看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] Curry跟KD有可能對湖人時還是不會上場
時間 Wed Nov 29 14:38:25 2017

來源: The Mercury News
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8yfzudz
Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant listed as questionable vs Lakers
On Tuesday, the Golden State Warriors announced that forward Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry are listed as questionable for Tuesday’s contest against t ...


Warriors Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant listed as questionable vs Lakers

On Tuesday, the Golden State Warriors announced that forward Kevin Durant and
Stephen Curry are listed as questionable for Tuesday’s contest against the
Los Angeles Lakers.

While Durant continues to nurse an injured ankle suffered in a Nov. 18
matchup against the Philadelphia 76ers, Curry is recovering from the effects
of a right-hand contusion, suffered in Saturday’s game against the New
Orleans Pelicans.

Despite the ailments, the two players went through a series of shooting
drills following practice with assistant coach Bruce Fraser.

Durant’s injury, in particular, caused some concern since the eight time
all-star returned for a Nov. 22 matchup against the Oklahoma City Thunder,
scoring 21 points in 33 minutes, then headed back to the inactive list, after
complaining of discomfort and swelling in the ankle. However, in his
post-practice availability, Durant admitted he may have come back too early
for the highly anticipated matchup.

“I probably should’ve told coach [Kerr] how I was really feeling,” Durant
admitted. “I wanted to play, I wanted to be out there. It’s not a smart
move, especially with an ankle, which can get worse.”

For Curry’s part, the former MVP was still experiencing swelling during
Tuesday’s practice and wore a bandage that wrapped around his wrist and
right middle finger. Curry said that the bandage serves as a caution against
In the event that Curry plays Wednesday night, the bandage will continue to
wear the wrap.

“It’s still painful,” Curry admitted. “But you kind of have to deal with
that as you go, especially with your hand.”


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StressND: 又要打星號了1F 11/29 14:39
smallmai0207: 難怪緯來不播... XD2F 11/29 14:39
chrisplash: ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★3F 11/29 14:40
slimak: 輪休吧 還裝4F 11/29 14:40
Aggro: 湖人慣例的每年贏一次勇士又要連續下去嗎...5F 11/29 14:40
tim8333: 然後又輸球6F 11/29 14:40
GothicMetal: Curry跟KD表示:"請給Lonzo Ball一點時間"7F 11/29 14:40
joulin: 休好休滿8F 11/29 14:40
no321: 為啥休成這樣不見去年詹酸出來罵啊9F 11/29 14:41
danorken: 季後賽再打就好10F 11/29 14:41
Gentile: 這兩個這麼不想打球啊11F 11/29 14:41
AngelNo13: 就已經是詹酸了罵勇士要幹嘛?12F 11/29 14:42
leophior: 讓兩個mvp湖人大概也不會贏XD13F 11/29 14:42
murmur38: 球哥CD好了沒阿 該彈一下了吧14F 11/29 14:42
AngelNo13: 你要也是質疑勇酸怎麼還不出動吧15F 11/29 14:42
Aggro: 反正季後賽還是會出線 例行賽打身體健康就好吧16F 11/29 14:43
dustinhuang: 讓球哥代替他們上場吧  平衡一下戰力17F 11/29 14:43
Aggro: 例行賽戰績也拚過了 這層級的球隊目標本來就不在這18F 11/29 14:43
cool8418: 每年一場 ok的19F 11/29 14:44
vltw5v: 勇士持續養身中20F 11/29 14:44
O10lOl01O: 緯來贏了21F 11/29 14:45
NanaoNaru: *22F 11/29 14:45
pounil: 會不會就是固定給湖人的一場額度呢23F 11/29 14:45
O10lOl01O: 勇士這樣連國王都輸 對湖人堪慮阿24F 11/29 14:45
Aggro: 反正躲西區競爭激烈 到時季後賽怎樣都要血戰過關
不差這一場拉 當作每年送給湖人的扣打25F 11/29 14:46
liao18: 別演拉,裝病輪休27F 11/29 14:46
vvvvaaaa: 繼續輪休沒關係28F 11/29 14:47
fish0112: 聽說聯盟今年要重罰輪休??29F 11/29 14:48
a222317168: *30F 11/29 14:48
bangch: 湖人還不是輸少了貝佛利 歐洲王 家裡那裏 半節BG的快艇
可以期待來場拉鋸的比賽lol31F 11/29 14:48
amber419: 綠葉和體系球員們該是好好證明自己的時候了34F 11/29 14:49
Aggro: 那種不是一開始就知道只能防君子了? 真要休理由很好找的 那時候早一堆人吐槽了 我覺得是影響不大拉..更別說聯盟自己都有點像是用"宣導"的 lol35F 11/29 14:49
qwerty789: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
★★★★★38F 11/29 14:51
tim8333: 難怪咖哩跟杯子蛋糕會要湖人讓球哥多點時間上場打鐵40F 11/29 14:51
FatalLuna: 我勇目標是冠軍  輸又怎樣  板凳跟戰術有練到就好41F 11/29 14:53
nobody741: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★42F 11/29 14:55
turnpoint: 球星都是對弱隊時剛好受傷缺陣呢43F 11/29 14:56
kevin4919: 謊言說久了都會成真的44F 11/29 14:57
cblade: 讓兩個MVP了45F 11/29 14:57
try107799: Fantasy選勇士球員等於空氣.........46F 11/29 14:58
hcrcool: 原來這兒都是勇士隊醫啊 球員早康復故意輪休不打 真過分47F 11/29 15:00
loserloser: 我勇酸都不覺得是輪休 真的有傷吧
打弱隊輪休那公牛更弱還不是上了49F 11/29 15:03
lepidoptera: 養生成顯學 POPO領先聯盟好幾年51F 11/29 15:03
yungkan: ★★★★★★我先打好
樓下街上52F 11/29 15:04
Aggro: 上上上54F 11/29 15:04
yungkan: ...55F 11/29 15:05
QoGIVoQ: 賽程太鬆  不休不好意思啦56F 11/29 15:05
noahlin: 打湖人讓兩個應該會輸57F 11/29 15:08
johnny1125bo: 不酸一下都不行58F 11/29 15:09
qwer007700: 看來這年頭連真的養傷都不行了 顆顆59F 11/29 15:13
hunt5566: 咖哩真的曇花了60F 11/29 15:13
lanpuma: 送你湖的 打個星號61F 11/29 15:15
tetsu2008: 945362F 11/29 15:18
Transfat: 沒差,打弱隊輕鬆63F 11/29 15:18
TexasFlood: 湖人利空64F 11/29 15:21
fatotaku: 球哥每10場爆發一場的機會來了65F 11/29 15:28
bilibo: 對湖人 沒差啦66F 11/29 15:35
qpeter: 太平洋分組 快艇傷兵潮 湖人國王太陽都還沒成氣候勇士有很多場次可以用來調節戰力的空間67F 11/29 15:38
Aggro: 西區競爭激烈 不拚第一怎行呢 又不是東區:369F 11/29 15:39
MTSquare: 開坦囉70F 11/29 15:42
guardian128: 如果再沒辦法上勇士搞不好又會輸71F 11/29 15:57
GreenMay22: 姆斯發明的招罵勇士的使用者幹嘛?72F 11/29 16:05
nwj6jo3: 不錯 好好養傷 把冠軍抓穩73F 11/29 16:05
NiuBi5566: 打弱隊各種休息74F 11/29 16:19
ramirez: 直接休到季後賽開打都沒關係 穩進總冠軍賽75F 11/29 16:21
samue: 沒差啦..有擠進季後賽再出來各式打爆就好...76F 11/29 16:30
leo921080931: 可以給羊先發嗎77F 11/29 16:36
wj1009: 不用上啊,再休息就好
應該連green都休息,好好鍛鍊一下kt78F 11/29 16:42
aimlikenoob: 避戰我球 會怕就好80F 11/29 17:20
King0615: 這也可以扯LBJ沾酸程度堪憂81F 11/29 17:25
yulin252: 跪求勇士輕虐82F 11/29 17:32
potterpig: 再裝嘛 將來會還回來的83F 11/29 17:33
LesBleus: 先打星號?84F 11/29 17:36
snsd56: 不過緯來播那個 也沒啥好看85F 11/29 17:37

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