看板 NBA
作者 craig819 (Drizzle)
標題 [新聞] Fox補灌絕殺
時間 Fri Jan 26 14:26:42 2018

De’Aaron Fox had a flying game-winning dunk
(轉載至Michael D. Sykes, II文章) from SBNATION )

The Heat were debuting their new Miami Vice uniforms against the Kings on
Thursday, and everything looked like it was going to end with a Heat win. But
then, De’Aaron Fox did the unthinkable. He literally came flying out of
nowhere to put the game away.

This ain’t Fox’s first time putting someone away, though. He’s used to
these moments. Earlier this season against the 76ers, Fox ended the game with
a pull-up jump shot to close things out.

The game winner against the Heat has to be the more impressive one, though.
The degree of difficulty on that putback is insane. Look at how high he got
That’s incredible. And then the finish? Unheard of.

He makes big plays in big spots — he’s never been afraid of the spotlight.
We saw that throughout his college career, and now we’re seeing it in the NBA


Kings' De'Aaron Fox Nails Game-Winner vs. 76ers - YouTube
Kings' rookie De'Aaron Fox drains game-winning jump shot against the 76ers. Find more exclusive sports coverage:  Subscribe: https:...



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Wardyal: 10年狐粉1F 01/26 14:27
exrickey: what the fox say!!!2F 01/26 14:27
歡迎搭配音樂 https://goo.gl/mTvRAc
Ylvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) [Official music video HD] - YouTube iTunes:  Fra I kveld med Ylvis på TVNorge. Ylvis - [Official music video playlist HD]:

dudu5566: 還好不是拍AV的Fox3F 01/26 14:29
canblow: 十年狐粉站出來!4F 01/26 14:30
jamescyt: 時間還有剩不算絕殺5F 01/26 14:30
※ 編輯: craig819 (, 01/26/2018 14:31:27
lianhua: 這球真的超帥6F 01/26 14:31
GH33: 應該只是致勝球吧 還3.3秒 哪來的絕殺!7F 01/26 14:31
※ 編輯: craig819 (, 01/26/2018 14:34:11
hatty1376: 本來在3分線欸,體能怪物8F 01/26 14:32
CW4: 靠 這危機時期能力值自動加成了吧9F 01/26 14:32
kikijuice: 還好不是盜P幣的那個10F 01/26 14:33
g8g89g8: 軟豆腐XD11F 01/26 14:35
leonmarsman: Foxxxxx12F 01/26 14:35
CW4: 一群人裡突然其中一隻超越了什麼界線的感覺13F 01/26 14:36
mafitelak: 恭喜拿到第15勝14F 01/26 14:36
reddot: 2樓的英文......影片標題都有了還打錯15F 01/26 14:36
sonofgod: 其實是致輸吧?16F 01/26 14:37
※ 編輯: craig819 (, 01/26/2018 14:40:33
mess: 這球好猛XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD17F 01/26 14:37
badadog: 不愧是賽亞人的驕傲18F 01/26 14:39
shadow0326: 軟豆腐搶戲19F 01/26 14:40
Myosotis: 太帥了20F 01/26 14:41
tatata: 滿滿天份 希望不要被國王養壞21F 01/26 14:42
De'Aaron Fox wins game for Kings with vicious putback slam in final seconds vs. Heat | ESPN - YouTube With the Sacramento Kings down one, De'Aaron Fox flies into the lane to throw down a vicious putback slam off Bogdan Bogdanovic's miss to help his team beat ...

IRPT001: videoland:23F 01/26 14:49
turnpoint: 如果國王有個強大內線配Fox就好了(咦?)24F 01/26 14:49
chinhan1216: 有人沒卡好位25F 01/26 14:50
leo755269: 情報26F 01/26 14:51
YummyDragic: 抓雞你.....27F 01/26 14:53
gotohikaru: 軟豆腐XDDDD28F 01/26 14:55
lkshfish: 好猛喔29F 01/26 15:02
Mario5566: 好狂的補灌30F 01/26 15:03
YamagiN: 有人完全沒卡位被衝搶31F 01/26 15:04
slimak: Game-winning play32F 01/26 15:09
huyler: 年輕人就是太衝動,跳這麼高摔倒了怎麼辦33F 01/26 15:19
ripmelo: 我犢表示欣慰34F 01/26 15:22
color1355: 軟豆腐演了一套35F 01/26 15:23
tom7541: 有霸氣到36F 01/26 15:27
tactical: 帥氣37F 01/26 15:28
Xuvuu3143: 體能有夠勁爆  速度快 跳的又高38F 01/26 15:28
handslooo: 超帥39F 01/26 15:36
JoelEmbiid: 帥40F 01/26 15:49
xzealotx: Fox選秀前模板是ai嗎?41F 01/26 16:45
johnnykao530: Wall吧42F 01/26 16:46
keypad: 飛天狐狸43F 01/26 16:53
xzealotx: 感謝模板wall比較多,只有速度跟運球一點像而已44F 01/26 16:57
michaelch: 雪山飛狐45F 01/26 17:00
older0761: 重點在軟豆腐身上46F 01/26 17:09
CW4: 軟豆腐:遇強即屈,借花獻佛47F 01/26 17:13
s1499k025: 軟豆腐嚇死48F 01/26 17:41
iamsafin: 跳超早qq49F 01/26 17:57
friends29: 帥50F 01/26 18:00

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