看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [情報] Trae Young:我可以終身在亞特蘭大打球
時間 Sat Mar 16 14:06:07 2019

來源: ClutchPoints
網址: http://tinyurl.com/y6a69v4f
Hawks news: Trae Young says Atlanta 'is a place where I could see myself being for my whole career'
Atlanta Hawks rookie point guard Trae Young says Atlanta is a place where he seems himself growing and playing out his whole career. ...


Hawks’ Trae Young says Atlanta ‘is a place where I could see myself being
for my whole career’
老鷹Trae Young說,亞特蘭大是一個他可以終身打球的地方

Atlanta Hawks rookie point guard Trae Young says Atlanta “is a place where I

could see myself being for my whole career.”
亞特蘭大老鷹菜鳥控衛Trae Young說亞特蘭大是"我可以終身在那裡打球的地方"。

Young has had a phenomenal rookie season with the Hawks and the city and fans
have embraced him as one of their own.

“This is a place where I could see myself being for my whole career,” Trae
Young said, via Ben Stinar of Amico Hoops. “I think the city has really
embraced me and I’ve really enjoyed the city as far as the culture and all
the people here and how much they really support their teams.
「這是一個我可以想像自己在這邊打球打一輩子的地方,」Trae Young說。「我認為這個

“I just love the environment every time I’m in the arena. Anywhere in
Atlanta really. Definitely been like a second home to me.”

While everyone believes Dallas Mavericks rookie swingman Luka Doncic is the
front-runner for the Rookie of the Year award, Trae Young has been on a tear
over the last few months and is proving he is right there with Doncic.
當大家都認為獨行俠菜鳥Luka Doncic是年度菜鳥獎的可能得獎者,實際上Trae Young過去

In 69 games this season for the Hawks, Young is averaging 18.3 points, 3.5
rebounds and 7.8 assists while shooting 41.1 percent from the field, 33.3
percent from beyond the arc and 82.4 percent from the free-throw line.

Young was the Eastern Conference Rookie of the Month in January and February.
The 20-year-old Texas native is fifth in the league in assists per game,
trailing only Russell Westbrook, Kyle Lowry, LeBron James and Ben Simmons.
Young是東區一月跟二月的最佳菜鳥球員,出身於德州的Trae Young,今年20歲,目前場均
助攻聯盟排名第五,落後在Russel Westbrook,Kyle Lowry,LBJ跟Ben Simmons之後。


 標題  [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!                                            
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129: 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105: 開4我直接自殺10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105: 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

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kobe9527: 年輕人1F 03/16 14:06
basketone: 太快2F 03/16 14:06
durnak: 你真的沒轉隊我再推回來3F 03/16 14:06
rchih: 年輕人4F 03/16 14:07
GKDOOMHAMMER: 年輕人終究是年輕人5F 03/16 14:07
Rothur: 太早了吧QQ6F 03/16 14:07
CMPunk: 太年輕了7F 03/16 14:07
Toy17: 年輕人始終還是年輕人8F 03/16 14:07
koflll: 年輕人就是年輕人9F 03/16 14:07
Dreality: 年輕人終究是年輕人10F 03/16 14:08
starxls: 說太早了 以後一個不小心就被拿出來鞭屍了11F 03/16 14:08
abc32521: AD以前好像也說過12F 03/16 14:09
k102asdf: 年輕人 不要講幹話13F 03/16 14:09
BlackTea1023: KD KL AD:......14F 03/16 14:09
CMPunk: Dh也說過15F 03/16 14:09
yuanmi1283: 年輕人終究是年輕人16F 03/16 14:10
sunnyyoung: 菜比巴,你說要人家就要17F 03/16 14:11
dwiee: KD KL AD DDR PG:18F 03/16 14:12
manseeajed: 聰明   先當老大   之後再跳槽19F 03/16 14:12
SilenceWFL: 太早了欸 第一年都還沒打完20F 03/16 14:13
NanaoNaru: 嗯21F 03/16 14:13
wuling1001: 阿瓜當年也是這麼想滴22F 03/16 14:13
MichaelRedd: 年輕人就是太衝動23F 03/16 14:13
Jmarz0210: 一堆人說過類似的話24F 03/16 14:13
osvaldo4040: 第一年就講這個真的太早了XD25F 03/16 14:15
linyi520: 太早26F 03/16 14:16
qaz19wsx96: 故意的吧= =其實這是叫球團交易他的話術27F 03/16 14:17
turnpoint: 推文可以列的前輩也太多了28F 03/16 14:17
freshbox7: 完蛋了!!!!!!29F 03/16 14:18
atking: ?30F 03/16 14:18
f66043284: XD31F 03/16 14:18
downtoearth: 每個新人球季 都這麼說...32F 03/16 14:20
Royalweger: 別...別..立旗阿33F 03/16 14:21
andy055097: KD:34F 03/16 14:21
tyes60309: 少年,圖樣圖森破啊35F 03/16 14:21
kyan820815: Kd:我這輩子都為雷霆打球36F 03/16 14:22
puro: 太早了
3樓你要等20年喔37F 03/16 14:23
grende: 也可以不用39F 03/16 14:23
puro: 你尊敬或者當偶像的前輩也是都有轉喔40F 03/16 14:24
Blazeleo819: 不要立旗啊!41F 03/16 14:24
freitaggg: 不要急42F 03/16 14:25
fack3170: Flag43F 03/16 14:25
abelyi100: 您還年輕,別亂立flag啊大大44F 03/16 14:25
rainy0312: 他只有說可以 沒說其他地方不行R45F 03/16 14:25
lmf770410: 立旗了 8846F 03/16 14:27
thb96300: 太年輕了47F 03/16 14:27
a123zyx: 他只有說可以想像吧48F 03/16 14:27
oeibei: 太早49F 03/16 14:28
bang71013: 講過這話的都奪冠了 在另一對奪冠50F 03/16 14:28
eric050692: 上一個這樣說的已經.....51F 03/16 14:28
SE4NLN415: 起手式開始了52F 03/16 14:29
horseham: 剛進聯盟的年輕人:I am trae young 經過幾年歷練後:Please trade me53F 03/16 14:29
jack110156: 我先壓個噓 等你沒跑掉再補推55F 03/16 14:30
ger1871: 另類吹密56F 03/16 14:31
chunyo0229: too Young57F 03/16 14:32
oscurry0322: Trae Young too young58F 03/16 14:32
a3138466: KD & PG:59F 03/16 14:34
gt097231: 年輕人60F 03/16 14:35
s00105albert: 先不要61F 03/16 14:36
a00110661: 看幾年後會被Ptt翻出來打臉62F 03/16 14:39
wnightmare: 太年輕了63F 03/16 14:39
AngelNo13: 還好吧 他是說我可以 不是說我願意 打不到臉64F 03/16 14:40
HONYLO: 備份65F 03/16 14:41
betty0308: 太早66F 03/16 14:43
lala86591: KD67F 03/16 14:43
grand2656: 旗子立起來68F 03/16 14:44
LaBronJames: KD:69F 03/16 14:46
bernie880303: 支援圖片嘍71F 03/16 14:50
xeriom57042: 又一個年輕人72F 03/16 14:51
CKNTUErnie: too young73F 03/16 14:56
ppo7741: 我看你...還是先別立旗74F 03/16 14:58
LLLLLyx: 太旱75F 03/16 14:59
JD56: 年輕人終究是年輕人76F 03/16 14:59
vltw5v: 年輕人就是年輕人77F 03/16 14:59
QVQ9487: Tonight ~ we are young~78F 03/16 15:03
dameLee: 人不能立旗阿。年輕人79F 03/16 15:09
k1k2k367: 太早80F 03/16 15:10
mono1023: 終就是年輕人81F 03/16 15:16
iNicholas: 年輕人話別說太快啊82F 03/16 15:16
iWatch2: 很想離開故意立旗83F 03/16 15:18
wupirn08: 後生仔始終都係後生仔84F 03/16 15:21
kokskuld: 打太好說不定就被交易掉了阿 不是自己可以決定的哈85F 03/16 15:21
bn5566: 不要說的太早86F 03/16 15:22
ji394tb: 過幾年就換腦袋了87F 03/16 15:23
nuclear: 話別說太早 也有人說終身克里夫蘭 結果88F 03/16 15:23
kitty93206: 年輕人終究是年輕人89F 03/16 15:24
fablife: 被重點栽培的有機會啦90F 03/16 15:27
tomoti: 想太多了,矮個後衛30歲後就開始可能要變浪人了..91F 03/16 15:28
sho0975: 真的太young92F 03/16 15:29
wc4eva: 年輕人啊93F 03/16 15:30
gt097231: Trae Young Too Young94F 03/16 15:30
yy810516: 年輕人95F 03/16 15:32
princewyane: 話不要說的太早96F 03/16 15:41
mrWillyyang: 等退休那天沒轉我再補推97F 03/16 15:43
sam86716: 太年輕了年輕人 等你被酸拿不到冠軍想法會變98F 03/16 15:43
jason9869687: 先備份99F 03/16 15:48
Brucetsai541: 太早100F 03/16 15:51
nate567: 太早101F 03/16 15:52
jinkela1: Too 癢 Too 辛波102F 03/16 15:53
a9564208: 每個吹密的都這樣說103F 03/16 15:57
sigma0307: 年輕人講話總是衝動沒大腦104F 03/16 16:03
tbbyan: 太快了啦105F 03/16 16:05
bear2349: 哈哈哈106F 03/16 16:05
kazzak16: trade young107F 03/16 16:07
coollonger: 這麼早就立旗108F 03/16 16:08
hwer7850: |>109F 03/16 16:11
lp123gbaj: 唉110F 03/16 16:18
Tawara: 年輕人111F 03/16 16:34
ADavisBest: 第一年:Trae Young.
數年後:Trade Young!!112F 03/16 16:44
maxwell0078: 上一個這麼說的是哪位?114F 03/16 16:48
x8x895246: 奇怪了 這種言論講出來怎麼被噓成這樣?
難道要他第一年就喊吹密嗎115F 03/16 16:55
goury: 以為他說勇士,亞特蘭大118F 03/16 16:58
mouscat: 沒4 模板curry也沒轉119F 03/16 16:59
ptt821105: LBJ:年輕人120F 03/16 17:00
ayuro: 年輕人太急了哦121F 03/16 17:17
realjjj: 我可以不代表我想要122F 03/16 17:26
tbs7melody: 話別說太早123F 03/16 17:42
shinfu99: Doncic笑你124F 03/16 17:45
AxelGod: 年輕人終究還是年輕人!太衝動了!125F 03/16 17:50
Nuclear5566: 你哪根蔥 球隊偷你薪水 看你還待不待XDDDDDDDDDDDDD126F 03/16 17:51
qaz23012: 太早127F 03/16 17:52
supreme0731: 蔡逼八 少說點話吧128F 03/16 17:52
popvalk: 美國馮X淇129F 03/16 17:54
Costco5566: xd131F 03/16 18:06
ken720331: 公關話術132F 03/16 18:07
dydark: flag133F 03/16 18:09
JayceYen: 才第一年就在立旗134F 03/16 18:24
hygen: 才第一年就放話要轉隊???上一個這樣說的現在已經……135F 03/16 18:26
a11011788: 年輕137F 03/16 18:47
wydada1207: 坐看等笑話138F 03/16 18:51
peanut910013: 後生仔始終都係後生仔139F 03/16 18:53
danieltu: 年輕人140F 03/16 18:55
purplebfly: 排毒成功141F 03/16 19:02
nO25948: 太早142F 03/16 19:15
kf7: 呵呵143F 03/16 19:23
poorsin: 上一個宣誓效忠的...144F 03/16 19:24
a8662875: 年輕人太衝動了145F 03/16 19:44
allyourshit: 年輕人就是年輕人146F 03/16 19:54
sospeter: 菜逼八147F 03/16 19:59
philip09227: 年輕人148F 03/16 20:04
kuchibu: 又來一個149F 03/16 20:09
Taylor4ever: 年輕人終究是年輕人150F 03/16 20:09
asdpig05: 年輕人太衝動ㄌ151F 03/16 20:18
h86288624: 大旱152F 03/16 20:29
liafree: 甜瓜KDAD表示153F 03/16 20:59
Ten6666: 太早154F 03/16 21:23
a70651: 這種話就跟我要跟你在一起一輩子一樣可笑155F 03/16 21:31
tfrence: flag立太早啦156F 03/16 21:31
King5566: 太早喇幹157F 03/16 21:42
sony0955: 這個年輕人真的是.........158F 03/16 21:47
d147258: 才打一季就講這種話,果然是年輕人159F 03/16 21:52
eric6210: 太早 菜雞160F 03/16 21:54
Angel0724: 太早161F 03/16 22:00
birdman5656: 不信162F 03/16 22:31
xvited945: 真的是年輕人會講的話。我人生第一份工作也說過可以做一輩子,結果還是離開了XD163F 03/16 22:35
daha1112: 怎麼最近一堆人在放話啊 幾年後就打臉了啦165F 03/16 22:36
dalipkid: 菜逼巴 你以後會後悔der166F 03/16 22:38
murderer2013: 老鷹:你說可以就可以呀?167F 03/17 01:24
s899456: 傻子 決定權是老闆好嗎168F 03/17 02:00
JasonIm: AD:169F 03/17 02:25
FurTheMore: 年輕人,嘻嘻170F 03/17 02:41
neal19: 少年郎,太早囉 :)171F 03/17 08:00

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