看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [外絮] KI最後一季在騎士有時會變成像"局外人"時間 Thu Jan 17 10:07:06 2019
來源: USA Today
Kyrie Irving was 'out of the loop' for weeks in final season with Cavs
Kyrie Irving最後一季在騎士有數周會像是"局外人"
Boston Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving has been criticized for his
leadership skills dating back to his time with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
最近青賽控衛Kyrie Irving被批評他的領導統御能力,連在騎士時期都被攤出來看了。
The point guard recently apologized for publicly questioning his Boston
teammates after calling them out earlier this week. This led some to wonder
about his relationship with his previous co-workers in Cleveland.
On Bill Simmons’ podcast, ESPN’s Zach Lowe shared an interesting anecdote
about the Boston star (via The Ringer):
ESPN記者Zach Lowe在Bill Simmons的節目上分享了KI的一件有趣的軼事:
“He carries a lot with these guys because they idolize him. He’s one of the
best basketball players in the league. And when he says anything, it matters.
And I don’t know … By all accounts, he was pretty strange in Cleveland … I
remember somebody who played on the team in the last season told me that
there would just be weeks where he was out of the loop. Like, they didn’t
know what was going on with him. He wouldn’t talk to anybody.”
Simmons spoke about how he once believed that Irving was an “alpha dog,”
but he no longer believes that’s the case given what he’s seen from Kyrie
this year. It’s a fascinating takeaway about the 2016 NBA Champion.
Simmons說他本來一度認為KI是個領頭的人(Alpha dog),但是看到今年KI的表現,他不再
認為他是那樣的人了。這大概會是2016 NBA冠軍隊伍故事裡面最讓人感興趣的精華了。
This is not the first time we have heard about Irving being an aloof member
of his team. In fact, it may have even hindered some of his trade value
before Cleveland traded him to Boston.
Dave McMenamin said it’s why the Phoenix Suns may not have wanted Irving on
their roster (via BBall Breakdown Podcast):
記者Dave McMenamin說這就是為什麼太陽可能不會想要KI的原因了:
“Phoenix, of course, hired James Jones this offseason. He’s been inside
that locker room. He’s seen Kyrie Irving — I think I reported this on
SportsCenter this week — he saw Kyrie Irving in the playoffs this year — in
between the first round when they beat Indiana and the second round when they
played Toronto — go consecutive days without speaking to a teammate at
practice. On that stage. It’s one thing to say people go through ups and
downs during the regular season. But when you get to the playoffs, when the
main thing is the main thing, and we’re brothers and pulling together to get
this thing done, even at that level there were still things that made him
sullen or reclusive from his teammates. I’m not so sure if Phoenix would be
interested in that type of deal.”
「當然,太陽在休賽季的時候聘請了James Jones,他也在那休息室裡。他看過KI--我想我
If he had been acting sullen and reclusive as a teammate in Boston, it’s
easy to see why some Celtics may have been rubbed the wrong way if Irving
finally broke his silence and emerged from his own world just to call them
Of course, his sour mood in Cleveland may have been purely a product of
playing alongside LeBron James and constantly questioning his role as the No.
2 player on the team. Irving should not have that same problem on Boston,
where he is clearly the team’s best player.
With that said, if Irving does not improve his intrapersonal skills, it may
cost him in the long run.
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推 bobyacool: 這以前就講過了啊 就說他當年打季後賽當不鳥隊友7F 01/17 10:11
推 depo: 算姆迷追殺嗎10F 01/17 10:13
推 JayFans0610: 文中的Simmons應該是綠衫軍的鐵粉記者Bill Simmons吧,應該不會再說騎士記者追殺了吧11F 01/17 10:13
→ lickllll: 青賽自己杰倫和莫里斯就吵了,真的追殺13F 01/17 10:14
推 pounil: 不是個領頭的人 完了 這記者跟網迷都變詹迷搞追殺了17F 01/17 10:15
→ lickllll: 乾脆說irving因相信地球平的,所以在思考球是不是圓的19F 01/17 10:15
推 NiuBi5566: 突然完全不說話 這個性真的有點難搞21F 01/17 10:16
推 MayBeSoft: 竟然是賽提的的記者出來報@@ 蠻意外的22F 01/17 10:16
推 IAMGRICE: 我真的覺得,騎士隊這四年來例行賽戰績普普,真的是老詹很有耐心讓隊內磨合,其中最大的磨合點一定是如何跟KI搭配.......24F 01/17 10:17
→ lickllll: 而且james jones這種謎一般能力,看他這季操作笑死27F 01/17 10:17
推 l04: 一定是全nba球隊霸凌他28F 01/17 10:18
推 aoka: 在賽隊也是阿30F 01/17 10:18
噓 date10245: 奇怪,追殺的永遠不承認自己追殺就像是腿詹不承認待過超級球隊一樣32F 01/17 10:19
→ kodwsg: 原來青賽記者是詹迷37F 01/17 10:20
推 rayes: 被追殺到天涯海角38F 01/17 10:20
推 dahlia7357: 就是不夠強。科鋁就是夠強,大家服他服到地上39F 01/17 10:20
推 harrybbs: Simmons:KI不是阿發狗!41F 01/17 10:23
→ lickllll: 追殺的放消息,誰說記者是追殺迷了43F 01/17 10:23
推 tommy910174: JT在KI缺席就大爆發 KI一回來他就沒舒服的進攻空間44F 01/17 10:24
推 sun0912758: WADE都甘願當二當家了 請問KI有比較強嗎46F 01/17 10:24
→ nctuDuncan: 貼上不喜歡KI的都是詹迷這種標籤實在也是很無奈,作為賽迷的同時不喜歡KI不行嗎,然後偏偏KI還是隊上重要的一環更無奈= =47F 01/17 10:24
→ KarlTowns: 平均22分跟我說很強,有沒有搞錯,還是防守1、2隊?50F 01/17 10:25
→ omage: #有人要搞我52F 01/17 10:26
→ tommy910174: 場均22分就D.Booker等級的砍將啊 差在G7的那顆三分54F 01/17 10:27
→ lickllll: james jones買斷小河流,以他能力弄得來嗎?55F 01/17 10:27
噓 sk2gjordan: 離開騎士就被看破手腳,沒LBJ誰知道他是誰56F 01/17 10:28
→ lickllll: 然後再來是irving有可能會去坦隊嗎?57F 01/17 10:28
推 KarlTowns: 送去賽隊已經超好了,換到太陽包準喊吹蜜58F 01/17 10:29
推 date10245: 那tommy你應該更討厭腿詹,因為打不好都是they的錯59F 01/17 10:30
噓 ChrisPaul03: 能出Byron Scott手中而不染的才是真一流控衛
目前只有兩個有資格 一個是Kidd 另一個我不能說60F 01/17 10:30
推 Ensidia: 他跟LBJ就不是同一級的球員 難不成要給他當老大?
說實在話LBJ給他的球權很多了 關鍵時刻也信任他62F 01/17 10:31
→ Ensidia: 不明白為什麼他對LBJ這麼不滿66F 01/17 10:32
推 dahlia7357: 總之,KI去青賽完全被看破手腳,順風球型砍將68F 01/17 10:32
→ dahlia7357: KI不肯接受,他流在LBJ身邊才是最強的事實70F 01/17 10:33
推 l04: 號稱聯盟前三人的ki...73F 01/17 10:34
→ dahlia7357: LBJ的個性,連TT JR都沒噴了,怎麼可能噴KI74F 01/17 10:34
→ walter741225: 就問一句 你是姆斯你噴不噴湖人小將
私底下應該會 但是檯面上絕對不行洩漏78F 01/17 10:35
推 kem0606: 原來記者也是詹迷 好了啦別追殺了80F 01/17 10:36
推 KarlTowns: 去年騎士看的球迷根本吐血,LBJ還是硬拉到50勝也沒83F 01/17 10:36
→ KarlTowns: 噴TT JR加上Lue 根本亂搞,小IT休息室做亂,沒噴很扯了85F 01/17 10:36
推 gametv: KI就不認份自己注定當大老二,想當老大就被看破手腳87F 01/17 10:37
→ lickllll: 上季愛湯風暴你跟我說沒他的事?88F 01/17 10:37
噓 date10245: 順風球型哈哈哈,大學生不是很多時間看比賽嗎,快翹課去看89F 01/17 10:37
→ KarlTowns: KI應該志少把平均分數拉到30分吧要當老大耶91F 01/17 10:38
→ Jotard: LBJ去年總冠沒噴JR跟Lue,精神力根本異於常人93F 01/17 10:40
推 l04: 先進穩定mvp排行榜前十再來看看吧 不然只能是一般的明星 讓人恨鐵不成鋼94F 01/17 10:41
→ walter741225: 有些事情只要沒搬上檯面 媒體粉絲再怎樣鬧
都只能說是沒證據瞎猜 但是KI自己把事情搬上來
連官方想要粉飾太平都變得非常困難96F 01/17 10:41
推 greatodin: 這篇文章一堆喜滋滋酸詹的 他們褲子還在嗎207F 01/17 15:49
推 sexycute: KI的打法就在證明他獨來獨往的性格啊,有什麼好意外的嗎?209F 01/17 17:42
推 td123: 都翻得滿好的 最後一段intrapersonal skills我覺得翻成自我內在協調能力 這個詞是相對於interpersonalskills 人際關係能力
想了一下 覺得翻成自我調適能力更好211F 01/17 18:24