看板 NBA作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)標題 [外絮] 騎士看上Kemba Walker,可能拿IT換時間 Wed Jan 24 12:39:29 2018
Cavs eyeing Kemba Walker trade, May swap Isaiah Thomas
Reports are linking Isaiah Thomas and Kemba Walker in a potential trade betwee
n the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Charlotte Hornets.
According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, the Cleveland Cavaliers have “checke
d in” with the Charlotte Hornets about the availability of Kemba Walker. Woj
recently reported that the Queen City team has been listening to offers regard
ing Kemba in hopes that they can package him in a deal to help shed one of the
ir larger contracts.
Brian Windhorst, also of ESPN, recently said on The Jump that the Cavs may be
willing to deal Isaiah Thomas as part of a swap deal for the Hornets’ All-sta
r point guard.
Brian Windhorst也說到騎士如果能換來Walker,他們可能會願意將IT放入交易包裹
Hornets’ owner Michael Jordan recently told the Charlotte Observer that they
are“not looking to trade point guard Kemba Walker, and would do so only if th
e return included a major All-Star, such as the San Antonio Spurs’ Kawhi Leon
而前幾天黃蜂的喬老闆也澄清表示不會交易Walker,除非能得到像是Kawhi Leonard這樣
Thomas is averaging 16.1 points per game and 3.6 assists since returning from
an injury that kept him out for the first half of the season. The 28-year old
is shooting 39.6% from the field, 29.2% from three and 76% from the free throw
Isaiah is in the final year of his contract and is making $6.2 million this se
ason. To make his salary match with Kemba, who is making $12 million, the Cavs
would need to add another player to the potential trade.
If Charlotte is going to deal Walker, they would ideally like to shed the sala
ry of one of Marvin Williams, Dwight Howard, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist or Nicolas
Batum while doing so. One would think that the Hornets would also like the Br
ooklyn Nets’ first-round pick from the Cavaliers but Cleveland has stuck to t
heir guns about not moving that pick.
如果黃蜂願意換的話,他們可能會想在包裹中加入Marvin Williams,魔獸,MKG或巴吞中
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※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 01/24/2018 12:40:39
推 Kreen: 黃蜂幹嘛跟你換= =2F 01/24 12:40
推 WizZ: IT:找不到地方可以放我高光影片5F 01/24 12:40
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 01/24/2018 12:41:14
→ WizZ: 喬丹:你當我北七喔8F 01/24 12:41
推 kobt: 換IT更鳥吧...9F 01/24 12:41
推 bilibo: 不可能單換吧 萬用包?11F 01/24 12:41
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 01/24/2018 12:42:07
推 dwiee: it有比Kemba Walker強嗎?13F 01/24 12:41
推 GANZ: IT+TT+籃網籤<=>kemba+DH 雙贏14F 01/24 12:41
→ ppp001: 萬用包也附帶送出去好了,留著也沒用15F 01/24 12:41
→ munchlax: 萬用包+IT <> DH+走路人 ,有沒有搞頭?16F 01/24 12:41
推 bravo: 換個毛18F 01/24 12:41
推 seabox: DH+walker<=>love it19F 01/24 12:41
推 Scion: IT加Love換Walker跟配菜有沒有搞頭?22F 01/24 12:42
推 mirror0103: it+love+籃網籤換DW+walker23F 01/24 12:42
→ WizZ: 砍巴就已經夠矮了換一個更矮的幹嘛24F 01/24 12:42
推 SlamKai: 交易的話 這樣青賽致敬IT的時間就能改了 快交易26F 01/24 12:42
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 01/24/2018 12:43:35
推 allkobe: IT+萬用包 好好喔 毒一次排光(當別隊87嗎?30F 01/24 12:42
→ fujioqq: walker+魔獸+二輪簽 <->IT+TT+JR+LBJ+首輪簽31F 01/24 12:42
推 yckuanlk: IT+籃網簽換 黃蜂收嗎?33F 01/24 12:43
推 Hiiragi: 騎士願意? 是要黃蜂願意吧 =_=34F 01/24 12:43
推 Jyang: 換書豪好了35F 01/24 12:43
推 gn1384181: 病急亂投醫了耶 騎士什麼都想要 也不看看自己能拿出37F 01/24 12:43
推 oklagg: 太好笑了吧 IT:如果有人在場上做得不對,就不該上場38F 01/24 12:43
推 ycix: 一天一意淫 組團打不贏40F 01/24 12:43
推 bbbruce: IT身高打NBA太勉強43F 01/24 12:43
推 care123: It有walker好用嗎..當喬丹腦袋有洞嗎44F 01/24 12:43
→ gn1384181: 什麼好籌碼 只剩下換遍全聯盟的萬用包45F 01/24 12:43
→ bbbruce: 就只是一季曇花而已
而且又不準46F 01/24 12:44
推 aniji: 不幸運的Kobe + 8200萬頂級苦力 <-> Kamba 我騎小虧50F 01/24 12:44
→ gn1384181: IT+籃網籤換Kemba 喬丹才會考慮吧51F 01/24 12:44
推 WizZ: IT有比矮豆強嗎?52F 01/24 12:44
→ ghostxx: 黃蜂幹嘛換一個進攻強一點但防守更破的來53F 01/24 12:44
推 lewisk: 幫IT QQ55F 01/24 12:45
→ gn1384181: IT被看破手腳 在場上就是防守大洞 被瘋狂打點56F 01/24 12:45
推 REI3173: 有什麼用!?姆斯還是要自己控球啊......58F 01/24 12:45
推 kelosh22: IT+TT+JR 換KW+DH 騎士小虧59F 01/24 12:45
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 01/24/2018 12:46:25
→ murmur38: 騎士現在當作在逛二手交換市集嗎 什麼都想換60F 01/24 12:45
推 Myosotis: 為什麼騎士每個人都想要啊 ==61F 01/24 12:45
推 cblade: 笑死 萬用包3.0 籃網簽才是本體62F 01/24 12:45
噓 oklagg: 想到去年賽季完,有人要和版友賭IT一定頂薪的63F 01/24 12:45
推 yckuanlk: 今天我看IT在場上一直跌倒...很囧66F 01/24 12:46
噓 la1aco: 萬用包拿出來67F 01/24 12:46
推 momowawa1981: 所以走路人來了就能無球打法嗎?怪it幹嘛?是誰讓這些球員弱化的啊?70F 01/24 12:47
推 jardon: 走路人跟魔獸要35m72F 01/24 12:47
噓 la1aco: 當其他隊是騎是農場喔73F 01/24 12:47
推 natsu123: 更大洞沒人要 只好動IT 金摳連74F 01/24 12:47
推 Leaflock: IT:所以我騎士的影片會怎麼做76F 01/24 12:47
推 rbull: 新萬用包IT 難怪昨天也被抓出來鬥77F 01/24 12:47
→ jardon: 搭上萬用包有點不夠 騎士應該也沒空間了79F 01/24 12:47
推 dwiee: IT上季第二隊成員,這季落到這下場,好慘阿80F 01/24 12:48
推 gn1384181: 騎士白癡 當初把Irving拿去換公鹿那包不就好了 換81F 01/24 12:48
推 aa01081008tw: 香坡+佛來換HILL...IT+TT+JR換砍八.魔獸.完美XDDD85F 01/24 12:48
推 kiho5678: 這萬用包3.0很有誠意了 有籤又+明星球員86F 01/24 12:49
推 st890284: 又一個被打壞身價的後衛 QQ 然後再怪沒配過好控衛87F 01/24 12:49
→ gn1384181: 了一個價值沒想像中高的籃網籤+防守大洞下季底薪仔88F 01/24 12:49
推 Amilous: IT就賽隊體系得益者 以他為進攻中心 跳脫那體系就...90F 01/24 12:49
噓 a6116x: 都給你換就好94F 01/24 12:49
推 bbbruce: IT真的那麼好 那綠賽就不會丟了95F 01/24 12:49
→ gn1384181: 公鹿那包Middleton+Parker+剝個蛋+首輪比賽隊那包96F 01/24 12:49
推 zxc7: 黃蜂總ㄟ 表示 我跟 JR 單換 林北打先發啦
沒有我敢自稱最大團 至少林北肯練球
雙贏 黃蜂老闆換人 選人眼光起飛 JR毒瘤排除302F 01/24 17:35
噓 vans24: 搶劫專家 - 74308F 01/24 20:10