看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [花邊] Kobe學波士尼亞髒話 好對Nurkic噴垃圾話時間 Wed Mar 13 14:40:14 2019
來源: ClutchPoints
Blazers’ Jusuf Nurkic shares story about Kobe Bryant learning a Bosnian
curse word to trash talk with him
阿拓Jusuf Nurkic分享了一個故事 有關於Kobe Bryant學波士尼亞髒話 好對他噴垃圾話
Portland Trailblazers center Jusuf Nurkic is playing at such a high level
this season that one can’t help but wonder if he’ll ascend into becoming a
truly elite NBA player in no time.
阿拓中鋒Jusuf Nurkic本季有高效的表現,讓人不禁懷疑,他會不會很快就成為真正的NBA
For Nurkic’s part, he’s learned a lot from his experience playing with the
best basketball players in the NBA. He even had an opportunity to play
against one of the league’s all-time greats in Kobe Bryant before the
legendary Laker retired in 2016.
佳球員之一的Kobe Byrant在他退休前與他交手過。
But instead of picking up some tools of the trade from Bryant, Nurkic
received what might be an even better gift from the five-time champion: a
good story to tell.
With the Blazers visiting the LA Clippers on Tuesday, Nurkic took some time
off prior to the game for an interview with Neil Everett on SportsCenter.
During the show, the seven-footer recalled how Bryant once surprised him with
a diss using his native Bosnian tongue (per Dane Delgado of NBC Sports).
在星期二作客快艇比賽前,Nurkic找了時間上節目SportCenter與主持人Neil Everett訪
“He’s shooting the free throws (Kobe), and I’m out there like: ‘Nobody
can even touch him, how is that possible?’ Whole night he was shooting free
"He actually said a word in my language. I’m I was like, ‘I didn’t really
hear right. He can’t speak my language!’
"Then we go back and forward, and he goes again to [shoot] free throws. And he
repeats that! It was [a] curse word! I was like, ‘I’m pretty sure he said
"After a couple years in the league, he was preparing himself and he plays
against some teams he will try to learn a little bit about every player he
Kobe was not only a master of his craft in terms of pure basketball skill,
but he was also a master of playing mind games versus his opposition on the
court. Apparently, Portland’s big man learned this firsthand in the most
unconventional yet rather hilarious way.
However, and beside that fact that he now had an interesting anecdote to
tell, Jusuf Nurkic could sure learn and use some of the psychological tactics
that Kobe Bryant dealt unto him. He should still be careful not to use
anything too offensive in picking up more of the stateside slang curse words,
然而,除了有個有趣的故事可以說之外,Jusuf Nurkic也許也學到了一些Kobe的在心理戰
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1552459218.A.66A.html
→ Alipapa: 這樣看來 老大應該有學台語飆過書豪?7F 03/13 14:44
推 Yui5: 老大有開微博,還發文問過打鐵的英文怎麽寫。8F 03/13 14:44
推 eh07: 連那時候的Nurkic也不放過?XD9F 03/13 14:44
推 slimak: 老大上次還跟lin說 gan ni lao si18F 03/13 14:47
推 CMPunk: 台語髒話應該是聽得懂啦
就算不會講台語20F 03/13 14:49
推 eh07: nba球員怎麼想我不知道,但如果是我這個路人能跟老大站在同一個球場上打球,還被老大用台灣國罵問候我媽,我一定馬上叫他乾爹!25F 03/13 14:53
推 Malpais: 鈴木一朗也會用西班牙文髒話噴對方拉美球員32F 03/13 15:03
推 AngelNo13: 他根本碰不得,那怎麼可能?整晚他都在罰球35F 03/13 15:04
推 kaga1991: 某粉自以為諧音有梗 不怎麼好笑真的
沒季後很悶齁39F 03/13 15:07
推 caesst85149: 塞爾維亞、克羅埃西亞、波士尼亞、蒙特內哥羅的語言其實是互通的 雖然每個國家都用國名稱呼自己的語言43F 03/13 15:12
推 NewShiisDog: Kobe如果說幹你X之類的真的要小心 搞不好是真的45F 03/13 15:12
推 bahamutuh: 別人說X你娘是噴垃圾話 但KOBE不是 懂?47F 03/13 15:13
推 darren2586: 老大對到林書豪的時候,林書豪應該還聽不太懂吧49F 03/13 15:14
推 LA24: 老大50F 03/13 15:14
噓 mirac1e: 林書豪:幹拎娘 老大:哩工蝦63F 03/13 15:36
推 LBJGod: 老大:gan ni lao moo!!! 林:工三小64F 03/13 15:37
推 ganhua: 老大!!!!!!!!66F 03/13 15:41
推 f22313467: 為什麼要對丹佛主將罵髒話
喔是前丹佛67F 03/13 15:42
推 oops66: 笑死wwwww72F 03/13 15:56
推 bee12: Kobe可能是說『幹你娘』 這具實用的話76F 03/13 16:07
推 fransiceyho: 老大:咖哩涼 書豪:What are you talking about?78F 03/13 16:10
推 jjblood: 好想聽老大用中文噴垃圾話79F 03/13 16:14
推 JayceYen: 老大有用中文罵姚明或林書豪嗎?96F 03/13 17:16
推 Irez: 對著當時的Lin噴中文髒話 Lin只會滿臉黑人問號吧97F 03/13 17:21
→ Losaria: 對姚明應該說NMSL99F 03/13 17:22
推 cyp001: 林書豪不知道懂不懂台灣髒話 XD100F 03/13 17:23
推 LNight0417: 之前不是有一個白邊被亂教說我是你爸爸的XDDD103F 03/13 17:39
大哥大姐过年好 - YouTube
节选自 姜文导演的电影 "鬼子来了" 2000 香川照之 扮演的花屋小三郎 为了激怒农民马大三而想学骂人的话,结果被翻译官董汉臣 教了拜年的话
推 hotdog301: kobe應該是每天對豪鬼喊幹拎娘109F 03/13 18:17
推 aa840325: LBJ噴Curry垃圾話。酸酸:沒品 科比噴垃圾話 :帥110F 03/13 18:18
推 gt097231: kobe真的說台語 豪豪也聽不懂好嘛...115F 03/13 19:08
推 takoQAQ: Hahahhaha117F 03/13 19:15
推 sinben: 老大!!!!!119F 03/13 19:23
推 nojydia: 樓上怎麼那麼討厭Nurkic?121F 03/13 19:54