看板 NBA
作者 balcony5566 (陽台五六)
標題 [情報] NBA計畫允許球員將球衣姓氏改為標語
時間 Sun Jun 28 14:04:20 2020


The NBA and NBPA are planning to allow players to replace the last name on
their jerseys with statement on social justice, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA

Shams Charania
The NBA and NBPA are planning to allow players to replace the last name on their jerseys with statement on social justice, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.


NBPA sent players initial details on the plan tonight, stating it is working
with the league and Nike. NBA and the players union have been discussing
various ways to allow players to express social justice issues in season

Shams Charania
NBPA sent players initial details on the plan tonight, stating it is working with the league and Nike. NBA and the players union have been discussing various ways to allow players to express social justice issues in season restart.https://twitter.com/shamscharania/status/1277083411832877056 …
The NBA and NBPA are planning to allow players to replace the last name on their jerseys with statement on social justice, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.

之前英超就有類似的新聞 想不到NBA也有行動了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1U-3BeDo (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1593324264.A.372.html
chewthelife8: TAIWAN NO.11F 06/28 14:06
lousen0068: Black > all2F 06/28 14:08
tomlee1130: 福利熊 熊福利3F 06/28 14:09
wayne0215: Bogut:NMSL,背號順便改644F 06/28 14:09
DogBe105: 說個笑話5F 06/28 14:09
XperiaZ6C: 信黑人,得永生6F 06/28 14:12
balcony5566: https://i.imgur.com/sYxUhrO.jpg 阿泰領先好幾年XD7F 06/28 14:15
Krishna: GOAT8F 06/28 14:15
love1500274: 這樣一日球迷 會認不出來球員吧9F 06/28 14:17
johnny000408: 推樓上10F 06/28 14:20
kooyoo1144: 上面可以放鳥人貼圖嗎 nlnlOeO11F 06/28 14:21
hanslins: 這個有啥問題?但自己背啥標語自己負責12F 06/28 14:21
fir1221: 笑死 到時候又要為玻璃破碎道歉了13F 06/28 14:23
js52666: 感謝您,習大哥!14F 06/28 14:24
utcn92: 萬一有人寫光復香港時代革命呢15F 06/28 14:24
linhank: 樓上想太多了...16F 06/28 14:26
PonyTail0901: 中國台灣一邊一國17F 06/28 14:27
spikes9933: 晚點一定有人被出征XDD18F 06/28 14:27
hanslins: 馬的!標語是世上只有一個**都比一邊一國有可能,共產黨買這個超划算的。這樣我只能反對到底了19F 06/28 14:30
GGdong: 最後一定變成廣告語或外宣21F 06/28 14:30
mercurycgt68: 期待海外賽出現中國一定強22F 06/28 14:32
bluestack: Morning9923F 06/28 14:37
kai08130623: shut up! Morey24F 06/28 14:39
gogojazz: 反正最後應該會被隊上老大壓迫改自己不想要的標語25F 06/28 14:41
johnli: 可以當廣告 球員爽賺一波26F 06/28 14:41
chh1470: 直接冠名NIKE27F 06/28 14:43
Toy17: 隔壁MLB還開放廠商代言可以貼在球衣上…28F 06/28 14:44
hank10228246: 名字有white的直接禁賽29F 06/28 14:49
WesleyKao331: 支持MK鳥人nlnlOeO31F 06/28 14:52
swooshwings: Mamba4Life感覺很棒32F 06/28 14:56
ButterflyBao: 取WuHan Virus 保證炸裂33F 06/28 14:58
kusami: White XD34F 06/28 15:05
OrzOTZorz: Kiss My ___35F 06/28 15:06
mikechang829: 請支援收銀銀銀銀銀36F 06/28 15:08
Tawara: 結果每個人都BLM 還要分長幼有序37F 06/28 15:10
bigpon: 球衣又可以多賣好幾種版本38F 06/28 15:11
ichunliu: 亂七八糟的...39F 06/28 15:25
Azabulu: 早說中職領先全球40F 06/28 15:26
SCLPAL: 表弟要抓誰沒BLM了嗎41F 06/28 15:27
chunyo0229: Say my name42F 06/28 15:27
Hohenzollern: S__k My D__k43F 06/28 15:29
wishxuso: 白邊:44F 06/28 15:32
a9564208: 高雄發大財45F 06/28 15:33
tottoko0908: 這樣季後賽球迷要怎麼雲比賽=  =46F 06/28 15:47
crusoe: 無聊,NBA官方自找苦吃47F 06/28 15:48
NanaoNaru: 皇上會很熱心幫你改他想的標語48F 06/28 15:49
BorisGhost: 聯盟真的自討苦吃 廣告商都白癡49F 06/28 15:52
nic3310: #blacklivesmatter投出精彩三分球!50F 06/28 15:52

作者 balcony5566 的最新發文: