看板 NBA
作者 peter080808 (peter)
標題 [花邊] Morris:其他隊球員互相幫助 但賽隊沒有
時間 Sun Feb 10 13:23:47 2019

以下幾則推特是記者訪問Marcus Morris談論賽隊情況

Chris Forsberg
Marcus Morris: "I look at all these other teams and guys are jumping on the court and guys are moving the ball or guys helping each other on defense, guys are genuinely happy for each other. I look at this team, I don’t see that."

Marcus Morris: "I look at all these other teams and guys are jumping on the
court and guys are moving the ball or guys helping each other on defense,
guys are genuinely happy for each other. I look at this team, I don’t see

Marcus Morris:我看到其他球隊球員在轉移球和防守上互相幫助,球員相處快樂


Jay King
Marcus Morris said when he looks at the Celtics he sees a bunch of individuals. Said he sees everyone else having fun around the league, they don’t have fun.

“It hasn’t been fun for a long time.”

Marcus Morris said when he looks at the Celtics he sees a bunch of
individuals. Said he sees everyone else having fun around the league, they don
’t have fun.

“It hasn’t been fun for a long time.”

Marcus Morris:當我看著賽隊,這群人毫無樂趣的打著球;其他隊打得很快樂


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SNxLdpt (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1549776231.A.CF7.html
NanaoNaru: 氣氛起來!1F 02/10 13:24
ADavisBest: wow2F 02/10 13:24
jack19931993: 氣氛 ↑3F 02/10 13:24
depo: 怪聲嗎4F 02/10 13:24
aa01081008tw: 又來了..快逃啊XD5F 02/10 13:24
YummyCurry: 氣氛++6F 02/10 13:24
starxls: 出怪聲了7F 02/10 13:24
jaff8071: 氣氛+108F 02/10 13:24
alexcy: 氣氛年9F 02/10 13:24
CJY1025: XDD10F 02/10 13:24
sm10236: 氣氛11F 02/10 13:24
dodo6: 氣氛12F 02/10 13:25
jxxnlaihong: 氣氛upup13F 02/10 13:25
hayabusa2004: 紛紛出怪聲了 都不替隊友擋人 真是可惡14F 02/10 13:25
MoWilliams: 又有氣氛了.....15F 02/10 13:25
aa01081008tw: 這群人打球毫無樂趣...應該篤定暑假KI要閃人了吧XD16F 02/10 13:25
jcto04: 總是要有人出來維持氣氛17F 02/10 13:25
jenchieh5: 氣氛榜又要更新了18F 02/10 13:25
sezna: 出怪聲了19F 02/10 13:25
thePTTer: 氣氛元年20F 02/10 13:25
NanaoNaru: 安吉:不能交易真的好無聊21F 02/10 13:25
grimnir158: 完了 不快樂KI留不住了22F 02/10 13:26
sdfsonic: 氣氛不對23F 02/10 13:26
Gilbertsky: 這隻球隊氣氛真妙 不時有這種新聞24F 02/10 13:26
paiming: 輸球發怪聲!25F 02/10 13:26
sezna: 特別等大限過了才發聲 原來他們在演給安吉看26F 02/10 13:26
hayabusa2004: 我看氣氛的根源就是KI 小將 VS KI   KI走的機率大增27F 02/10 13:26
louiszzzzz: 給過譽仔霸球到輸28F 02/10 13:26
CW4: 氣氛賽29F 02/10 13:27
teren: 賽爾提克要的是贏球文化 誰跟你在那邊嘻嘻哈哈30F 02/10 13:27
cloud777717: 講這麼明白的嗎31F 02/10 13:27
clander1028: 統統拿去換AD32F 02/10 13:27
TradePau: AD是不是先知33F 02/10 13:27
vanson37: 青賽現在是怎樣?34F 02/10 13:27
f82287: 氣氛大隊35F 02/10 13:27
jyekid: 怪聲響起 難怪之前球隊戰績打成這樣36F 02/10 13:28
Zutter77: Morris講了不少東西,只取這段有點斷章取義37F 02/10 13:28
aa01081008tw: AD:我早說了吧..還想我跟賽隊續約..做夢去吧XD38F 02/10 13:28
yeustream: 青塞到底發生什麼事了,怎會變成這樣39F 02/10 13:28
microalo: Race to 氣氛 ladder40F 02/10 13:28
Rex3661: 聲仔很多==41F 02/10 13:28
KKB: 老將不爽球都給小的玩嗎42F 02/10 13:28
Zutter77: http://bit.ly/2GxlqBv43F 02/10 13:28
Jared Weiss
Marcus Morris: "For us to be a championship team man, this shit has to change. When you want to win, that has to be the first goal. Whatever it takes, I’m with it. If they want to take me out of the starting lineup and get some juice in there, I’m with it. But I’m trying to win.
angels: 今年真的是怪聲元年,明年通通送鵜鶘44F 02/10 13:28
hterhth: 連這樣都能扯KI= =45F 02/10 13:28
Zutter77: 我印象沒錯,這也不是他第一次發表類似的言論了46F 02/10 13:29
a0114133: 怪聲氣氛隊47F 02/10 13:29
bbbyes123: 到底怎麼了.....上季不是東冠嗎48F 02/10 13:29
antony0310: 原po就是在PS版加自己錯誤見解的引戰人士49F 02/10 13:29
capirex: 輸兩場就出怪聲了50F 02/10 13:29
bill85831: 出怪聲了51F 02/10 13:30
※ 編輯: peter080808 (, 02/10/2019 13:31:29
fack3170: 哇!!!!52F 02/10 13:31
mike40709: ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑53F 02/10 13:31
Foye: KI秀戒指想當老大 但對小醬來說只是靠LBJ的外來者54F 02/10 13:31
ciakkk040156: 這種文章還是看看就好,看原文跟採訪比較實在55F 02/10 13:31
kuchibu: 怎麼突然有這種發言啊  哈哈56F 02/10 13:31
zlzooq: 賽隊↑57F 02/10 13:31
monmo: 題外話,他經紀人也是富保羅XDDDD58F 02/10 13:31
ying761127: 說真的如果說交易流言會影響湖人球員,那超賽肯定是也會啊!而且時間更長XD59F 02/10 13:32
NanaoNaru: 富保集團真的很屌XDD61F 02/10 13:32
Bainite: ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑62F 02/10 13:32
kuchibu: 蛤?都是富家子弟唷?63F 02/10 13:32
ooxxman: KI表示:...想要老大背氣氛鍋是嗎?(一哥責無旁貸)64F 02/10 13:32
dwiee: 青賽不是以團結&鐵血防守著名嗎 怎會變這樣65F 02/10 13:32
antony0310: 原po自己加任天堂股價下跌的原因,還有所謂的拉尾盤66F 02/10 13:32
DoubleA5566: 之前不是嘴杰倫還是聰明67F 02/10 13:33
peter080808: 任豚追殺到NBA版很煩欸68F 02/10 13:33
kyo611128: 超賽又再不滿意69F 02/10 13:33
Murasaki0110: 原班人馬過了一年怎麼不能相處了70F 02/10 13:33
JerryWalkerr: 怪聲++71F 02/10 13:34
lmf770410: 氣氛+ㄢ72F 02/10 13:34
NanaoNaru: 無關NBA的恩怨滾出去談好不好?73F 02/10 13:34
ooxxman: 再說下去KI就要跑了74F 02/10 13:34
antony0310: 原po還有說PS4應該要可以玩PS5的遊戲,硬體效能差距75F 02/10 13:34
peter080808: A大我們出去談好嗎 這裡是NBA版76F 02/10 13:35
david8840505: 這周是不是氣氛排名大亂77F 02/10 13:35
ben0522: 氣氛upup78F 02/10 13:36
Irez: 這是NBA板 無關NBA的場外恩怨去場外解決好嗎79F 02/10 13:36
kenslc199: 氣氛榜名次up up80F 02/10 13:36
chink5566: 賽爾提克今年很氣氛喔81F 02/10 13:36
tim8333: 賽隊常常愛投不投 傳給他他又傳給別人 好幾次都磨到24秒要到才投82F 02/10 13:36
sony1256: 怪聲年? 怪聲一堆84F 02/10 13:37
firemm444: #CUsFall85F 02/10 13:37
probity: 靠  富堡集團全面進擊!跟電影的大反派一樣,小弟們86F 02/10 13:38
UCCG: 氣氛87F 02/10 13:38
antony0310: 說出缺點有檢討是好事,但是沒必要說賽隊就是爛隊88F 02/10 13:38
probity: 紛紛出頭,看來再不久首腦要幹大四啦89F 02/10 13:38
Celtic8879: 音量逐漸大聲90F 02/10 13:39
yeustream: 原來是富保羅團隊,難不成是在為KI離隊舖路?91F 02/10 13:39
sclbtlove: 怪聲92F 02/10 13:39
dogville: 總管自己搞出來的 每個人隨時都會走人氣氛會好才怪93F 02/10 13:39
hugolaxd: 底薪加我雷94F 02/10 13:39
vltw5v: 怪聲來了95F 02/10 13:39
koga5566: 快逃啊96F 02/10 13:39
jimmy20642: 氣氛吉普賽!97F 02/10 13:40
Angel0724: 這隊幾個人出怪聲了98F 02/10 13:40
Sammy0820: 氣氛元年 穩99F 02/10 13:40
joyeszhang: 氣氛排行榜 參戰296F 02/10 17:20
lyt5566: #氣氛297F 02/10 17:26
a26893997: 他這個 氣氛榜應該可以升很多298F 02/10 17:26
Coffeewater: 氣氛滿出來了299F 02/10 17:26
aaron770708: 打得好就是交易AD的籌碼,毫無向心力,這種球隊也只有雜血迷會支持300F 02/10 17:28

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