看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [外絮] Corey Brewer神奇的防守招式去守Harden時間 Tue Jan 22 16:37:43 2019
來源: SBNation
Corey Brewer is inventing new, ridiculous ways to try to guard James Harden
Corey Brewer發明了新招式來守James Harden
James Harden scores at such a ridiculous rate that you can’t trust him
anywhere on the court — even if he’s on the floor, 30 feet away from an
already advanced ball on the wrong side of halfcourt.
James Harden以不可思議的速度在場上得分,讓人在場上任何地方都不能放鬆--甚至是他
Just ask Corey Brewer.
就問問Corey Brewer吧!
Brewer and Harden are former teammates, but clearly The Beard didn’t
appreciate the extra-ness of the, uh, aggressive defense. Harden shoved him
away in disgust after being face-guarded from the ground.
That wasn’t it from Brewer, either. After a breakaway dunk, he nudged into
Harden, playing way-too-close defense that coerced the refs to call a foul on
Harden instead.
影片支援: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1087535054186786816
This isn’t the only weird defense played against Harden in this month alone.
Josh Hart, the Lakers wing, defended the Rockets star by placing his hands
behind his back for the duration of entire plays.
湖人Josh Hart就曾經在整個防守時把手放在背後。
影片支援: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1086812785655332864
None of these defensive tactics appear to work, though. James Harden is
標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
→ ericf129: 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
開獎結果: 雙十
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推 thb96300: 推 連長就是不一樣!!!!!!!!!6F 01/22 16:43
推 Teng0615: 有用就是好防守 至少壓低罰球數了8F 01/22 16:44
→ ksk0516: 同隊過研究很久了齁10F 01/22 16:46
推 gp03dan: 連長防守好像比較不行,其他跑位就蠻好的17F 01/22 16:50
推 BoYuYou: 守鬍子的人現在每個開始在比創意了?21F 01/22 16:53
推 Smile916: 是想親密接觸嗎XDDDDD24F 01/22 16:56
推 marx93521: 原來是以彼之道 還施彼身 佩服佩服25F 01/22 16:56
推 klj5462: 只準自己往別人身上靠 不準別人靠自己身上 結果氣噗噗 笑死26F 01/22 16:59
推 r333429: 這招好像有一定作用29F 01/22 17:01
推 enstai: 終於有人破解了30F 01/22 17:01
推 AMF1018: 爽啦,早就該教訓他了31F 01/22 17:01
推 f860506: 以其人之道 還施彼身32F 01/22 17:02
→ ewc024: 連長笑得你心裡發寒34F 01/22 17:02
→ ksk0516: 他當年是不是在鬍子面前拿50分35F 01/22 17:02
推 kcman: 神奇釀酒人40F 01/22 17:04
噓 lickllll: 第二個明明就是哈登在人家身上跳41F 01/22 17:06
推 Rocksolid: 今天不是還有一個雙手抓自己gg的防守?43F 01/22 17:08
推 breadf: 哈哈哈,躺地板上都要貼,超北藍XDDDDDDDDD45F 01/22 17:09
推 holyhelm: 那甚麼圖喇 XDDDDDDDDDDDD46F 01/22 17:12
推 dda: 連長真的很有戲XDDD53F 01/22 17:18
推 ie4: 好噁 你黏我 我黏你 XD56F 01/22 17:22
→ a9564208: 要變對鬍子專武了嗎XDDDDDDD58F 01/22 17:25
推 mystage: 其實喬丹自傳裡也有說到他被守住的方法,就是直接黏在他身上
用同樣方式守,如果裁判接受,那就是守住Harden的方法61F 01/22 17:34