看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [情報] 阿拓Moe Harkless掛網用腳蓋火鍋(影)
時間 Tue Mar 19 14:24:37 2019

來源: ClutchPoints
網址: http://tinyurl.com/yxjwrlnn
Blazers video: Moe Harkless hangs on the net, blocks shot with his foot
Blazers swingman Moe Harkless did not want Pacers big man Domantas Sabonis to gain some confidence by trying to swish the net in a dead-ball situation ...


Blazers’ Moe Harkless hangs on the net, blocks shot with his foot
阿拓Moe Harkless掛網用腳蓋火鍋

Portland Trail Blazers swingman Moe Harkless did not want Indiana Pacers big
man Domantas Sabonis to gain some sort of confidence by trying to swish the
net in a dead-ball situation.
波特蘭阿拓搖擺人Moe Harkless不希望溜馬大個Domantas Sabonis在死球狀況練投,好增

Sabonis took a warm-up shot while Harkless was hanging right under the ring,
perhaps wanting to test his shooting arm and see if he has the stroke. Little
did he know, however, that Harkless has the ability to hang on the net and
block the shot using his foot.

影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1107857750992846848
Wyd, @moe_harkless?? 

A number of NBA players block shots during dead-ball situations. Perhaps the
most popular is Kevin Garnett, who was known for his intense competitive
spirit even when the ball isn’t at play. Even at dead-ball situations, he
doesn’t want his foe to get the upper hand. He knows that when players see
the ball swish the net, it gives them some type of momentum and confidence.
有一些NBA球員會在死球狀況時去蓋對手火鍋,最有名的大概會是Kevin Garnett,他以他

Moe Harkless took that mindset on a totally different level in the clip
above. Though he could easily swat the ball using his hands, he took the
degree of difficulty up one notch. Everyone can block a shot using their
hands, but only a few can swat the ball using one’s feet.
而從上面的影片可以看到Moe Harkless把這競爭意識提升到另外一個層次。雖然他可以很

Certainly, Harkless is one of the few blessed with this one-of-a-kind talent.


 標題  [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!                                            
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129: 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105: 開4我直接自殺10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105: 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Sa8ifM5 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1552976681.A.585.html
zaza1128: 太扯了1F 03/19 14:27
fcuz120: 有夠屌2F 03/19 14:27
yeustream: XDD3F 03/19 14:27
spring719: 各種意義上都還蠻猛的4F 03/19 14:27
lgates: 被籃球耽誤的吊環選手5F 03/19 14:28
surrender77: 笑死6F 03/19 14:28
gn00945822: 這網好耐用啊7F 03/19 14:28
spring719: 不過他不會怕網子破掉嗎8F 03/19 14:28
hisaken: 若林9F 03/19 14:29
pejawade: sbl有個更強的10F 03/19 14:29
calvin0319: ....11F 03/19 14:29
zsp9081a: 選錯運動了吧12F 03/19 14:29
KerFel: 萬一一個不小心把網扯下來怎麼辦13F 03/19 14:29
ppo7741: 有點怕那網子掉下來==14F 03/19 14:29
JBLs: 好屌15F 03/19 14:30
hcl00: 小哈你…XD16F 03/19 14:30
smalldata: 幹 好猛喔17F 03/19 14:31
fwiller: 剛看到XDD18F 03/19 14:32
leehom309536: 我比較擔心手指受傷不是網子19F 03/19 14:32
cherish968: 你是金剛腿耶20F 03/19 14:33
aheartcool: 網子台灣買的到嗎21F 03/19 14:33
tindy: 網子真耐操22F 03/19 14:36
IngramBrando: 這啥XDD23F 03/19 14:36
CW4: XDDDD24F 03/19 14:36
ThreeNG: 少林籃球 XDDDD25F 03/19 14:36
QVQ9487: 這殺小XD26F 03/19 14:37
Despairile: 很猛 但真的很怕網子...> <27F 03/19 14:37
hsin8535: 好屌28F 03/19 14:38
sokalula: 想不到nba的籃網這麼耐操29F 03/19 14:38
HONYLO: 網子斷很可能會受重傷
灌籃大賽新梗30F 03/19 14:41
MrHeat: 籃網:好歹我們也是東區前八32F 03/19 14:44
beariscut: 要不要用腳灌籃33F 03/19 14:44
lunsanity: 灌籃大賽 拉網或框 倒掛金勾灌籃不知有沒有搞頭34F 03/19 14:45
ctw01: WOW35F 03/19 14:45
AhirunoSora: 俺才是金剛腿36F 03/19 14:47
benboy: NBA果然都體能怪物 核心超強大XD37F 03/19 14:49
arashicool: 比起體能 那個網子能撐起的重量也太厲害38F 03/19 14:53
sandiato: 想到AI跟Howard39F 03/19 14:54
nashill13: 比起核心,比較佩服網子40F 03/19 14:54
yahooooooooo: 東興路果然是NBA 連網子都高人一等41F 03/19 14:56
gosh717: 這個真的滿猛,但要小心別傷了42F 03/19 14:56
arashicool: 拉到整個籃框都在搖了 結果網子還是很牢固43F 03/19 14:56
yahooooooooo: 多打44F 03/19 14:56
reaman: 那麼 網子要到哪裡才買得到呢45F 03/19 14:57
cpeyeshield: 功夫哈克46F 03/19 14:58
monkeydpp: 只有我想到阿雷骨凱爾  我老了...47F 03/19 15:00
MTSquare: 那網子是鋼筋嗎XDDD48F 03/19 15:01
HONYLO: 這安佐也可以吧,厲害的是籃網49F 03/19 15:02
pf775101: NBA真的是怪物的集中地...50F 03/19 15:03
gg8n8nd34ss: NBA籃框用的網子也太堅固51F 03/19 15:10
K951753: 用腳蓋火鍋 厲害了52F 03/19 15:11
jackwula9211: 網子也太堅韌了吧53F 03/19 15:21
bb810915q: 勾天頂了54F 03/19 15:23
dragonlucky: 籃網廠商葉佩55F 03/19 15:23
SkyReaching: 被籃球耽誤的足球選手56F 03/19 15:25
a58461351: 居然使出阿里固的腳刀來蓋火鍋57F 03/19 15:26
kai08130623: 球隊看到冒汗吧58F 03/19 15:28
Bainite: …厲害了59F 03/19 15:28
jimmylin0709: 這網子斷掉會慘摔吧.......60F 03/19 15:28
hyy9685: 網子好穩61F 03/19 15:34
tassadar1: 這網子的韌度跟鬼一樣,不會是美軍軍規吧 (?62F 03/19 15:35
Hiara: 這三小XD63F 03/19 15:38
louisxxiii: 幹真的笑死   到底是殺小啦   ㄏㄏㄏ天兵創意無限64F 03/19 15:43
pikapi1012: 下次就換NBA球員倒掛金鉤蓋火鍋了65F 03/19 15:43
wayne64001: .....打球抓網手超痛的66F 03/19 15:44
ZeroValue: 結果明天新聞就報出來網子原來是台灣做的67F 03/19 15:48
zihao0422: 跆拳道主將68F 03/19 15:58
Timba: 我是 廠商 一定大力播送 2百磅 球員 硬扯 都沒斷69F 03/19 15:59
panda1547: 想到ai跟魔獸那球70F 03/19 16:00
hygen: 像東南亞流行的藤球71F 03/19 16:09
hit0123: 這樣太危險72F 03/19 16:16
md1011: 我到底看了什麼73F 03/19 16:40
kattte: 煞氣的封阻74F 03/19 16:51
Myosotis: 這太猛了吧==75F 03/19 17:09
drugash: NBA連用的網子等級都那麼猛76F 03/19 17:14
Mazinfans: 開始期待俠客的後製XD77F 03/19 17:20
KillLakers: 抓籃網..........   不怕死的78F 03/19 17:21
qwas0413: 台灣早就有用腳灌籃了79F 03/19 17:31
icoann: 那個網子哪裡製造的啊,不可能是對岸吧80F 03/19 17:33
dallaspurs: 還好吧,Dynnema纖維隨便都可以拉好幾百公斤的東西81F 03/19 17:57
accjm2440: 幹好猛噢 我說網子82F 03/19 18:06
BruceChen227: 好歹也抓籃框吧 抓網子 幸好沒破83F 03/19 18:12
GKDOOMHAMMER: 這個也太猛84F 03/19 18:20
Accross: 有點強85F 03/19 18:24
nwojessy: 想的以前一個鬥牛遊戲用腳灌籃86F 03/19 18:28
michael26: 超中二87F 03/19 18:34
fsttt: NBA真的是怪物集中地...連網子都是88F 03/19 18:46
john581200: 這三小哈哈哈哈哈89F 03/19 19:09

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