看板 NBA
作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)
標題 [花邊] Zach Randolph捐贈兩萬美金 援助弱勢家庭
時間 Tue Jan 24 21:40:48 2017

來源: Bleacher Report  http://tinyurl.com/jl7rf3r
Grizzlies Forward Zach Randolph Donates $20K to Help 100 Families in Need | Bleacher Report
Zach Randolph is giving back in a major way. The Grizzlies forward personally surprised two families in need with assistance keeping their home utilit ...


Grizzlies Forward Zach Randolph Donates $20K to Help 100 Families in Need

Zach Randolph is giving back in a major way.

The Grizzlies forward personally surprised two families in need with
assistance keeping their home utilities connected.

Randolph donated $20,000 to MIFA (Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association)
Emergency Services' Plus-1 program to help keep utilities connected for over
100 families on the edge of service interruption in the Memphis area.

According to NBA.com, this is Randolph's seventh year contributing to MIFA's
emergency utility cause.

Zach Randolph 持續用行動來回饋曼菲斯地區







Memphis Grizzlies
Today, @MacBo50 surprised 2 families that will benefit from his $20,000 contribution to cover utility payments for more than 100 households

Today, @MacBo50 surprised 2 families that will benefit from his $20,000
contribution to cover utility payments for more than 100 households

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OXrbbvh (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1485265253.A.E6B.html
maxknife: 推善心1F 01/24 21:41
orange7986: 棒棒2F 01/24 21:41
a8347x15: 推Z-BO3F 01/24 21:41
chimori: GOOD!4F 01/24 21:41
YujunMa: 推5F 01/24 21:41
zillzill: 推6F 01/24 21:43
cherise: 推7F 01/24 21:43
DEATH0827: 推8F 01/24 21:47
ZachBritton: 好感動 Zbo好棒!9F 01/24 21:48
Eric1751: 做善事推10F 01/24 21:49
mose56789: 推善事11F 01/24 21:49
MoneyDay5566: 7年了!.......12F 01/24 21:50
locdan: 做善事,推13F 01/24 21:54
harry881210: 善事先推14F 01/24 21:54
tommyking: 感動 大推15F 01/24 21:56
jj980734: 推黑熊16F 01/24 21:56
LoMing1021: CP25應該也要來做點善事17F 01/24 21:57
kingtseng: 推Z-Bo18F 01/24 22:01
oopday: 推19F 01/24 22:09
Wall62: 推Z-BO20F 01/24 22:13
hua1027: 推21F 01/24 22:14
iamaq18c: 推Z-BO22F 01/24 22:15
kenny79106: 推z-bo23F 01/24 22:17
paradoxmani: 推24F 01/24 22:19
wefg: 推25F 01/24 22:20
www2967: CP25:2萬鎂可以多把幾個妹26F 01/24 22:23
darkdixen: 真心希望他能在曼菲斯終老27F 01/24 22:25
waiting0801: 七年真的很有心,推28F 01/24 22:29
bbbjjj: 推29F 01/24 22:29
jtr6208: 看過拓荒者的Z-Bo真的無法想像是同個人...30F 01/24 22:31
a0939877325: 推31F 01/24 22:32
godfeibei: 做善事推32F 01/24 22:37
qwaszx012: 推33F 01/24 22:40
lkshfish: 推34F 01/24 22:49
lovemeteor: 推35F 01/24 22:50
j891004: 讚36F 01/24 23:01
zero549893: 這必須推37F 01/24 23:03
s90523: 推38F 01/24 23:07
spotmay: 推z-bo39F 01/24 23:11
dye1122334: 推個40F 01/24 23:14
Eleganse: 路遙知馬力 本句成語的幾乎世界最強寫照41F 01/24 23:15
coding5566: 必推42F 01/24 23:18
darkreborn: 推43F 01/24 23:20
takoQAQ: 推44F 01/24 23:21
gwds4868: 做善事必推 z-bo好棒45F 01/24 23:24
popoliii: 可貴在持續這麼長的時間46F 01/24 23:29
brucestyle: ㄊ47F 01/24 23:31
Kulan:48F 01/24 23:35
sminmax: 周處除三害,感動49F 01/24 23:47
john91018: Z-Bo!!!50F 01/25 00:01
funeasy: 推51F 01/25 00:01
mike40709: 推52F 01/25 00:07
fghfghfhg: 推Z-BO53F 01/25 00:08
nash475: 淚推54F 01/25 00:10
ccchen6919: 推55F 01/25 00:12
imoung91158k: 推 善心56F 01/25 00:13
bernie880303: 推 黑熊57F 01/25 00:14
wowojojo: 推58F 01/25 00:15
puro: 推愛心59F 01/25 00:18
khristian: 推 zbo表弟加油60F 01/25 00:23
minjih: 感動61F 01/25 00:23
a3504121: 推62F 01/25 00:26
hmt17: 推 zbo表弟加油63F 01/25 00:27
lordgginin: 好人好事推64F 01/25 00:42
trpoct12: 推Z-BO!!!!!!!!65F 01/25 00:47
ian030501: 推推66F 01/25 00:50
jacklinjia: 善事推67F 01/25 00:51
kipi91718: 推68F 01/25 01:00
sinben: Z BO好棒69F 01/25 01:01
mack860120: 推 死小倫也該捐70F 01/25 01:29
akstyle: Z-BO71F 01/25 01:38
srwcc: 不簡單不簡單72F 01/25 01:44
pili30155: 推73F 01/25 02:08
LoveBea: 推74F 01/25 02:13
eugene147258: ZBO心智的蛻變有目共睹!真的很謝謝這些願意為公益付出的球員~75F 01/25 02:21
bakedgrass: 推77F 01/25 03:05
Phater: 浪子回頭金不換78F 01/25 03:08
ajg9380: 來到曼菲斯一步步成長 而且場外對這城市也有一直做善事 加油啦79F 01/25 03:24
vasia: 鐵漢柔情81F 01/25 03:56
laba5566: 讚讚82F 01/25 06:27
hutten: 真的 浪子回頭 大推83F 01/25 06:48
cpeyeshield: Z Bo 讚84F 01/25 07:17
t13thbc: 善事只能推了85F 01/25 07:33
bilibo: 大推善心!!86F 01/25 07:45
edhuang: 無法不推 太窩心87F 01/25 07:59
yoiverson: 去曼菲斯之後真的長大了 推88F 01/25 08:55
kevininla: 推善心89F 01/25 08:58
craymond: 錢得樂真可恥 只會自己爽不會回饋90F 01/25 09:28
hyc0725zz: 做善事給推91F 01/25 09:51
vata: Z-Bo真是曼非斯的英雄92F 01/25 09:53
ccds14725: 推推93F 01/25 10:08
xianyuyu:94F 01/25 10:24
K0RVER: ZBO暖暖der 推95F 01/25 10:45
cress0128: 大推Z-Bo96F 01/25 10:50
feng6669: 推ZBO97F 01/25 10:52
fish780722: 捐得有我詹多再說啦98F 01/25 11:02
oncee: 推99F 01/25 11:06
ups: 推100F 01/25 11:22
jorden: 推善心101F 01/25 11:34
b9606022: 推~~~102F 01/25 11:36
kyo28: 推103F 01/25 11:39
nwojessy: ZBO104F 01/25 11:42
robots: 推105F 01/25 12:12
taylorliao: 太感動106F 01/25 12:22
maiyuy: 推107F 01/25 12:23
jojozp06: 已經7年了……108F 01/25 12:25

作者 thnlkj0665 的最新發文: