看板 NBA作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H is enough)標題 [外絮] LBJ:我將來一定會再在季後賽出現的時間 Wed Mar 13 17:29:19 2019
LeBron James: I will play in postseason again
LeBron James will, in all likelihood, miss the playoffs for the first time
since 2005 next month. Only a handful of current players were even in the
league at that point, and if Lakers haters have their way, it James won't
ever make it back to the postseason. If you squint, it's a realistic
possibility. Brandon Ingram is dealing with an extremely scary medical
situation, and Lonzo Ball hasn't played a completely healthy season yet. Few
stars seem interested in their cap space. The Western Conference is going to
get even tougher when the Dallas Mavericks and Sacramento Kings jump into the
playoffs next season.
The future isn't assured for the Lakers right now. But James isn't taking
that for an answer. While he admitted that the Lakers are essentially out of
the hunt according to Dave McMenamin of ESPN, he did make a solemn promise
about his future: he will be back in the playoffs.
"I'll be watching it if we're not in there, and it looks like our chances are
slim to none after each and every game, and so many teams in the West are
playing well," James said. "So you try to get better, but this won't be the
last time I'll be in the postseason."
While he didn't give any specific plans on how he is going to make it back,
he did deliver a quote that could be viewed somewhat ominously by the rest of
the roster.
"Obviously, I would love for the team to be in the postseason," James said
Tuesday. "Even if I'm not a part of it, the postseason I've always loved. But
right now, it's not the hand I was dealt, so you play the hand that you were
dealt until the dealer shuffles the cards and you're dealt another hand and
can do that."
Replace "cards" with "players" and "hand" with "team" and you've got yourself
a story. The Lakers are widely expected to overhaul their roster this
offseason. They want to sign a superstar free agent this offseason, and
they've been trying to trade for another (Anthony Davis) since January. The
Lakers aren't favored in the hunt for any superstar right now, but if he's
guaranteeing future playoff spots, James certainly seems confident in their
ability to get one.
It's just a matter of who that player turns out to be. In a perfect world,
it's Davis and Klay Thompson. In a more realistic one, it might be Jimmy
Butler or Kemba Walker. In a nightmare scenario, the Lakers might have to
surrender their war chest of assets just to get a lower-rung All-Star like
Bradley Beal or C.J. McCollum. But based on the way this season has gone, one
thing is clear: the Lakers are not going to just run in it back. This is
going to be a different team next year. And if you take James' word, it is
going to be a better one.
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→ a0989876: 加油 a0989876祝你發大財 a0989876祝你吉祥如意1F 03/13 17:30
推 Irez: flag立起來 是主角命還是配角立旗讓我們繼續看下去4F 03/13 17:31
推 GANZ: I'LL BE BACK8F 03/13 17:32
推 lcall: 歷史第一人,目標只有進季後賽?9F 03/13 17:32
※ 編輯: kairiyu (, 03/13/2019 17:33:54
→ lcall: 忘了有但書,KT跟AD都要來湖人11F 03/13 17:34
推 overmaster: LBJ要持球、要關注度、防守又不盡力,隊友都是在幫他抬轎的,真的大咖不會想來,除非LBJ釋出球權12F 03/13 17:34
推 yogun: 加油 LBJ16F 03/13 17:35
→ kenny949: 跟姆斯同隊真的沒好處 數據被吸功勞又全在他18F 03/13 17:35
噓 matt01: 第一人的格局20F 03/13 17:37
推 WLR: 買票進去看,隨時都可以22F 03/13 17:37
推 RonaldBBS: 笑死要換隊友還叫以1擋百喔,那新隊友應該幫擋200吧24F 03/13 17:38
推 Y225: 將來是什麼時後?31F 03/13 17:41
推 jyekid: 以他的財力弄個包廂不成問題32F 03/13 17:41
推 ejonlj: 今年單純是他受傷那幾場害的 不然穩進有什麼好擔心34F 03/13 17:42
推 tf310244: 然而下一次出現就不是球員身份了35F 03/13 17:43
推 super009: 某年後:讓我們歡迎本場季後賽贊助商姆斯 蒞臨現場37F 03/13 17:44
推 linearppt: 我比較好奇的是他會改變打法嗎?還是一星四射繼續給他下去,今年實驗應該是徹底失敗了38F 03/13 17:44
推 ryrp: 姆斯要洗牌了 隊友要被洗掉了40F 03/13 17:44
推 paul5566: 那段比喻其實可以不用說吧…44F 03/13 17:45
推 eaegg: 沉淪姆斯 還是往老萊塢發展吧~46F 03/13 17:46
推 AterPin: 球哥是不是有點痛痛屬性?48F 03/13 17:47
推 Odysseus: 我皇跟我一樣愛用比喻 讚讚推個49F 03/13 17:48
推 en0225: LBJ:我將來一定會跟大腿在季後賽出現51F 03/13 17:50
噓 whoAU: 一樓那個每篇都機器人推文 啥時要桶?56F 03/13 17:54
推 kenyun: 您的腿不夠了 請充值57F 03/13 17:55
→ hunt5566: 明年都35了 照gap三巨頭護航模式 現在慕斯過巔峰也只是在追夢 追湖人的冠軍夢 所以來幾個組一下不過份吧58F 03/13 17:56
→ chigi: 但是要是在東區,30勝可是只差一場勝差就有門票了呢61F 03/13 17:56
→ BadGame: Kemba: ... 我有說打不過就加入的嗎65F 03/13 17:59
推 dppsuck: 建議東區,保底東冠66F 03/13 17:59
推 Odysseus: 現在韓星版有歐爸們的真面目展現還比較有趣 哈哈哈69F 03/13 18:00
推 amazingwow: 姆斯 少打季後賽 等於可以多休息一兩個月 可以換零件啦71F 03/13 18:03
→ IBIZA: 說這副牌不是我要玩的,好像有點太over了73F 03/13 18:04
推 QoGIVoQ: 我會帶著大腿回來的74F 03/13 18:05
→ migoyo: 所以已經放棄了喔?79F 03/13 18:08
→ MorPhin3: :我將來一定會組好兩個全明星副手的!82F 03/13 18:12
推 cgabear: 但是小醬可能通通端出去,是吧?83F 03/13 18:13
噓 mikol: 姆斯:要進季後賽?把這些爛牌換成全明星就好了87F 03/13 18:15
噓 coox: 這傢伙對抱腿有股異常的執著88F 03/13 18:15
推 foxlula: [外絮]LBJ:季後賽模式啟動 被看破手腳的全Zzz詹89F 03/13 18:15
噓 dannyabc123: 小將背鍋→教練背鍋→魔術背鍋 千錯萬錯就是不干我
姆斯的事95F 03/13 18:18
推 DAHSU: Walker來感覺很有趣97F 03/13 18:19
→ dog29635841: 說到GAP 姆斯又不是要找多年無冠老將,他要年輕大腿98F 03/13 18:20
推 djcc: 姆斯體系 很簡單啊 love tt jr kk 可是湖人不要打造 就這麼簡單220F 03/13 20:29