看板 NBA
作者 sezna (sezna)
標題 [情報]Rozier:Irving像那種我想得到他一切的哥哥
時間 Mon Feb 25 17:56:17 2019



Terry Rozier talks about competition with Kyrie Irving, his role with Celtics | NBC Sports Boston
Terry Rozier on Kyrie Irving and the internal competition among the Celtics point guards: "I’ve been saying it since I joined and played with [Kyrie I ...


Rozier spoke about this and offered praise of Irving in a recent interview
with Chris Mannix.

"I’ve been saying it since I joined and played with [Kyrie Irving]…he’s
like a big brother that I want everything that he got. It’s never hating on
him or nothing like that, but it’s just I want everything you got. So, I’m
going to challenge him every day and he’s going to challenge me."

Rozier also was questioned about his transition to a new role after serving
as the starter when Irving was out for the playoff run last year. He said he
didn’t focus on his role too much but hinted that he may like to have a
bigger one.

Let’s just put it like this. I want to say that I’m the best backup guard
in this league, because that’s not what I am. Now with that being said, I do
have to adjust some things. I have to get better at controlling some things,
but like I said. At the end of the day, I’m just going out there and I’m
playing hard."




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westlife041: 標題甲味濃……1F 02/25 17:58
airiguodala: 暑假過後你就是超賽第一控了2F 02/25 17:58
hayabusa2004: 我也想要他擁有的一切 我也想要當老大?3F 02/25 17:59
kyle5241: 宇智波佐助4F 02/25 18:00
happy870516: 我知道,下一季弱企鵝會把歐文的眼睛搶過來5F 02/25 18:01
ro2377854730: 平價版KI6F 02/25 18:01
as6354993: 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔8F 02/25 18:01
windisbig: 我知道企鵝接下來會跳到屋頂和歐文對決9F 02/25 18:02
MichaelCena: 不管是前面還是後面都想要?10F 02/25 18:02
slamblock15: 宇智波歐文 宇智波企鵝11F 02/25 18:05
linyi520: 翻譯:我想篡位12F 02/25 18:05
JayFans0610: Irving:恨我吧13F 02/25 18:06
pasti: Rozier:歐霸~14F 02/25 18:06
Angel0724: 這部我看過15F 02/25 18:07
a3298991: NBA 佐助16F 02/25 18:08
skywalker219: 我愚蠢的弟弟啊…?17F 02/25 18:09
sunoomstar: 以前就說過想成為明星控衛了吧,企圖心很強很好啊18F 02/25 18:10
ediotediot: 傻時K!!19F 02/25 18:11
tommy910174: Irving: 我是為了確認你的器量20F 02/25 18:12
Myosotis: 歐尼醬21F 02/25 18:13
kuku951: 聯盟最好的替補後衛是 魯長老跟皇叔 輪不到你22F 02/25 18:13
thb96300: 企鵝:歐霸>\\\<23F 02/25 18:13
bill85831: NBA佐助=  =24F 02/25 18:14
MarXXXX: 大葛格25F 02/25 18:16
qaz80691: 歐TOTO26F 02/25 18:16
QoGIVoQ: 這是最後一次了27F 02/25 18:19
CW4: 經典彈額頭要出現了嗎?28F 02/25 18:21
date10245: 撒斯給29F 02/25 18:22
GothicMetal: 所以瘋狂自幹然後不防守,就可以得到KI的一切?30F 02/25 18:23
ChenWay: Irving:不管你做什麼決定,我都深愛著你(升天31F 02/25 18:24
ChenWay: Rozier: 我要毀惹牧業33F 02/25 18:24
lee76413: 這隊沒氣氛問題我不信34F 02/25 18:27
openlion: 歐膩桑35F 02/25 18:28
eh07: 甲36F 02/25 18:29
chang860708: 宇智波企鵝37F 02/25 18:30
dwiee: 我愚蠢的弟弟啊  恨我吧38F 02/25 18:30
ANava: 愚蠢的歐豆豆啊39F 02/25 18:31
andyroro2: 這劇情我看過40F 02/25 18:32
auron4041: 都是綠色的 不會吧41F 02/25 18:33
ksk0516: KI轉隊就換你當老大了(想太多)43F 02/25 18:35
hunt5566: 包括先發的位置44F 02/25 18:37
h86288624: 笑死就知道一定歪45F 02/25 18:37
kingjames59: 薩死給!!!46F 02/25 18:37
bbbyes123: 安吉會留企鵝嗎47F 02/25 18:37
CW4: Rozier:我要成為新的GM 然後把五個先發都交易掉48F 02/25 18:37
Ginpunch: 所以雷了KI一場49F 02/25 18:50
seancschang: 等你和我有相同的眼睛再來找我吧
等你和我有相同的眼睛再來找我吧50F 02/25 18:52
everettofu: 愚蠢的歐豆豆52F 02/25 18:53
j71648: 你的憎恨 還不夠53F 02/25 18:58
ePaper: 甲爆54F 02/25 19:00
narutotha: 豪火滅卻55F 02/25 19:05
no321: 我愚蠢的歐豆豆喲56F 02/25 19:08
semicoma: 宇治波菜佐企鵝57F 02/25 19:08
st890284: 雷到KI不留就可以得到他的先發位置了58F 02/25 19:10
jcto04: NBA宇智波鼬59F 02/25 19:12
sk050607: NBA佐助60F 02/25 19:13
pi020412: 宇治波鼬?61F 02/25 19:15
kapercd: 我還不彈一下你的額頭 >///<62F 02/25 19:18
vltw5v: 彈額頭63F 02/25 19:21
Xing97302: 波菜佐企鵝wwww餓惹64F 02/25 19:22
cado0824: 哥哥不要65F 02/25 19:27
Muma5566: 就你在雷 我現在只希望安吉趕快把你交易掉66F 02/25 19:37
kent0398: 歐文歐巴67F 02/25 19:49
trainuncle: 歐文在哪68F 02/25 19:55
louisxxiii: 幹推文笑死XDDDDDDDDDDDDD69F 02/25 19:56
WBYKI2: KI會留的70F 02/25 20:02
puro: 薩死給!
http://i.imgur.com/tRxDtCN.jpg71F 02/25 20:06
tony4417: 推文好多畫面跟聲音 笑死73F 02/25 20:15
McRay258: 篡位聲仔先為明年發聲,我要他的全部74F 02/25 20:26
lens82801: 看標題就覺得根本佐助 XDDDD75F 02/25 20:44
TristyRumble: 宇智波‧羅奇兒76F 02/25 20:46
tomlee1130: 推文的圖都很靠腰XDDDD77F 02/25 20:48
shushuyang42: 推佐助XDD78F 02/25 20:51
ases8956: BILF79F 02/25 20:57
tedandjolin: 歐尼醬80F 02/25 21:22
uglyfinger: 歐文到底是誰81F 02/25 21:31
jordan621: 我愚蠢的弟弟啊  你的憎恨還不夠深  月讀施放82F 02/25 21:33
a176893: 宇智波騙你83F 02/25 21:45
eric6210: 推文快笑死XDDD  NBA佐助84F 02/25 21:46
friends29: 歐文是誰85F 02/25 21:47
LoMing1021: 我依然深愛著你86F 02/25 22:01
guesswho: 恨我吧87F 02/25 22:15

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