看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [花邊] KD說他開分身帳號是因為想過正常生活時間 Sat Mar 16 14:57:20 2019
來源: Yahoo Sport
Kevin Durant says his burner accounts were about living 'a normal life'
Eighteen months after Kevin Durant’s burner accounts were revealed to the
world, the Golden State Warriors star shared his reasons for starting them.
And it’s a lot more mundane than you might expect.
Durant was interviewed on the ESPN+ show “The Boardroom,” and here’s what
he said when he was asked to explain his anonymous Twitter accounts.
KD在上ESPN節目The Boardroom接受訪問時被問到他推特分身帳號,他解釋了原因。
影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1106563388841345025
"I try to live a normal life out in the public ..."
– @KDTrey5 on his burner account
“I wasn’t used to that amount of attention, you know, from playing
basketball. I wanted a place where I can talk to my friends without anybody
just butting in my conversations or mixing my words or taking everyone out of
context, because I enjoyed that place. ... I had an Instagram account that I
just use for my friends and family. Like, it’s a cool place for me to just
be me instead of worrying about Bleacher Report or Barstool mixing up
anything I want to say to CJ or friends from back home, you know? So I just
try to ... I guess I try to live a normal life out in the public, I guess.”
人使用,那是一個很好的地方,我可以做我自己,不用擔心會有像Bleacher Report或是
Durant makes some good points here. He may be a famous athlete, but he’s
also a person. He doesn’t always want to interact with people as Kevin
Durant The Athlete. Sometimes he wants to be Kevin Durant The Person, and
interact with others on Twitter (including friends and family) as a regular
guy. To do that, he has to be anonymous.
But as much as Durant would like to say it was all about having interactions
with friends and family out of the public eye, he was using his anonymous
accounts for more than that. He was responding to fan criticisms and making
criticisms of his own. In fact, that’s how his burner accounts were exposed.
He responded to a fan in his mentions, but he had forgotten to switch from
his main account to his burner. He was talking about himself in the third
person, which gave it away.
We may never know how many athletes have anonymous burner accounts they use
to interact with their family and friends while also responding to critics on
Twitter. Until one of them pulls a Durant and forgets to switch accounts,
that is.
KD: KD不習慣大家都一直關注我
標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
→ ericf129: 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
開獎結果: 雙十
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推 capsspac: 卡痛 蛤蟆U炎彈!! 拉先萬!!2F 03/16 15:00
推 jt0711t23: KD:KD想當一般人(ㄙㄨㄢㄇㄧㄣˊ)3F 03/16 15:00
推 emptie: 開分身很正常 開分身用第三人稱捧自己很幼稚6F 03/16 15:01
推 sony1256: 沒用分身來戰球迷 也沒人會在意啊7F 03/16 15:01
推 kbty245: KD:KD登入次數比一堆人多,菜逼巴9F 03/16 15:01
→ yuran: 我也不會承認我開分身帳號是用來帶風向10F 03/16 15:02
推 vltw5v: KD:KD最不喜歡用分身帳號12F 03/16 15:04
推 kenyun: KD感覺很宅R 其它NBA球員泡夜店都沒時間了還上網戰13F 03/16 15:04
噓 PttGod: 想過正常生活16F 03/16 15:05
→ pig: 「我今天來這裡開分身,是為了公理和正義」17F 03/16 15:05
推 AndyWT: KD:KD是個好人21F 03/16 15:10
推 kenyun: 散發一股特別的氣質的那葛人22F 03/16 15:11
推 semicoma: 難道我是金城武也要跟大家說?24F 03/16 15:13
推 QoGIVoQ: 我有一千個帳號就有一千個人格阿27F 03/16 15:14
推 arcss: KD:KD只是想當一般人(瘋狂開噴小貓)30F 03/16 15:19
推 tomoti: KD:球員KD帳號是聯盟叫我裝的形象,分身才是真的我..33F 03/16 15:23
推 icou: 分身帳號很正常啊 比較好笑的是被抓包吧35F 03/16 15:25
→ oeibei: 遊戲boy是過正常生活嗎?36F 03/16 15:25
推 enemyli: 開分身很合理啊 但是不要捧自己懶趴R41F 03/16 15:28
推 gt097231: KD:KD只是想當個平凡的鄉民(酸民?
樓下就是KD 對不對???42F 03/16 15:28
推 QoGIVoQ: 拉先萬!我也會阿拉先萬 幹你的哩拉先萬44F 03/16 15:30
推 jyekid: 想過正常生活不就該遠離社群嗎45F 03/16 15:30
推 Jason0813: KD覺得KD自然不做作 散發清新的氣息49F 03/16 15:42
推 WLR: 志向不錯50F 03/16 15:43
推 Wickl: NBA林逸欣51F 03/16 15:51
→ vy8824: KD:KD是真男人,KD認真負責54F 03/16 15:58
→ aniji: KD:KD真性情 KD只想當正常人 KD好自然56F 03/16 16:02
推 Maxslack: KD覺得KD自然不做作 散發清新的氣息64F 03/16 16:10
推 tsaon: KD跑到KD的帳號關注然後推文65F 03/16 16:11
推 ecat: 我也略懂66F 03/16 16:12
推 CMPunk: Kd:Kd明明就很真 不懂大家在酸什麼67F 03/16 16:16
Hoop Central
LeBron in tears on the bench
推 R4L: 根本中二70F 03/16 16:23
→ qazxswptt: 開小帳覺得自然不做作笑的又自然散發一股特別的氣質73F 03/16 16:31
推 www2967: KD:KD :KD是對的 你們都忌妒我即將FMVP3連霸75F 03/16 16:35
推 jyunwei: 問題根本不是這個啊…79F 03/16 16:48
推 Garbolin: 正常人也會有分身 我信你了80F 03/16 16:49
推 WilMyers: KD: 正常人都有分身帳號,KD是正常人85F 03/16 17:15
噓 victor21835: 很正常啦 ptt也是一堆人分身 只是他比較好笑還被抓88F 03/16 17:30
→ alegoo: 只想舒適啊 想爽又不想負責任89F 03/16 17:42
→ kinuhata: 鄉民分身還會分兩邊站一搭一唱呢 跟精神分裂沒兩樣90F 03/16 17:42
→ choosin: 開分身沒問題啊 開了講隊友小貓…91F 03/16 17:44
噓 no321: 有分身不意外啊 但是被抓到活該被笑95F 03/16 17:55
→ Tenging: KD:KD了不起 勇於承擔96F 03/16 17:58
推 idlewolf: 沒那個屁股就別吃那泄藥 氣度就完全不夠格了98F 03/16 18:09
→ lyt5566: KD:KD只想低調102F 03/16 18:38
推 nsmmsn: 了不起,負責104F 03/16 19:39
→ colan8: 愛嘴還想過正常生活?!105F 03/16 19:51
推 iuiuisme: KD:做自己 好自在:)107F 03/16 20:41
→ King5566: 沒事啦 一堆神仙佛祖也是分身無數110F 03/16 21:36
推 SIMPLEPLAN: KD:KD:KD:KD:KD:KD:KD113F 03/16 22:59
推 TDKnight: KD有2冠2FMVP 根本不在意鄉民114F 03/16 23:27
推 hu2304: 我是kd我也會開分身帳號哈哈哈哈哈115F 03/17 00:20
推 guesswho: 大方承認還算OK,演累了就好好做自己116F 03/17 00:54
推 lovetina: KD: KD只想過一般人的生活~~118F 03/17 04:23
推 lannystan: 分身想過球員生活 球員想過正常生活 好棒棒119F 03/17 06:35
推 funnyrain: 開分身跟網友筆戰原來是想過正常生活啊懂了121F 03/17 08:03
推 LucAngel: 想過正常生活(X) 想嘴人(O)122F 03/17 08:41