~~32F 01/19 11:00
chi12345678: 其他隊友 開始抖了33F 01/19 11:05
noahlin: 拼季後賽太勉強了 再說狀元也不一定對戰績有幫助34F 01/19 11:09
xeric: 驗貨時間到了,看看是否會榮登史上最過譽狀元之一35F 01/19 11:11
LinEricX: 怎麼一堆人那麼看好西蒙一回來 76人就起飛36F 01/19 11:12
Heimdallwind: 76人缺控場、外線  他的能力回來能補上控場那塊啊37F 01/19 11:14
zsp9081a: 希望西門的腳真的練好了38F 01/19 11:18
Latizhate: 不管西門進攻如何,至少他的傳導是已經看過很不錯的39F 01/19 11:19
orange7986: 208公分 傳球隱蔽性極佳40F 01/19 11:27
loverxa: 西門回歸真的會讓人想看76人比賽41F 01/19 11:47
PeterHenson: 再怎麼打也不會比AB過譽吧42F 01/19 11:54
puj506afd: 可怕der76人要來惹43F 01/19 11:56
BoYuYou: 想看他那不輸LBJ的傳球視野44F 01/19 12:12
abcdmomo: 恐怖76人來了45F 01/19 12:21
s00105albert: 西門練腳46F 01/19 12:32
kane213059: embiid應該不希望球隊擺爛,都放話要搶季後賽了47F 01/19 12:34
weeber: 休ㄧ季啊 明年拿新人王 在進季後賽48F 01/19 12:46

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