看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 聯盟沒有因為上周的球場衝突對Curry禁賽
時間 Mon Oct 15 11:01:03 2018

來源: The Bleacher Report
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y7kwcy7c
Report: Stephen Curry Avoids Suspension for Stepping on Court During Dead Ball | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry will not be suspended for stepping onto the court during a heated exchange between Quinn Cook and Lance Step ...


Report: Stephen Curry Avoids Suspension for Stepping on Court During Dead Ball
Stephen Curry躲過死球狀態進場的違規後的禁賽處罰

Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry will not be suspended for stepping
onto the court during a heated exchange between Quinn Cook and Lance
Stephenson during Friday's preseason game against the Los Angeles Lakers.
上周五勇士與湖人的熱身賽,因為Quinn Cook跟Lance Stephenson的衝突,勇士後衛
Stephen Curry不會因為踏進場內而被聯盟禁賽。

Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports reported Curry and DeMarcus Cousins both avoided
a suspension because the league did not view the tiff as an "altercation."
雅虎運動記者Chris Haynes報導,Curry跟Cousins雙雙躲過禁賽的處罰,因為聯盟對這次

Cook and Stephenson had to be separated when the Warriors guard fouled
Stephenson hard. Stephenson took exception to the foul and swung his arms in
Cook's direction.

影片支援: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX1UnEnh_ms
Lance Stephenson Throws Punch At Quinn Cook and Gets Ejected! Lakers vs Warriors - YouTube Lance Stephenson Throws Punch At Quinn Cook and Gets Ejected! Lakers vs Warriors October 12, 2018 NBA Preseason 警告:視頻禁止轉載!!! 警告:視頻禁止轉載!!! ------(All clips pr...


Assistant coach Jarron Collins came over to Curry and Cousins to get them
back on the bench. Warriors coach Steve Kerr also addressed the players,
likely reminding them of the penalty for stepping on the floor during an
助理教練Jarron Collins趕緊把Curry跟Cousins拉回板凳上,總教練Steve Kerr也對球員

The NBA could have chosen to suspend Curry and Cousins for violating a rule
that prohibits players from stepping onto the court when they are not in the
game. The most infamous such suspension came in 2007 when Amar'e Stoudemire
and Boris Diaw of the Phoenix Suns were suspended for Game 5 of the Western
Conference Finals.
分的。最有名的禁賽處分是在2007年,西區冠軍賽第五戰,太陽的Amar'e Stoudemire跟
Boris Diaw被禁賽。

Curry would have missed Tuesday's season opener against the Oklahoma City
Thunder. Cousins will not play in the game as he's still recovering from a
torn Achilles.

 標題  [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!                                            
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129: 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105: 開4我直接自殺10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105: 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

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bobyacool: 親兒子耶 哪有可能禁賽1F 10/15 11:02
submission22: 查無不法 謝謝2F 10/15 11:02
loserloser: 勇士顧問表示3F 10/15 11:02
Gentile: 沒聽過虎毒不食子嗎4F 10/15 11:03
a9527a: 范特西對手有curry 快點禁一禁!!!!5F 10/15 11:03
fack3170: 唉......6F 10/15 11:03
uuuc1223: 爭執不爭執 乾爹說了算7F 10/15 11:04
tenka92417: 斑馬果然是乾爹8F 10/15 11:04
jtch: 太陽憑什麼跟勇士比9F 10/15 11:04
xxxrecoil: 票價保證怎麼可能因為這點事情被禁10F 10/15 11:04
k22015987: 聯盟把拔例行賽還沒開打就開始護著勇士了 三連霸真的輕鬆11F 10/15 11:04
aikensh: 顏色對了 進場抽根煙都可以13F 10/15 11:05
ts012108: 親兒子 ez14F 10/15 11:05
eternity0005: 被驅逐出場  然後說不算爭執15F 10/15 11:07
Oohyo: 阿銀:爭執口角,我說的算16F 10/15 11:07
try107799: 反觀上季CJM17F 10/15 11:08
andy82116: 查無不法 謝謝指教18F 10/15 11:08
mark3000: 等等 熱身賽而已不是嗎??19F 10/15 11:11
ClutchShot: 乾爹救我~~~~~
表弟:加入勇士是對der20F 10/15 11:12
globalhooper: 舔起來22F 10/15 11:13
kenyun: 倒不如說季前賽的記缺點能留到季賽比較詭異R
那勝場  得點怎麼就不能累積  一起刷嘛23F 10/15 11:14
bill6613: 顏色對了,躺在場上睡覺也可以25F 10/15 11:14
linceass: 總裁罩的誰敢禁 先來辦公室泡茶26F 10/15 11:15
onetooneya: 標準是不是該統一一下#1QtyPzuG (NBA)27F 10/15 11:16
lewisk: 銀總罩 誰敢放肆28F 10/15 11:16
heacoun: 乾爹救我,拿出黃馬掛29F 10/15 11:17
Strasburg: 因為熱身賽被禁賽 XD30F 10/15 11:18
mark3000: 都說熱身賽了 罰到正規賽也不合理吧
惡犯除外31F 10/15 11:21
LeGGoRay: 樓下推乾爹33F 10/15 11:22
QQStanGD666: 銀之子34F 10/15 11:22
ykes60513: 人家滿滿勇士價值耶!35F 10/15 11:24
kenyun: 上個總冠也有人在衝突時進場  也是被輕輕放過了36F 10/15 11:28
hunder31: 被禁賽 開幕戰就沒有噱頭話題了呀 誰敢禁37F 10/15 11:30
x851221: 熱身賽 聯盟就開始上工了??? 太早了吧38F 10/15 11:30
allright22: 熱身賽不就打好玩的嗎39F 10/15 11:32
LiamMcMorrow: 以後要踢蛋打人丟牙套,熱身賽盡量做沒關係~40F 10/15 11:34
RuleAllWorld: 被禁賽....對總冠軍...有差嗎?41F 10/15 11:35
LiamMcMorrow: 禁Curry沒差,因為KD還在。42F 10/15 11:39
benny1990615: 親兒子非法掩護走步都沒在抓了不是嗎?43F 10/15 11:40
lsslz: 表弟不怕禁賽 直接變保鑣44F 10/15 11:41
sth7667: 季後賽都不禁惹,就算是勇黑也不用這麼嚴苛吧XD45F 10/15 11:41
hunt5566: 表妹:斑馬 嘻嘻46F 10/15 11:49
sun0912758: Curry:阿銀 幫我 我今年一定拿FMVP回報你47F 10/15 11:51
LinuxKernel: 黃金聖衣48F 10/15 11:52
az400570437: 勇士不意外吧?乾兒子誒49F 10/15 12:00
aatt43a: 乾兒子真好50F 10/15 12:01
Ayanami5566: 阿嬤跟迪奧表示:51F 10/15 12:03
Tawara: 果然是聯盟認證金身  乾爹~
表弟: 終於能感受乾兒子的滋味了!52F 10/15 12:14
ksk0516: 聯盟勇士開的54F 10/15 12:16
seed800506: 太陽55F 10/15 12:17
jiaching: 聯盟之子56F 10/15 12:21
lchun123: 熱身賽而已 標準不用那麼高吧 這很明顯是小事啊57F 10/15 12:23
clander1028: 呵呵58F 10/15 12:23
andy06292: 聯盟辛苦了 季前就要幫兒子擦屁股59F 10/15 12:24
s50101: 這隊不意外啦61F 10/15 12:33
YouGot5566: 乾兒子 哪可能禁==
curry幫NBA賺太多錢62F 10/15 12:37
js52666: 金身條款64F 10/15 12:42
date10245: 上工的不是聯盟,是勇黑啦ㄏㄏ65F 10/15 12:45
timmyyeh: 吃T趕出場不算爭執?66F 10/15 12:45
SCLPAL: @@67F 10/15 12:48
zxcv458162: 親生兒子了68F 10/15 12:49
crusoe: NBA是商業聯盟,還是要賺錢的阿69F 10/15 12:49
babyMclaren: 太陽70F 10/15 12:49
interactive: Curry是改變NBA生態的人,怎麼可能罰他XD71F 10/15 12:51
adan80506: 禁賽自助餐72F 10/15 13:02
respect25837: 禁了票房怎麼辦,別怕,乾爹來了73F 10/15 13:04
chichung: 金身74F 10/15 13:08
peanut910013: 榮譽假沒了 不能先去接女兒或吃晚餐75F 10/15 13:09
fongyu: 逍遙法外76F 10/15 13:14
m810415: 呵呵  零容忍77F 10/15 13:27
CHUNGHUA: CH78F 10/15 13:49
a50142: 超爽的~79F 10/15 13:56
nashill13: 前黑刺後黑勇,乾兒子就是不一樣80F 10/15 14:17
bestrace: 不是季後賽,沒有對上LBJ那就先不禁好了呵呵81F 10/15 14:28
CaTkinGG: 大家都想看Curry上場 你禁賽試看看82F 10/15 14:41
d8456aaa: 搶奇怪了 我記得上次季後賽也有某個人衝進場內沒被禁賽 好像是什麼龜的 是誰呢83F 10/15 15:08
killer922: 自己人阿。大哥85F 10/15 15:10
louis82828: 上次季後賽某人衝進場內都沒禁了 這熱身賽還好吧86F 10/15 15:34
tagodbless: 不意外啊 金州斑馬隊87F 10/15 15:56
popoliii: 靠杯喔怎麼雙重標準 擺明聯盟護短88F 10/15 16:33
wuming2: 勇士勇迷就是雙重標準  不意外89F 10/15 17:04
AhirunoSora: 有夠不平靜90F 10/15 17:25
opse1020: 冠軍賽也有人沒被禁啊...有些人不要雙標喔XD91F 10/15 17:25
cool34: Curry:乾爹救我,我不能失去開幕戰92F 10/15 18:47
ShawnYang: 有夠無恥這聯盟93F 10/15 18:57
ja1295: 完全不意外94F 10/15 19:11

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