看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 嘴綠跟KD是如何修復他們的關係?
時間 Wed Jan 23 17:40:30 2019

來源: New York Post
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8aexk67
How Draymond Green and Kevin Durant saved their relationship
When cameras caught Kevin Durant and Draymond Green screaming at each other on the Golden State bench in November, alarm bells started to ring in Warr ...


How Draymond Green and Kevin Durant saved their relationship

When cameras caught Kevin Durant and Draymond Green screaming at each other
on the Golden State bench in November, alarm bells started to ring in
Warriors nation. When reports surfaced that Green called Durant a “bitch”
and said the Warriors could win without him, some feared — and some hoped —
the drama might derail the whole operation — invulnerable as it may have

Ten weeks later, the two have reconciled, and their repaired relationship has
fueled an eight-game win streak that vaulted Golden State back to the top of
the West. But it wasn’t easy, and it took a hard conversation between the
two stars for things to get back to normal.

The aforementioned incident occurred on Nov. 12 in a game against the
Clippers. With the score tied in the waning seconds of regulation, Green
pushed the tempo down the court and turned the ball over, squandering the
chance for a game-winner.

Durant thought Green should have passed him the ball, and told him so. Green
fired back with a verbal tirade that spilled over into the locker room after
the game, which the Warriors would lose. Reports of the fight spilled out
into the public. The Warriors suspended Green for one game. And Durant,
slated to be a free agent at the end of the season, appeared to be all but
gone from the Bay Area, putting Golden State’s dynastic hold on the NBA in

A few days later, before the Warriors played the Mavericks in Dallas, the two
sat down to talk. According to the Athletic, Green had become a villain in
the Warriors locker room. Amid a trying, injury-plagued season in which
defenses were consistently backing off as he bricked shots (his .250 shooting
percentage on 3-pointers is his worst since his rookie year), his tirade
against Durant was rock bottom. He knew he had to make things right.

In the conversation, Durant said he wasn’t accepting the excuse that Green
was simply being emotional. He had seen Green control his emotions under the
greatest stakes of the team’s championship runs (a hit to LeBron James’
groin notwithstanding). Durant challenged Green to be better, and he accepted.

On the other side, Green expressed his concern about Durant’s impending free
agency. Durant admitted he could have been more communicative. After their
conversation, Durant recorded a podcast with Yahoo Sports and said he hoped
to have a statue in the Bay Area one day.

A few games later, their signature double-tap high-five was back. The two
appear to be friends again, and the Warriors have responded by looking lethal
as ever.

“It’s very rare,” Green told the Athletic of his friendship with Durant. “
Obviously, we had a good relationship and then to go through something like
we went through and still come out of that with a great relationship, that’s
special. Those are the relationships you have for life.

“My deepest relationships that I have is, like, with people that I went
through s–t with. It could’ve been a bad argument. It could’ve been ready
to go to blows. Those are my best relationships because you go through
something and then you come out on the other side and y’all are tighter and
better for it. Those are the special relationships.”


 標題  [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!                                            
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
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開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105: 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

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PanaS0Nic: 破鏡難圓1F 01/23 17:42
tonglicomecs: 贏球2F 01/23 17:42
xbit: 贏球就是氣氛好阿.戰積又是前幾名kd嘴綠都是職業級3F 01/23 17:43
k33536: KD: 我打賭KD還是會離開勇士4F 01/23 17:43
bestshow500: 說實在 講開+連續贏球 很難有不合好的5F 01/23 17:43
PeterHenson: 贏球才是真的6F 01/23 17:44
currylovekuo: 一般來說講開很多事情就解決了7F 01/23 17:44
xbit: 球員為了團體互相讓一下8F 01/23 17:44
super009: 舒適平衡 等不舒適嘴綠就知道惹火腿肚的下場了9F 01/23 17:44
PeterHenson: 輸球就算你連聊一個月也沒用10F 01/23 17:44
qpeter: 還是老話一句 吵得再兇 只要贏球 一切都不是問題11F 01/23 17:45
qo40330: 這季打完2個應該會不同隊 想看到對決12F 01/23 17:46
mono1023: 嘴綠真性情 KD小心機13F 01/23 17:47
vltw5v: 只要舒適就沒問題了14F 01/23 17:50
wx190: 等之後拆夥對到才精彩15F 01/23 17:51
fago1sback: 雕像?16F 01/23 17:51
TDKnight: KD只專注在如何贏球17F 01/23 17:52
Despairile: 感覺應該是先靠贏球穩定內部不爽18F 01/23 17:53
overpolo: 之後拆夥才會大吵啊19F 01/23 17:53
wyver72: 贏球就大事化小,輸球準備氣氛吧20F 01/23 17:55
stocktonty: 最近KD的出手選擇的確是有調整 比較少強投英雄球21F 01/23 17:58
a2156700: 贏球連六犯出場都可以很開心了22F 01/23 18:00
a9564208: 月23F 01/23 18:01
f860506: 最近KD超懶的 不太積極進攻24F 01/23 18:02
puro: 贏球就是什麼都沒事啊 連續輸個一個月看他們有沒有辦法這樣 可是聯盟就是沒辦法讓他們輸一個月25F 01/23 18:03
laugh2star: 得體27F 01/23 18:04
chunyo0229: 氣氛大師↓28F 01/23 18:06
justice0616: 要爆衝了29F 01/23 18:06
jason0829: 氣氛大師30F 01/23 18:07
pc2990: 只是目前贏球就暫時當沒發生吧。像MJ跟皮朋也是球場上看起來ok,但場下關係超差31F 01/23 18:15
purplebfly: 跟猴子一樣,打一架誰力量大誰就是老大,KD實力屌打嘴綠,表現下降還要嘴KD,誰都不會挺你啊33F 01/23 18:17
toeic900: 你會找一個關係很差的人當你進名人堂的引薦人?35F 01/23 18:30
hunt5566: 儘管他還是襲擊LBJ的腹股溝36F 01/23 18:32
a2156700: 能夠上班好同事就很好了37F 01/23 18:33
ar33ar33: 大哥咖喱回來了,一切都沒問題38F 01/23 18:41
ff704: 贏球就是最好的解決方法,看看俠客跟老大40F 01/23 18:52
bc015128: 互相吹       捧41F 01/23 18:53
ePaper: 一直贏球 所有問題都可以縮小42F 01/23 19:01
kamiii: 跪 跟 舔43F 01/23 19:02
AxelGod: 噁心 打不贏就加入  舒適才是一切
雷霆對勇士還沒結束就眉來眼去了 什麼友情44F 01/23 19:09
DarkHolbach: 贏球了都不是問題,輸球了就都是問題,就這麼簡單46F 01/23 19:20
kkb512sk: KD表示離開不敢投蘿蔔的三分又來一個不敢投三分的綠嘴47F 01/23 19:22
kurokiwawa: 上班好同事,the KD49F 01/23 20:06
blackman5566: 五星歸位每天贏球舒適到不行,才懶得吵架50F 01/23 20:10
dvnorlag: 綠為了簽大約阿!51F 01/23 20:14
a22122212: 那個圖是三小啦 噁心死了52F 01/23 20:51
wj1009: 贏球氣氛就是佳,大家都要刷身價,沒必要破壞氣氛53F 01/23 21:00
container:  上班好同事下班不認識。橫批:演的好54F 01/23 21:12
bobby94507: 舒適第一55F 01/23 21:13
NiaosongLBJ: 贏球就沒事
上面假推特有夠好笑56F 01/23 21:17
raku: 怎麼輸?58F 01/23 21:29
d70062s: 上面那張圖Woj說的一定是真的!59F 01/23 22:06

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