看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [情報] Dwight Howard想去奧蘭多打復賽
時間 Thu Jul  2 20:48:05 2020

來源: UPI
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ycra6h6z
Los Angeles Lakers star Dwight Howard wants to play in NBA restart - UPI.com
Los Angeles Lakers center Dwight Howard wants to play in the NBA season restart this month in Orlando, Fla., and the team said it won't replace the ve ...


Lakers star Dwight Howard wants to play in NBA restart
湖人明星Dwight Howard想打復賽

July 2 (UPI) -- Los Angeles Lakers center Dwight Howard wants to play in the
NBA season restart this month in Orlando, Fla., and the team said it won't
replace the 16-year veteran despite some concern that he would opt out.
湖人中鋒Dwight Howard想去奧蘭多打NBA的復賽,儘管球隊對於他可能會選擇不打有些考

Howard in May called basketball and entertainment "distractions" amid the
Black Lives Matter social justice movement. He also cares for his 6-year-old
son, David, whose mother died in March.

"We've been in communication with Dwight the whole way with supportive phone
calls and text messages," Lakers coach Frank Vogel told reporters. "We don't
know what the level of participation is going to be yet. He wants to play.
We're hopeful that he's able to join us."
Frank Vogel跟記者說。「我們還不知道他會參與到甚麼程度,他想打,我們很希望他能夠

The NBA season has been suspended since mid-March due to the coronavirus
pandemic but is scheduled to resume July 30 at Disney's ESPN Wide World of
Sports Complex in Orlando. Some Lakers players reported to a pre-training
camp Wednesday in El Segundo, Calif., but Howard did not. The team plans to
fly to central Florida next week.
World Sports Complex重啟。一些湖人球員已經在星期三時到了加州El Segundo的賽前訓

Howard is in Georgia as he satisfies the NBA's home quarantine and testing
protocols for players who will participate in the season restart.

Lakers General Manager Rob Pelinka said the team is working with Howard's
agent, the league and the NBA Players Association to find a way for Howard to
report to the team. The 22 teams that plan to participate in the restart had
to submit rosters -- with a maximum of 17 players -- to the league by
湖人總管Rob Pelinka說球隊正在與Howard的經紀人,聯盟以及球員協會合作,想要找出方

"He has an extenuating circumstance that he's working with the league on in
terms of what that is ultimately going to look like," Vogel said. "But we're
hopeful and optimistic that he'll be able to join us in Orlando."


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toto3527: 之前不是要罷工?1F 07/02 20:48
dkl1027: 縮了2F 07/02 20:50
qazxsw123: 回頭了3F 07/02 20:50
chh1470: ?4F 07/02 20:50
love1500274: 圓夢列車 不輕易下車5F 07/02 20:51
idlewolf: 拼錢吧 他四處播種 光養孩子的錢就夠他頭痛了6F 07/02 20:52
davidex: 你不是很秋嗎lol7F 07/02 20:52
Pixis: 我本來想大聲斥責的8F 07/02 20:52
melzard: 啊不是要支持KI 怎麼突然轉彎惹9F 07/02 20:52
lkk88: davi大XDDDDD10F 07/02 20:57
lickllll: 現在要打又要拉掉一些可憐的打工球員11F 07/02 20:58
Antares: 想要戒指12F 07/02 21:00
firemm444: 本斥但香
好感度賺到了 可以回歸了13F 07/02 21:04
CW4: 他有一個六歲兒子的生母在五月剛過世....15F 07/02 21:08
Kazmier: 發現KI在胡扯  現在清醒了16F 07/02 21:08
kai08130623: 才不是,是被姆斯拉正好嘛17F 07/02 21:09
OPPAISuki: 需要錢了18F 07/02 21:11
augsammy: 有事嗎......反正他本來也就不是個發言聰明的球員19F 07/02 21:12
Myosotis: 一日背骨 終身背骨20F 07/02 21:13
CW4: 他的因素都讓我開始思考聯盟是不是該規劃要如何給予球員協助比較妥當 不是每個人都有適合幫忙照顧小孩的親人 幾個月真的有點久
之前也有傳出有球隊在向聯盟爭取季後賽第一輪就允許球員的一名親友進園區 這次是真的幸苦復賽的球員了21F 07/02 21:15
potterpig: 又拿不到冠軍26F 07/02 21:28
cross980115: DH是擔心小孩吧
錢他不會不夠啦 以前也是拿大約27F 07/02 21:28
crusaders811: 被詹牧師感化?29F 07/02 21:36
rocku112: 他再缺錢也比你有錢1000倍30F 07/02 21:38
percy90723: 2020了還有在幫魔獸擔心錢==31F 07/02 21:38
samsam80821: DH花費花滿兇的 想賺錢是有可能32F 07/02 21:38
CW4: 另外美國的週三要提交去奧蘭多的人員名單(不過聯盟有說不是確定的截止日) Vogel是講了他們沒任何打算把DH移出名單 這有些熱血啦 就是相信他最後會加入33F 07/02 21:40
wake00005: 毛一堆,好煩36F 07/02 21:52
wpd: 冠軍真香37F 07/02 21:52
xo45527788: 看看之前反對復賽不參加的有誰 而且原因是歧視38F 07/02 21:56
taker627: 魔獸是領底薪說他缺這底薪 我是不太信啦39F 07/02 21:57
prettyna: 影響詹皇奪冠 明年就真的可以退休了40F 07/02 21:58
johnny000408: 乖41F 07/02 21:58

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