看板 NBA
作者 cliffman1004 (KooKoo)
標題 [情報] 尼克與Joakim Noah關係下降
時間 Tue Jan 30 02:19:09 2018

Shams Charania
Sources: After heated verbal exchange in practice between Joakim Noah and coach Jeff Hornacek last week, the Knicks are exploring avenues to part with Noah. He has two years remaining on the four-year, $72M deal he signed in 2016.


        上週Joakim Noah與教練Jeff Hornacek歷經口頭爭執後,紐約尼克計畫與Joakim


Knicks exploring ways to part with Joakim Noah
Joakim Noah has had a difficult tenure with New York. After Joakim Noah was sent home because of a heated verbal exchange with coach Jeff Hornacek in  ...


     After Joakim Noah was sent home because of a heated verbal exchange with
coach Jeff Hornacek in practice last week, the New York Knicks are actively
exploring avenues to part with Noah, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

     Noah and Hornacek had a fiery exchange at practice the day after the
6-foot-11 center played only five minutes in the Knicks’ road loss to Golden
State last Tuesday. It stopped short of turning physical, league sources
said, but the organization and Noah agreed for him to leave the team as the
Knicks finished the two games remaining on their seven-game road trip.

  There’s uncertainty about whether Noah will rejoin the team in New York this
week, league sources said. Sources said the Knicks have yet to broach a
contract buyout with Noah, but that is an avenue the franchise could pursue
should their aggressive trade searches fail.

  Noah, a two-time All-Star, remains steadfast in his belief that he could help
a team and play rotational minutes. So far, Noah — whose return from a
league drug suspension this season included a stint in the G League — has
yet to gain legitimate minutes in the Knicks’ rotation and remains behind
big men Kyle O’Quinn and Willy Hernangomez.

上場輪替時間大多排在Kyle O’Quinn及Willy Hernangomez之後。

    Even as Noah has struggled through the four-year, $72 million contract he
signed in 2016, there is expected to be a market for him if he is ultimately
waived or bought out. Noah was a member of the All-NBA first team and the
Defensive Player of the Year as a member of the Chicago Bulls in 2014.

      Noah played in just 46 games in 2016-17 after signing with his hometown
franchise, undergoing season-ending knee surgery in February and then
receiving a 20-game suspension for violating the league’s anti-drug policy.


  Noah, 32, spent his first nine NBA seasons with the Bulls and became a pillar
of the franchise. He has averaged 8.9 points, 9.3 rebounds and 2.9 assists in
11 seasons.
Bobby Marks
Stretch provision for Joakim Noah would be $7,565,000 over 5 years beginning in 2018-19 and ending in 2022-23. That is a lot of dead cap space for a team likely to have cap flexibility starting in 2020. Cap relief would do little for the Knicks this summer.



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chenyouming: 看來騎士的萬用包又要出場了1F 01/30 02:22
yuechen: 去勇士吧2F 01/30 02:22
jyekid: 2016簽約 四年72M3F 01/30 02:22
jim12441: 這位仁兄還有交易價值嗎4F 01/30 02:22
jerrypan1: 來騎士找Rose聚一聚吧5F 01/30 02:22
ChenWay: 早餐不好吃?6F 01/30 02:23
jim12441: 認賠釋出比較快,要賣只能綁KP了7F 01/30 02:23
AndyWT: 什麼都要扯騎士 忘了舒淇是頭號反詹大將軍了是不是?8F 01/30 02:24
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 02:26:13
e49523: 冰~冰~DER9F 01/30 02:24
efbnm753: 他也不會同意買斷吧 他現在怎麼可能簽的到一年快2000萬到薪水10F 01/30 02:24
AndyWT: 生涯代表作就是球隊被打爆 只能在板凳對LBJ叫囂12F 01/30 02:25
lt5114: 是我搞錯了什麼嗎 買斷的話當事者又不能干涉
而且買斷就是一次付清你的未來幾年薪水 又何來吃虧13F 01/30 02:26
AndyWT: 然後他曾暗諷克里夫蘭是個鳥地方 雖然說是實話沒錯16F 01/30 02:28
SlamKai: 騎士萬用包上場的時候17F 01/30 02:29
sonofgod: 4Y/72M 難怪敢鬧翻18F 01/30 02:29
efbnm753: 買斷雙方都要同意吧 如果球隊能隨便就買斷你的合約但簽合約要幹嘛? 還是我搞錯了?19F 01/30 02:29
magesf: 4年7200美元,SBL快簽21F 01/30 02:31
munchlax: 四年7200美元,血汗勞工22F 01/30 02:31
lovingyou: 雖然是頭號反詹大將軍~但他當初主子玫瑰也在騎士啊23F 01/30 02:33
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 02:50:39
uyrmb47: 買斷當事人不能干涉的話 哪來的買斷協議.....24F 01/30 02:33
nisiya0625: 買斷金額可以再談吧25F 01/30 02:37
RUYAO: 7200鎂 那買來打sbl好了26F 01/30 02:39
yoshro: 全額買斷應該就沒話說了27F 01/30 02:40
LeehomLee: 連前任反詹大將軍都不知道還在那萬用包 真是呵呵28F 01/30 02:43
b102345: 昔日反詹大將軍今天都沒球打了,姆斯依然是明星賽隊長...真的是外星人一個29F 01/30 02:45
pzor: 昔日的第一隊....31F 01/30 02:46
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 02:51:35
Aggro: 當年他就像現在的鴨蛋一樣 前途看好的禁區 怎會變成現在這種地步32F 01/30 02:51
phi0918: 因為反詹大將軍太容易受傷惹34F 01/30 02:59
yuonger741: 最後一段是生涯平均數據,不是這季的35F 01/30 03:01
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 03:03:37
cliffman1004: 甘溫36F 01/30 03:04
amokk76267: 想看他去騎士 真心37F 01/30 03:05
lala8520: Noah:我上次說過誰在買這家早餐我就翻臉38F 01/30 03:12
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 03:12:17
YU0158: 有人買斷跟裁掉搞不清楚喔39F 01/30 03:14
hunt5566: 不就反詹大將軍之名被拿走而已 有需要7pupu嗎?40F 01/30 03:14
vasia: 不爽買斷偶的概念41F 01/30 03:14
sheng76314: 四年7200美元  剩下的我包了42F 01/30 03:29
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 03:35:49
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 03:36:11
ss77889955: 他最有特色的是傳球 真的很舒服 面框也有水準 可惜43F 01/30 04:02
asd860079: 尼克人生 第二季  開演!45F 01/30 04:19
trollCourage: 騎士萬用包換反詹大將軍?這誰虧就難說了46F 01/30 04:58
kameng: 其實他比較像射程比較短的嘴綠 鴨蛋的進攻沒他好47F 01/30 05:21
ccc5b683: 想看他去灰狼48F 01/30 05:29
※ 編輯: cliffman1004 (, 01/30/2018 05:44:25
jaholin: 我湖 有魯一顆跟尼換49F 01/30 05:45
kuloda: 正想說跟湖人滷蛋對調50F 01/30 06:09
pardini: 跟籃網換馬子狗51F 01/30 06:19
sky0158: 早該買斷了,拖這麼久。52F 01/30 06:36
www2967: TT現在4~10分6~8籃板 JR骰子111456 大將軍.今年有捨53F 01/30 06:44
g820215: noah一直沒進攻吧 他應該沒比adams強到哪54F 01/30 07:15
cigarette032: 萬用包終於被超越了55F 01/30 07:28
holyhelm: 馬子狗 滷蛋 諾亞  三個要不要玩大風吹56F 01/30 07:44
dream1285201: 老席要嗎?前公牛愛將哦57F 01/30 07:46
zeches2001: 老席也蠻厲害的,光舒淇、滷蛋、玫瑰3個高薪無貢獻能一口氣同時帶出3個算超悍的了吧58F 01/30 07:50
bravo: 操勞多,退化早60F 01/30 08:04
dai26: 來我刺爆發吧61F 01/30 08:05
erici41: 受傷回來就下滑了 真的滿可惜的 不過座板凳就拿錢也滿爽的62F 01/30 08:11
x111222333: 遙想當年蜀漢三傑,不勝唏噓…64F 01/30 08:12
TreeNewBee: 殘屍遺毒TMD65F 01/30 08:15
jack25322160: 這種咖 騎士底薪都不收66F 01/30 08:30
garnett18: 灰狼收67F 01/30 08:30
King5566: 好啦 回來拍三級片68F 01/30 08:35
kameng: 他在公牛高峰時期助攻有4-5 高位策應很好 所以才說他比較像嘴綠69F 01/30 08:48
pounil: NOAH爛掉了 身手跟人情71F 01/30 08:49
IRPT001: 皇上:收服了72F 01/30 09:16
vking223: 你們不要?我騎200收,我騎小虧73F 01/30 09:47
yellowboy: 攻防都是負貢獻的男人74F 01/30 09:58
biggg1818: 曾經的反詹大將軍…75F 01/30 10:17
bernie880303: 反詹大將軍 會去你騎嗎76F 01/30 10:58

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