看板 NBA
作者 kenbo (我愛黃恩賜)
標題 [外絮] 若JR Smith日後被買斷,勇士與火箭有興趣
時間 Wed Jan 23 18:37:05 2019

Report: Warriors could be interested in J.R. Smith
The Cleveland Cavaliers and J.R. Smith continue to find themselves at an impasse. Smith has suited up for just 11 games this season and remains away f ...


來源為Msn Sports

Report: Warriors could be interested in J.R. Smith

The Cleveland Cavaliers and J.R. Smith continue to find themselves at an
impasse. Smith has suited up for just 11 games this season and remains away
from the team as the two sides look to find a way to end their relationship.

At issue here is that Cleveland wants to trade Smith and the remainder of his
bloated contract. It’s highly problematic given that he’s earning $14.72
million this season and has a non-guaranteed cap hit of $15.68 million in

Interest in Smith would pick up if the Cavaliers decided to buy him out
following next month’s trade deadline. At that point, contending teams might
have open roster spots.

According to this note from Sam Amico of Amico Hoops, the defending champion
Golden State Warriors would be among the teams to have interest in Smith
should a buyout come to fruition. He also mentions the Houston Rockets as a
potential landing spot.
根據Amico Hoops的Sam Amico報導, 衛冕軍金州勇士隊將會成為對

How exactly would Smith fit in with the Warriors? He could back up at both
the two and the three. Though, with Klay Thompson and Kevin Durant holding
down the fort at those two positions, playing time would be an obvious issue.

Add in Andre Iguodala, Shaun Livingston and the surprising Alfonzo McKinnie
off the bench, and that’s magnified further.

Smith, 33, averaged 8.3 points on 38 percent shooting from distance last
season. He might be a good fit on a contending team. We’re just not too sure
the Warriors are said team.





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justinXD: 去年季後賽第一戰勇士功臣1F 01/23 18:39
YLTYY: ????2F 01/23 18:40
AnnaOuO: 還敢出來阿JR==3F 01/23 18:40
giga1004: 哈登幫你時間暫停,比較不會看錯比數4F 01/23 18:40
flicker36: 害勇士少賺一場的男人5F 01/23 18:40
justinXD: 講真的JR Smith還是比勇士二線替補強吧6F 01/23 18:41
Aggro: 強很多 他認真起來其實沒這麼差 只是你要讓他認真7F 01/23 18:42
linchw: 加入勇士就不能當第六人了8F 01/23 18:42
smalldds: 勇士不可能,想太多了吧…9F 01/23 18:42
lollipop030: 勇士要他還不如尼克楊==10F 01/23 18:43
CW4: JR的身分只剩黃警司知道11F 01/23 18:44
turnpoint: 無間道?12F 01/23 18:45
sam352306: 骰起來13F 01/23 18:46
LincolnBoy: JR只要在季後賽爆發一場 就賺到了14F 01/23 18:46
op520ptt: 火箭確定要?走一個毒瓜又來一個神經刀15F 01/23 18:46
LincolnBoy: 畢竟JR準起來 也是擋不住的那種等級16F 01/23 18:46
cp3bg32: JR防守還在的話可以17F 01/23 18:48
a3221715: JR加入勇士陰勇士18F 01/23 18:48
op520ptt: 誰去到勇士都能找到使用說明書19F 01/23 18:48
lsps9151014: 這有可能嗎20F 01/23 18:50
x851221: 勇士是要酬庸位子給JR吧 畢竟冠軍賽有功21F 01/23 18:51
lpk8610fe: 火箭要他不如留瓜22F 01/23 18:52
c32867689: lbj的兄弟會去勇士?23F 01/23 18:52
a2156700: 加入勇士太微妙24F 01/23 18:52
purestone: 歷史會記載,唯一讓姆斯哭出來的男人25F 01/23 18:53
PeterHenson: JR防守? 是守住勇士嗎27F 01/23 18:54
meeifang2266: 加入勇士?打不贏就加入2.0?28F 01/23 18:56
kakain: 勇士的恩返29F 01/23 18:58
TVXFQ: 黃警司XD30F 01/23 18:58
wx190: 就勇士的臥底是勇士在裝什麼 早就你們的人了31F 01/23 18:59
bc015128: 臥底回歸32F 01/23 18:59
roger2623900: 火箭一定缺啦 但勇士會缺JR嗎?33F 01/23 19:02
hayabusa2004: 勇士也不缺尼克羊 還是照收 當然有可能收勇士MVP34F 01/23 19:03
NewNewBaby: 去年臥底今年要回歸正職啊 沒看過香港警匪片?35F 01/23 19:04
frank47147: 大概是去領去年答應好的冠軍戒指吧36F 01/23 19:05
leophior: JR明年保障只有380.等同爛一點的到期約37F 01/23 19:05
waterice0902: 火箭塞不下了吧38F 01/23 19:05
leophior: 說毒藥合約實在有點牽強39F 01/23 19:05
ANava: 三年之後又三年,十年都嚟緊頭啦老細40F 01/23 19:06
pikapi1012: 4樓41F 01/23 19:07
bill85831: JR>甜瓜,前者勇士想搶,後者反而沒興趣42F 01/23 19:09
frank47147: JR三分和防守都比瓜好 比較吃香正常43F 01/23 19:12
Timba: JR 這個局 佈了3年??????44F 01/23 19:15
sept9048: JR只是鳳還巢而已別大驚小怪 地下MVP餒45F 01/23 19:21
QVQ9487: 真的覺得要這咖不如簽老尖46F 01/23 19:22
cblade: 面試很成功47F 01/23 19:25
windisbig: 勇士要JR是有報恩吧48F 01/23 19:26
b08297: 勇士有了五星還想補強,真是貪得無厭49F 01/23 19:29
BadGame: 已經拿過戒指又不會聽話的8+9 你要找的到誰壓50F 01/23 19:29
roger2623900: 講的好像勇士要有臥底才會贏欸?51F 01/23 19:30
assotr: 戰力平衡 可以53F 01/23 19:31
m791017: 強化版老尖欸0.054F 01/23 19:33
chunyo0229: 勇士有興趣 幫湖人簽的嗎55F 01/23 19:34
t32908: 拜託來我湖56F 01/23 19:35
Wolverine56: 我勇要吸毒成功了嗎?57F 01/23 19:36
wyver72: 看到勇士的確先想到那一戰XD58F 01/23 19:38
ccc5b683: 拜託去湖人組綜藝天團59F 01/23 19:41
purplebfly: 勇士是在報恩嗎?60F 01/23 19:45
unico002: contending teams是指想爭冠球隊不是各球隊要搶人61F 01/23 19:46
MrHeat: JR:明明說好是三年,三年之後又三年,三年之後又...62F 01/23 19:47
francois106: JR都談好了 那一傳就是信號63F 01/23 19:49
dog29635841: 臥底回歸64F 01/23 19:51
wadeginobili: 還JR一個戒指 勇士就是有情有義65F 01/23 19:51
kiminn: 滾吧 去富邦勇士66F 01/23 19:53
fack3170: LBJ:67F 01/23 19:58
ajul1230: JR再怎麼樣,還是比勇士很多板凳強很多...68F 01/23 19:59
Rikako4650: 無間道69F 01/23 20:00
ok771105: 笑你勇士不敢70F 01/23 20:00
apestage: 勇士到底想幹嘛71F 01/23 20:03
f22313467: 想看丁尺和哈登站一起的畫面72F 01/23 20:11
ch1ckenfoot: 無間道73F 01/23 20:17
shwkz: 騎士不會買斷的...我覺得啦74F 01/23 20:17
hahaha613: 火箭要拚勇士可以賭一下啊75F 01/23 20:17
kurokiwawa: 勇士該報恩JR mvp一下吧XD76F 01/23 20:19
ddfg: 專門收集買斷
可考慮去湖人77F 01/23 20:19
opoppp: 推4樓79F 01/23 20:22
as6354993: 3年後3年80F 01/23 20:22
bengret: 要神經刀這種沒穩定度的賭真大81F 01/23 20:22
airx: 史上唯一一個以一己之力打倒姆斯的球員82F 01/23 20:24
champhon: 勇士的確該給他一顆戒指83F 01/23 20:35
heavensun: 去年幫勇士  勇要知恩圖報
JR有3分  有防守  的確很合勇士84F 01/23 20:44
chichung: 老尖跟神經刀哪個比較好用?86F 01/23 20:46
edison1003: 酬庸啦XD87F 01/23 20:50
UriahFan: 勇士應該是要報恩88F 01/23 20:56
wowojojo: JR不恍神的話不差阿 真去當KT替補這火力光想就可怕89F 01/23 20:58
a3221715: JR G1的錢該還了90F 01/23 21:06
tosn981: JR:我也想上車91F 01/23 21:09
callme76: 呷賽,放掉nick young要JR?92F 01/23 21:15
ShenMayn: JR只要控制時間就好用93F 01/23 21:16
mmchen: 來湖人吧,詹皇愛將94F 01/23 21:40
kess: JR知道一切詹皇的招式 先收買詹皇底下第一謀士 沒想到勇士這麼早就開始對付湖人了 看來真的認真要三連95F 01/23 22:02
sky0158: 找去潑湯?還是算了吧。98F 01/23 22:22
DarylMorey: 你丟我撿99F 01/23 22:35

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