看板 NBA作者 ikle (ikle)標題 [外絮] LBJ現在已開始把黑鍋丟到隊友的背上時間 Sun Mar 10 12:47:56 2019
LeBron '
Throwing People Under the Bus' Like Never Before, and NBA Is Baffled
By Ken Berger, March 9, 2019
As this Lakers season continues to spiral toward the likely possibility that
James will not make the playoffs for the first time since his second year in
the league, James has grown increasingly vocal in challenging his teammates
"I've never seen him like this, and I'm a little shocked because I've been
around him and thought he was more of a leader," a Western Conference
executive said. "All of a sudden, I'm seeing a different LeBron. Dude, don't
do that; you're hurting yourself. The best thing he can do is tell everybody,
'My guys have been great, I can do better, and we need to continue to improve
as a team.' He hasn't done that. Instead,
he's throwing people under the bus."
Basketball—is that the most important thing?" James told reporters after
the loss. "
Why are we doing this? Is this the most important thing in your
life at this time? ... If you feel you gave it all [in that game], then you
have nothing to look back on. You can go on and do other things. But if you
feel like you're not giving as much as you can, then you can't focus on
anything else."
It came across as a lecture, a loaded statement suggesting James believed his
teammates' focus was not where it needed to be. He also questioned his
teammates' experience and "sense of urgency."
"How do you know what's at stake if you've never been there before?" James
added, according to ESPN's Dave McMenamin.
At this point, if you are still allowing distractions to affect the way you
play, then this is the wrong franchise to be a part of," James said. "… Just
come and do your job."
"How would you feel if you're Kyle Kuzma and you're living in L.A.—where
it's 75 degrees every day—and you think this is going to be your home for
the next 15 years?" another Western Conference executive asked. "Those guys
don't want to go to New Orleans."
另一位西區高層說:「如果你是Kyle Kuzma,每天住在24℃氣候宜人的LA,你會不會想要
接下來的15年都在這裡住?那些年輕人根本不會想去New Orleans。」
"Now it's all about deferring and putting blame on somebody else," one of the
Western Conference executives said. "Instead of being like an
old-school guy
and saying: '
I've got to do a better job. I've got to make my teammates
better.' Great players and great leaders, that's what they do. That's what
Kobe [Bryant] would've done. That's what Michael Jordan would've done."
我必須做得更好,我必須提升我的隊友』奉為信條,Kobe Bryant是這樣、Michael
Today, with star players perpetually angling for better teammates and more
attractive markets, the narrative has shifted. Suddenly, it's become the job
of the supporting players to make the superstars better. And if the superstar
struggles, it must be his teammates' fault.
These new-school guys always want to put it on somebody else," one of the
Western Conference executives said. "It's an immediate-gratification society,
and it's always someone else's fault."
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→ zsp9081a: 現在是個消息人士就想靠踩詹姆斯來過日子嗎1F 03/10 12:48
推 KillLakers: Laoda說隊友衛生紙就是霸氣 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD6F 03/10 12:50
推 CW4: 西區高層,I've been around him, 這篇想害阿仁嗎?8F 03/10 12:50
推 Odysseus: 比賽中已經盡力 就沒必要再回頭看 可以繼續做其他事9F 03/10 12:50
推 PeterHenson: 有差嗎 MJ跟Kobe也很愛嘴隊友阿 又不只皇上這樣10F 03/10 12:51
推 Wardyal: LBJ小酸一下隊友搞得好像直接開噴==11F 03/10 12:51
推 IkariD: 以前就這樣了吧14F 03/10 12:51
推 kurenaiz: 贏球詹姆斯 輸球小醬糊 都怪水鳥不照劇本演15F 03/10 12:52
→ f9932017: 老大以前怒噴隊友怎不說笑死16F 03/10 12:52
推 hcl00: MJ跟老大嘴隊友的事情 隨便google都有 這篇認真的嗎?21F 03/10 12:52
噓 matsuwu: 製造業造起來,之前綠賽才被弄一次23F 03/10 12:53
推 oocooc: 人家才進來聯盟兩三年,就要他們來承擔勝敗是否太苛刻?這樣的話連一開始的可愛都做不到24F 03/10 12:53
推 rawle: 想到Kuz發的紅酒照片28F 03/10 12:54
推 ahinetn123: 單核東冠怎麼現在開始怪隊友了 以前隊友不是也雜魚30F 03/10 12:54
推 dwiee: 隊友是指KUZMA嗎?33F 03/10 12:55
推 seishin: “這些新時代球員們”直接罵一群人欸34F 03/10 12:55
推 Ashand: 我皇:你們這些菜逼巴,還不給我認真防守37F 03/10 12:56
推 Kappa: 棒打落水狗 LBJ現在根本超級大戰犯38F 03/10 12:56
推 ab056921: 老大也很喜歡嘴隊友啊 死老人思維39F 03/10 12:56
推 ievolnds: 剛看到NBA TV有個人講到一個重點 湖人一直怪受傷
結果西區前三都有不少 先發球員缺席多場 尤其金塊火箭在主將受傷期間照樣贏了不少場 所以湖人沒藉口了 開季第四真的就是賽程軟40F 03/10 12:57
→ OyAlbert: 記得之前有篇外絮提到,湖人沒有被姆斯視為兄弟的人,所以更衣室氣氛差,現在甩鍋給人好像也不是很意外45F 03/10 12:57
推 a28200266: kobe的紙巾王朝現在都還查得到 怎麼會舉kobr?48F 03/10 12:57
推 dppsuck: 姆斯只會打兄弟籃球 跟兄弟稱兄道弟50F 03/10 12:57
推 Aggro: 樹倒眾人推56F 03/10 12:58
推 h760108: 哈登最好沒受傷= =62F 03/10 12:59
噓 poolo: 還以為有啥勁爆言論,引用幾句再自己解釋 讚63F 03/10 12:59
推 linchw: 贏球隨便你罵 輸球隨便人都可以罵65F 03/10 13:00
推 PeterHenson: MJ還能隊內練習吵到跟Kerr打架咧 皇上這還算好了66F 03/10 13:00
推 kevinyouyou: 這個記者心得報告是不是交的太晚了? 都好一陣子的事67F 03/10 13:00
推 ohxd: 順風就各種捧歷史第一 逆風就說牆倒眾人推 反正我皇總是最棒的呢^^68F 03/10 13:00
推 arcss: 商人籃球不意外,沒戰力就背鍋,利用到最後一點一滴70F 03/10 13:00
推 ko373328: 不意外阿。好處自己拿,壞得都別人害得72F 03/10 13:01
→ kurenaiz: 一神帶四坑 西瓜雜魚毛巾架 帶領湖人坦狀元73F 03/10 13:01
推 Marietta: Faker來ahq帶得起來嗎77F 03/10 13:03
→ wj1009: lbj真的是全隊最盡力的了....78F 03/10 13:03
→ exboy: lbj:都是你們大腿不夠粗才會害我輸球80F 03/10 13:04
推 amsmsk: 記者技能是超譯嗎88F 03/10 13:05
推 ya123yo: 酸酸總是最棒的呢 嘻嘻89F 03/10 13:06
推 kenyun: 以往在姆斯陷入這種精神狀態前 騎士GM早就被綁架去91F 03/10 13:07
→ kenyun: 幹大風吹了93F 03/10 13:07
噓 Agdanpanda: 現在都隨便消息都可以黑 ?沒被證實的也用 ……94F 03/10 13:07
推 sam86716: 啥小啊 LBJ到底黑隊友啥了95F 03/10 13:08
推 bobyacool: Kobe才退休沒幾年 就忘記衛生紙和吹密了 這記憶也..96F 03/10 13:08
推 xian: 離開東區舒適圈原形畢露566F 03/10 16:39
噓 ThreeNG: MJ、Kobe明明都會噴隊友568F 03/10 16:55