看板 NBA
作者 dragon803 (好想去露營啊~)
標題 [情報] 老鷹記者聊書豪
時間 Mon Nov 19 21:32:08 2018

Hawks Mailbag: Barrett or Williamson; can Young be a centerpiece for the rebuild? – The Athletic
Chris Kirschner answers subscribers' questions about the Atlanta Hawks. ...


這是The Athletic裡面的記者

負責跑老鷹消息的Chris Kirschner最近老鷹的文章中回答一些人的提問時關於書豪的內

When he was originally signed, the thought was Lin, if he was fully healthy, w
ould start and Young would come off the bench as he learned from a veteran poi
nt guard. Lin was healthy to start the season, but it was clear he was a step
slow as he made his return back from injuries that caused him to miss signific
ant time the past two seasons.

在最初這個交易達成時,關於林書豪, 如果他是100%健康,他將會從先發打起而Young將



With Lin not 100 percent, that allowed the Hawks to hand the keys over to Youn
g, and the team hasn’t looked back. Lin has had a few games this season where
 he has been a big contributor but it’s hard to imagine him becoming a starte
r with Young clearly the future of this team.



Off the court, Lin has been an invaluable presence for Young and the other you
ng players. After getting blown out earlier this season against the Kings, Lin
 spoke up in the locker room and gave a passionate speech. He has organized Bi
ble studies on the road and is well-respected by everyone inside the Hawks’ o




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※ 編輯: dragon803 (, 11/19/2018 21:32:41
andrew1357: 豪牧師?!1F 11/19 21:35
onlythecomet: 隨隊牧師!2F 11/19 21:35
NiuBi5566: 更衣室領袖3F 11/19 21:36
a1684114: 原來定位是傳教士4F 11/19 21:36
eskawater: 球隊老將是林5F 11/19 21:36
andrew1357: 可...可惡,這種先發替補兩相宜的控衛為什麼不是在我刺(握拳6F 11/19 21:36
w563822: 豪豪退休會不會真的去當牧師8F 11/19 21:37
aaasss814: 豪牧師9F 11/19 21:37
Nivekush: 我豪有和諧靈氣10F 11/19 21:37
jlincredible: 推個11F 11/19 21:38
inschool: 是正面意義的更衣室氣氛大師12F 11/19 21:38
kano2525: 這才是真正的氣氛大師13F 11/19 21:38
vance1024: 場上控場 場下也控場14F 11/19 21:38
JasonIm: 氣氛大師15F 11/19 21:40
ericf129: \我豪/16F 11/19 21:40
phix: 牧師林17F 11/19 21:40
TAKEZOU: 記者認證氣氛大師18F 11/19 21:41
doyouknowhow: 控場大師19F 11/19 21:41
phix: 豪豪看來合約年也會爆氣20F 11/19 21:41
OneCell: 個性真的很好21F 11/19 21:41
bbbyes123: 真*氣氛大師22F 11/19 21:41
LVE: 豪: 湖人我都待過了,我們戰績是很好的!23F 11/19 21:42
crazypower: 林牧師?24F 11/19 21:42
Latizhate: 氣氛大師(稱讚25F 11/19 21:43
TDKnight: 林牧師26F 11/19 21:44
s505015: 牧師?27F 11/19 21:45
blackheart33: 昔有詹牧師 今有林牧師28F 11/19 21:45
jj645123: 牧師林29F 11/19 21:45
spursmanu: 豪牧師30F 11/19 21:45
cth0204: 我林 的確從豪小子 變老大哥了 @@"31F 11/19 21:45
gidapops: 感覺慢慢變成一號控了32F 11/19 21:46
a9527a: 被籃球耽誤的 傳教士?33F 11/19 21:47
lens82801: 隨隊牧師34F 11/19 21:47
andand09: 心靈淨化!35F 11/19 21:48
wuling1001: 所以還是不可能讓他先發了36F 11/19 21:49
jerrys0580: 想不到鳩咪林也有成為更衣室領袖的一天37F 11/19 21:50
deer8dog9: VC老大哥跟林牧師其實都很清楚他們是來帶新人的吧XD38F 11/19 21:50
snowyba: 乾 老鷹不是有 VC 結果演說的是 LIN39F 11/19 21:51
ason: 牧師林XDDDD40F 11/19 21:51
wuling1001: 繼續默默刷數據吧  先自救再救人41F 11/19 21:51
capsspac: 原來是隨隊牧師42F 11/19 21:51
JerianGrant: 我Lin 低調  低調  再低調43F 11/19 21:52
linqqq007: 牧師44F 11/19 21:52
kuchibu: 所以到底是不是要坦  如何振奮人心的描述坦45F 11/19 21:53
Rose5566MVP: 語畢 繼續蹲板凳46F 11/19 21:53
mhkt: 原來是林牧師……47F 11/19 21:53
sss1234: 我豪靈氣加乘太多啦48F 11/19 21:53
swingingbear: 嗯 取之於上帝 回饋於上帝 不錯49F 11/19 21:53
dennis911199: 我豪威武 感覺就是交易來壓年輕人的阿 蠻適合的50F 11/19 21:54
gandalf2: 又坦又能學習當老大,牧師林51F 11/19 21:54
onetooneya: 林牧師好!52F 11/19 21:55
sebu: 老鷹的氣氛大濕53F 11/19 21:57
Wwc0130: 真 氣氛大師 我豪54F 11/19 21:57
xd987: 厲害了55F 11/19 21:57
ken720331: 正面能量56F 11/19 21:58
Mondesi2006: 學長57F 11/19 21:58
tassadar1: 場上當前輩,場下當牧師,請這個員工真超值58F 11/19 21:58
balcony5566: 豪牧師59F 11/19 22:00
king45645: 我豪也要當師父了60F 11/19 22:00
linyi520: 原來是林牧師啊61F 11/19 22:00
timoth: 推豪牧師62F 11/19 22:00
leevarchu: 豪牧師63F 11/19 22:02
tetsu2008: 豪牧師 被籃球耽誤的傳道者
要不要信教64F 11/19 22:03
aaagang: 牧師林66F 11/19 22:04
mtm: 原來是這個體位阿67F 11/19 22:04
kevin123453: 真正的豪神68F 11/19 22:04
godofaluba: 心輔官 用力投 沒進算我的69F 11/19 22:04
w563822: 豪豪下次就幫大家辦告解了xd70F 11/19 22:05
sixis: 原來是牧師啊,幫回血71F 11/19 22:05
astro1217: 豪牧師 豪濕豪濕72F 11/19 22:08
sq61372py: 牧..牧師林73F 11/19 22:08
eric1714qoo: OG 豪74F 11/19 22:09
XperiaZ6C: 心靈雞湯75F 11/19 22:09
cliff2102: 假NBA球員 真傳教士76F 11/19 22:10
brian21201: 林牧師卡好77F 11/19 22:10
lsslz: 另類的氣氛大師78F 11/19 22:11
O10lOl01O: 打籃球只是興趣 傳教才是我的本業79F 11/19 22:12
OahNij: 真正的領袖:豪鬼80F 11/19 22:13
chinick1478: 原來是氣氛大師啊!81F 11/19 22:13
Brucetk: 老鷹本季不知道還要被打爆幾場,書豪有得忙了82F 11/19 22:14
kobe9527: 牧師豪83F 11/19 22:14
dvnorlag: 林牧師84F 11/19 22:14
winken2004: 氣氛大師 豪牧師85F 11/19 22:15
yuting522: 豪神!!!!!!父?86F 11/19 22:15
eereer12325: 牧師林87F 11/19 22:16
rettttt5: 牧師林88F 11/19 22:16
great5566: 老鷹被打爆 最好墊底 搶狀元 書豪就爽爽刷數據好了89F 11/19 22:18
johnjohnhow: 最後一段應該是說他有組織聖經讀書會吧?90F 11/19 22:18
IrvingKyrie: 亞洲人成為更衣室領袖 真難想像 姚明有過嗎91F 11/19 22:18

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