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作者 kenny1300175 (蘇湖)
標題 [外絮] 大學隊友&教練分享Lillard"節儉"的軼事
時間 Sun May  5 14:10:05 2019

Weber State staff, ex-players share stories about Damian Lillard being a
by Mike Cruz, May 4, 2019

Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard is now a superstar making
millions of money – nearly $28 million a year.

拓荒者後衛Damian Lillard如今已經是個賺進數百萬美金的超級明星了,

Lillard signed a 5-year $140 million with the Blazers in 2016, and will go
through the 2020-21 season, with still around $61 million left in this
current deal.


However, despite his current million-dollar stature, it seems like the 4-time
All-Star was very tight with his money back when he was playing Weber State.
In an interview with Jason Jenks of The Athletic, some of Lillard’s
teammates and coaches in college shared anecdotes of the All-NBA guard being
a cheapskate.


在接受《The Athletic》採訪時,

Phil Beckner, assistant coach: He was so damn tight with his money. He was
the biggest tightwad ever.

助理教練Phil Beckner:「他對錢實在是抓得太緊了,他是有史以來最吝嗇的小氣鬼。」

First is Lillard’s utter refusal to have his car’s broken window fixed.


Beckner: He had a broken window in his car and he wouldn’t get it fixed. He
couldn’t get the ice off his car one day so he had to put his head out the
window to drive to class.

助理教練Phil Beckner:


The teammates also shared about how Lillard would always eat at Burger King
and either order from their dollar menu or use coupons for discounts.


Kyle Bullinger, forward: Every single day Damian Lillard ate Burger King for
lunch. Every. Single. Day.

前隊友Kyle Bullinger:「每天Lillard都吃漢堡王當午餐,每、一、天!」

Josh Noble, guard: He always ordered off the dollar menu and always used
coupons. If he found a coupon somewhere, he would use it. He wasn’t paying
full price for nothing.

前隊友Josh Noble:


Fulton: He would eat the meals the coaches would give us in the locker room,
like PB&J sandwiches. On the road trips, he’d freaking fill his bag with as
many Powerades and Gatorades as he could.



Finally, which could be the most ridiculous of all, Lillard actually
free-rode on his teammate’s Netflix account for three years. The 28-year old
star even had the audacity to ask his teammate where the Netlix went after he
reportedly failed to pay his credit card.


Fulton: Oh my God, man. This guy. His last year at Weber he moved in with us.
There were four of us in this house. Dame asked me for my Netflix password so
I gave it to him. Then after he got Rookie of the Year, I went on my Netflix
one day, and this dude had himself his own account on my account, with his
own little display box on there. I’m like, “Hold up.”




Kirk: About a week or two after he got drafted, he sent me a text asking me
for my Netflix login.


Fulton: And then one day, I forgot to update my credit card info with
Netflix. We’re on a road trip, and Dame texted me, “Hey, what happened with
Netflix? Why isn’t it working?” There were at least two or three years
where I was paying for his Netflix.



Blazers news: Weber State staff, ex-players share stories about Damian Lillard being a cheapskate
Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard is now a superstar making millions of money - nearly $28 million a year. Lillard signed... ...




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hunt5566: !!李導!!1F 05/05 14:10
n810516: Netflix也太扯 XDDD2F 05/05 14:11
joy2105feh: 樓下說客家人 樓樓下噓歧視客家人3F 05/05 14:11
Justin0326: 我現在Netflix也用別人的 好爽4F 05/05 14:12
mhkt: 小李: 勤儉持家5F 05/05 14:12
hlkevin81925: 客家人xd6F 05/05 14:13
ken22154: 狂!7F 05/05 14:13
puro: Netflix那個太好笑了吧8F 05/05 14:13
wl00553953: 笑死9F 05/05 14:13
vestal: 小李也太愛Netflix吧....XDDDD10F 05/05 14:13
TaricOP: 客家李11F 05/05 14:13
puro: 他網路一定也是連別人的 NBA李哥12F 05/05 14:14
zehow: 超扯 XD13F 05/05 14:14
CW4: XDDD14F 05/05 14:14
juniorpenny: 怎麼讓我想到LeBron喜歡用別人的WiFi啊XD?15F 05/05 14:14
c22501656: 跟隔壁棚李哥差不多 只是李哥是免費仔16F 05/05 14:14
qpeter: 這些隊友挺不錯的嘛XD17F 05/05 14:14
shulado: 這超猛18F 05/05 14:14
sam86716: 隔壁棚有李相赫 NBA有李拉德19F 05/05 14:15
yayagogo109: 漢堡王折價券真心好用啊!讀書時期的好夥伴20F 05/05 14:15
billgreenoil: 客家人= =21F 05/05 14:15
rrrivz: 超好笑 免費仔李哥22F 05/05 14:15
ksuenjjr: 難怪Lillard喜歡老詹xD23F 05/05 14:16
※ 編輯: kenny1300175 (, 05/05/2019 14:16:08
a894392000: 選上nba還在打電話問帳密 笑死XDD24F 05/05 14:16
ksuenjjr: 我也在用漢堡王優惠券xD25F 05/05 14:16
krara: 姓李的感覺都好像XD26F 05/05 14:16
psychoworld: Netflix莫名好笑XD27F 05/05 14:16
Baru1214: 笑死28F 05/05 14:17
mirac1e: 笑死 幫忙打這麼多廣告 Netflix可以考慮贊助他了吧29F 05/05 14:17
wkitty: 哈哈30F 05/05 14:18
mirac1e: 不過NBA球員成名前大部分都很節儉 窮怕了吧31F 05/05 14:18
NanaoNaru: 吃的省成這樣能顧到營養嗎33F 05/05 14:18
TimmyJiang: 他手機一定沒有行動上網,肯定都是連餐廳wifi34F 05/05 14:18
XtrEmeMasTeR: 有好笑到 但是台女遇到這種會SAY NO35F 05/05 14:19
windrain0317: 姓李的都這樣節儉,李納德也是!36F 05/05 14:19
astro1217: 小李還和高中同學集資買伊莉尊貴會員37F 05/05 14:19
mhkt: 從吃的到Netflix  XDDD  小李真奇葩38F 05/05 14:19
Mrlaba: 雖然他賺了數千萬美金,但能用免費的為何不用XD39F 05/05 14:19
TDKnight: 這個誇張40F 05/05 14:20
iamaq18c: 也太勤儉持家惹XDDDDD41F 05/05 14:20
chh1470: 原來是免費仔阿42F 05/05 14:21
popoliii: Netflix那個超靠杯 XDDDDD43F 05/05 14:21
fack3170: 該不會手機沒網路,都在連Wifi吧44F 05/05 14:21
bbbyes123: 生活周遭如果有這種朋友一定很討人厭45F 05/05 14:21
laitao: 有點萌46F 05/05 14:21
shaveii: 漢堡王搭配優惠券可以吃超飽又省47F 05/05 14:21
peace305: 笑了XDDD NETFLIX48F 05/05 14:22
iovoecu: 姓李ㄉ484都4免費仔==49F 05/05 14:22
giunrz: 他刺青就夠看十幾年了啊哈哈50F 05/05 14:22
OGCOGCOGCOGC: 我記得之前有一篇介紹幾位球星也是節儉甚至非常小氣反而弄壞和隊友的關係51F 05/05 14:23
mk1166jimmy: 免費仔XDD53F 05/05 14:24
nkmm: 網飛太好笑了54F 05/05 14:24
shortoneal: 這個人如果不是NBA球員就是那種最討人厭的朋友XD55F 05/05 14:24
sky070650: 免費仔哈哈56F 05/05 14:24
sam86716: 小李對隊友和球隊工作人員很好啊57F 05/05 14:24
acolam: 屌58F 05/05 14:24
gogojazz: netflix真的扯==59F 05/05 14:24
misomochi: 免費仔小李60F 05/05 14:25
orange7986: 硬頸!61F 05/05 14:25
CW4: 其實是傳簡訊問 搞不好是用免費的通訊軟體62F 05/05 14:26
peter89000: 想到當年字母哥打包休息室零食的故事63F 05/05 14:26
a2156700: 超級喜歡Netflix64F 05/05 14:26
frog0824: XDDDD65F 05/05 14:26
xeriom57042: 又一個免費仔66F 05/05 14:27
nkmm: Netflix可以當阿拓的贊助商了67F 05/05 14:27
windrain0317: 字母打包休息室零食,可愛吃免費雞翅68F 05/05 14:27
joe50333: 他現在代言N網 可以免費看到掛吧= =69F 05/05 14:27
windrain0317: 小李用免費Netflix70F 05/05 14:28
renu186667: 小李應該是那種對自己能省則省對別人大方的類型吧?球隊獎金都分給工作人員了71F 05/05 14:28
ji394tb: Netflix:送你終身會員73F 05/05 14:28
jim307prin: 叫做李哥的都是免費仔74F 05/05 14:29
TomBoHu: 他吃布丁會舔盖嗎75F 05/05 14:29
yoming: 李姓客家人76F 05/05 14:29
joy2105feh: NETFLIX還不趁機送免費會員打波廣告XDDD77F 05/05 14:29
eric0424tw: 李哥好省78F 05/05 14:30
IronicKnight: NBA春卷龍79F 05/05 14:30
Kobelikeshit: 如果能有這種本性,以後比較不會破產,一輩子無虞了80F 05/05 14:30
ja1295: 笑死   真的很省81F 05/05 14:30
maxliao: Faker也免費仔82F 05/05 14:31
dda: XDDDDDDDDD83F 05/05 14:31
Kobelikeshit: 但是用隊友的Netflix當免費仔不可取XDDDDD84F 05/05 14:31
lpmybig: 天真 我姆也是用lue的wifi密碼85F 05/05 14:31
kobelouli: Netflix 超好笑XDDD86F 05/05 14:32
bilibo: 最後那個蠻好笑的87F 05/05 14:32
Kobelikeshit: 當免費仔還打電話去問人家Netflix為啥不能看有夠哭88F 05/05 14:32
littlegreen: 客家人李性是大宗 無誤89F 05/05 14:33
Miyanishi25: NBA馬英九90F 05/05 14:33
DickCowBoy: 笑死哈哈哈91F 05/05 14:35
a2156700: 桃園李先生92F 05/05 14:35
s8900117: 勤儉是好事 但都這麼有錢 偶爾享受一下也好吧93F 05/05 14:35
j821005: 扯94F 05/05 14:36
nsmmsn: NBA朴英奎95F 05/05 14:36
tassadar1: NBA飛可  免費仔96F 05/05 14:36
brothers5023: 哈嘎李97F 05/05 14:38
phoenixamare: 推 根本順風婦產科的英奎98F 05/05 14:38
jacky841224j: 現在這麼多錢,該回饋給以前的隊友了吧99F 05/05 14:38
basketone: 我免費仔 我無敵222F 05/05 16:18
Myosotis: 無課玩家223F 05/05 16:19
hard9977: 哈哈..新省錢達人224F 05/05 16:20
retry3965: 免費仔225F 05/05 16:20
chaosde: 可是lillard不是代言Hulu嗎226F 05/05 16:21

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