看板 NBA作者 ikle (ikle)標題 [外絮] Barkley邀請LBJ季後賽開打時擔任球評:「反正你也沒事做」時間 Sat Mar 9 17:58:17 2019
Charles Barkley Wants LeBron on TNT During the Playoffs Since He Has 『
Nothing Else to Do』
Dan Gartland
https://is.gd/fUlKa4 )
It's nearly a certainty that this year's NBA postseason will be the first one
since 2005 that doesn't feature LeBron James. The Lakers' chances of
qualifying for the playoffs are less than 0.1%, according to
Basketball-Reference. It will be weird for basketball fans to turn on their
televisions in May and June and not see this generation's most impressive
player. Perhaps that's why Charles Barkley extended an invitation to LeBron
to come on Inside the NBA.
He ain't got nothing else to do!」 Barkley explained when Shaquille O'Neal
Charles Barkley invites LeBron to Inside The NBA during the playoffs because he;s going to "have nothing better to do"
Charles Barkley invites LeBron to Inside The NBA during the playoffs because
he;s going to 「have nothing better to do.」
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SWuuzFk (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1552125501.A.3EE.html
→ ikle: [url=https://imgur.com/CfblvIC]https://i.imgur.com/CfblvIC.gif[/url]1F 03/09 17:58
→ ikle: [url=https://imgur.com/u55w7DJ]https://i.imgur.com/u55w7DJ.gif[/url]2F 03/09 17:58
→ ikle: [url=https://imgur.com/2qveEvo]https://i.imgur.com/2qveEvo.gif[/url]3F 03/09 17:58
→ ikle: [url=https://imgur.com/PH6FaAw]https://i.imgur.com/PH6FaAw.gif[/url]4F 03/09 17:58
推 chlin0430: 慘。。。LBJ,AD交易案對團隊士氣傷害太大8F 03/09 18:00
推 lovetina: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww9F 03/09 18:01
推 paul5566: i大,抱歉,我誤導了,板規確實沒有禁止及人文的條款,對不起,誤導您了,但,之前有辦過投票,禁止及人文12F 03/09 18:01
※ 編輯: ikle (, 03/09/2019 18:03:19
推 demon616: 雖然只是要酸,其實LBJ滿忙的吧15F 03/09 18:02
推 Koch: 夠機巴 我喜歡18F 03/09 18:03
推 happypg: 還要拍ㄉㄧㄢㄧ
*電影19F 03/09 18:04
推 aa6300158: 就球場上轉到球場的,不會忙到沒時間啦,除非本來就沒要打季後賽25F 03/09 18:07
推 heyjude1118: 去LA是為了商業,打球是副業,才要開始忙起來...31F 03/09 18:10
推 ppalee: 笑死 老巴真的很靠北35F 03/09 18:12
推 monk2: 可以先試水溫;說不定講得不差 !36F 03/09 18:13
噓 ooxxman: 屁,姆斯要發展好萊塢事業,暑假比老巴忙碌多了38F 03/09 18:14
推 kattte: 老巴還幫LBJ找工作 真好39F 03/09 18:14
推 jaw13: 讚歐 季後賽不缺席40F 03/09 18:14
→ gbtplayer: 想看大嘴老巴LBJ同台當球評 最好還多個老柯41F 03/09 18:16
推 migoyo: 真的笑了,給推48F 03/09 18:20
推 TKCH: 這個太好笑了49F 03/09 18:21
→ HSKAO: 3 > 0 謝謝指教XD51F 03/09 18:21
推 CW4: 做人留一線 日後好相見52F 03/09 18:22
推 WilMyers: 老巴的嘴砲功力名不虛傳,小試身手而已53F 03/09 18:22
噓 TVBE: 你一個零冠仔嘴什麼嘴54F 03/09 18:23
→ EQUP: 哈哈哈哈55F 03/09 18:23
推 highwayshih: 老巴有夠靠北XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD56F 03/09 18:23
→ zoin: XD59F 03/09 18:26
推 Azabulu: 一定要找賤嘴miller來助拳XDDD62F 03/09 18:26
推 CW4: 如果有球員故意跑到紀錄台狂拍止滑粉一定很哭63F 03/09 18:27
推 st890284: 明年再繼續邀還可以順便宣傳電影64F 03/09 18:28
→ shwkz: 陪他兒子女兒都比去球評好 沒事做?65F 03/09 18:28
推 pmmm: 超級酸。我喜歡68F 03/09 18:31
推 munchlax: 姆斯戴著三枚戒指跟Barkley同臺如何?69F 03/09 18:32
推 shortimex: 老巴 算你高招 我服 我真D服 XDDDD71F 03/09 18:33
→ cado0824: 真的蠻靠北的
難怪你會被戰冠軍,有踩人機會絕不放過XDDD74F 03/09 18:37
推 kuroxxoo: 這招不錯耶 沒有LBJ收視率會掉 抓來當球評加減救XD76F 03/09 18:38
推 jyekid: 姆斯可以在主播檯上撒粉啊
找瓜瓜當球評 姆斯主播 Wade當導播78F 03/09 18:39
→ shin30: 老巴沒戒指的老屁孩是在嗆屁嗆81F 03/09 18:42
推 yuiop358: 支持我皇去拍好萊屋電影 不是怪物奇兵82F 03/09 18:42
→ gbtplayer: 老巴: 歡迎現役第一人跟我們同台轉播 (起立鼓掌撒粉83F 03/09 18:43
推 LoMing1021: 老巴:聽說你提早放暑假 想找份暑期打工嗎?88F 03/09 18:47
推 pttaa: 笑死啦89F 03/09 18:47
推 kutkin: 認真說很可以90F 03/09 18:49
推 jungpo: 很靠北xddd92F 03/09 18:52
推 nuturewind: 他入股的利物浦有可能封王啊,要去盯英超說不定能跨界拿冠,很忙的好嗎93F 03/09 18:52
推 MidoriG: 這幾個零冠咖真的很有事95F 03/09 18:52
推 cama: 忙別的更表示心不在本業上啊 無法反駁99F 03/09 19:02