看板 NBA
作者 yuonger741 (時光少年2014)
標題 [外絮] 全明星賽選秀-詹皇調侃西河
時間 Sat Jan 27 04:19:22 2018

Dave McMenamin
ESPN Staff Writer

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio -- LeBron James said that after drafting the All-Stars on T
hursday that he'll lead against Stephen Curry's team in Los Angeles next month
, he didn't hear from any of the players on his squad.


Yes, that means that despite James picking former Cleveland Cavaliers teammate
 Kyrie Irving to be his starting point guard, their communication remains spar


However, James -- named the Eastern Conference captain and awarded the No. 1 p
ick as the top overall vote-getter for the All-Star Game -- made sure to reach
 out to one of his players: Oklahoma City Thunder point guard Russell Westbroo


Somehow the reigning NBA MVP got the impression that he was the last pick in t
he draft from the team roster that James revealed on Uninterrupted's Twitter a



The roster, of course, was alphabetical. And the last name "Westbrook" landed
the Thunder's point guard at the bottom of the list. Apparently motivated by t
he perceived slight, Westbrook scored a season-high 46 points in a win over th
e Washington Wizards, televised nationally on TNT on Thursday.


"I heard from Russ," James said after the Cavs' shootaround Friday morning. "I
 reached out to him afterwards. like, 'What's wrong with you, man?' We've got
a good relationship, so it's pretty cool."

說’兄弟,你有什麼毛病?’ 我們的關係很好,一切都很酷”。

According to The Athletic, James used the No. 1 pick on Kevin Durant. Curry fo
llowed with Giannis Antetokounmpo. Then James selected Anthony Davis.

根據The Athletic的報導,詹皇用他的第一順位挑走了KD,然後咖哩選了字母哥,接著詹
皇選了Anthony Davis。

James wouldn't verify the order at the top of the draft, but poked fun at how
Westbrook thought the bottom of the draft went.


"I don't know," James said. "The only thing I know for sure is that Russ went
last. ... He's crazy."


Cavs forward Kevin Love, who will also be reunited with Irving as a member of
James' team during All-Star Weekend, had some fun with the mystery surrounding
 the draft order, assuring Westbrook that he had nothing to worry about.


"Where was I picked? I don't know. Probably dead last," Love said. "I'm the gu
y in the pickup game where during the summer it's like, 'OK, he's a big guy th
at can shoot. Guess I will take him.' ... I'm not going to do the between-the-
leg dunks, windmills, but I'm going to be getting those rebounds and outlettin
g the ball. I guess I add some value with that. I know Russ will like it."

比賽中,讓人覺得 ‘好吧他是個會投籃的長人,我就選他看看吧...’ 的那種人。我不會

Fans certainly would like to see the draft play out on TV in the future.


"It would be great. Only problem is it won't be me and Steph as captains," Jam
es said. "I don't think you can be captains twice in a row. I think that's the
 rule, even if you are the leading vote-getter, I think it goes to the next gu
y. But it was good, though. It was good."


James vowed to reveal his full draft process in the future, hopefully well bef
ore next year's All-Star Game.


"I drafted according to best players available, filling out my roster," he sai
d. "I picked, Steph picked and my next available guy was there. He took the ne
xt one, so I had to go down to who I wanted next. At some point I'll tell you
all the draft, but it won't be here."


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jasontzng: Love:我想西河會喜歡的 XDDD1F 01/27 04:24
ithic: love 那段也太好笑XD2F 01/27 04:26
oliverchamps: 愛神調侃忍者龜嗎XD3F 01/27 04:27
han10030079: 愛神表示只有西河愛我4F 01/27 04:28
asd831129: KD-字母-AD-鬍子-表弟-Embiid-Irving-Derozan5F 01/27 04:29
LBJKDPG: 選秀沒直播實在太可惜了 應該比正賽還好看XD6F 01/27 04:32
gygycowbei: 大家都想嘴他一下7F 01/27 04:48
timmy6666: Love太好笑了吧8F 01/27 04:48
tom7541: 我想西河會喜歡的XDDDD9F 01/27 04:52
willy891017: 記得愛神是西河大學室友?10F 01/27 04:56
teasy: 可是愛神你把籃板揀走,那西河怎麼刷明星賽大三元?11F 01/27 05:38
C00L: 但是我可以揀籃板跟傳球。我猜這些挺有用的吧。至少
知道西河會喜歡的。 <--- 這算幹話嗎XDDDD12F 01/27 06:27
s801107: love那段哈哈15F 01/27 06:40
avtime: love高級酸16F 01/27 07:00
iNicholas: 龜應該更喜翻幫卡位17F 01/27 07:05
pilal: 為什麼Lbj可以只選一個後衛啊?不是規定要選兩個後場?18F 01/27 07:06
op520ptt: KD-字母-AD-鬍子-Irving-Embiid-表弟-Derozan20F 01/27 07:19
walter741225: LOVE超級幹話耶21F 01/27 07:46
tygaga: 樓樓樓上當牆哥是空氣呀22F 01/27 07:51
chenlansue: 撿籃板跟傳球? 龜龜愛死你了!!!23F 01/27 07:57
lavaday0407: 推愛神白起來24F 01/27 07:57
XperiaZ6C: 老大才愛吧,籃板我大西河自己搶就好25F 01/27 08:00
hau7341: 猜先發順序KI應該是最後一個被LBJ選到...KD,AD表弟,剩某某跟KI,這時候只能選KI了..這樣才能表現自己的大度...
西河:愛你會搶我的籃板,走開我不要跟你一起上場26F 01/27 08:22
gp03dan: Love跟Russ大學好麻吉30F 01/27 08:33
Alipapa: 大學隊友互相很瞭啊31F 01/27 08:35
dieyan: UCLA隊友 感情應該不錯吧32F 01/27 08:40
iamaq18c: LOVE超幹話 還酸龜龜XDDDDD33F 01/27 08:42
aa08175: love還有自知之明,知道自己是最後被選上的XD34F 01/27 08:43
grimnir158: 大家都不想最後一個被選 被知道的話會被笑35F 01/27 08:51
kevin810647: 為了未來舖路嗎?
龜龜+PG+甜瓜+LOVE+Adam36F 01/27 08:53
Liaocavalier: Love 幽默38F 01/27 08:59
kaede0711: 愛神自嘲超好笑39F 01/27 09:00
tnpaul: 看了這篇 開始欣賞羅敷了40F 01/27 09:05
purplebfly: LBJ第一順位挑走了KD,然後再跟西河說他倆關係很好??41F 01/27 09:12
hichunchs: 猛然覺得愛神很適合西河 關係又好42F 01/27 09:13
Maxhuge: Love的比喻好有畫面43F 01/27 09:13
espeon0474: love好慘..44F 01/27 09:18
drt21415: 腿詹:本來不想選你,選了你……我就不能刷數據45F 01/27 09:19
ganlinnia: 話那麼多 結果自己球隊內戰一聲不吭46F 01/27 09:20
puro: love前面有點心酸啊 突然覺得他真的有可能是最後一個被選47F 01/27 09:34
JerrySloan: Love搶板搶助攻  西河怎會喜歡?49F 01/27 10:02
ewc024: 看Love那段笑著笑著就哭了50F 01/27 10:08
lsslz: Love:兄弟幫我在對上空個位置51F 01/27 10:13
BonJovi5566: 至少我知道龜龜會喜歡XDDDD52F 01/27 10:30
wj1009: 選秀應該全明星到場然後直播53F 01/27 10:47
greed3819: 我會搶籃板和傳球,至少我知道西河會喜歡的54F 01/27 11:43
m791017: 他們兩個很熟阿@@55F 01/27 12:04
crownschou: 不對吧 最後一個被選的應該是在curry那隊啊56F 01/27 12:30
asd860079: 辣夫你來雷霆啦57F 01/27 14:24
Ethan45: 愛講幹話58F 01/27 14:56
leonmarsman: Love好工具人哈哈哈哈哈59F 01/27 15:55
parkerlived: 可惜LOVE跟KT沒能同隊60F 01/27 16:39

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